Mist Robed Gate

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Which is more important: your desire or your life?

Your life's work, uniting warring kingdoms under a banner of peace and prosperity. Your one true love, a blind musician whose entire family was slaughtered by mercenaries. Your integrity, healing your name from the blood and bruises of a violent, reckless youth. Your freedom, forbidden to you by your iron-clad place in a privileged, insulated world.

You can never have both.

-Back cover text

Mist Robed Gate is a tabletop roleplaying game written by Shreyas Sampat which emulates emotionally difficult kung-fu action, such as Wuxia and some more Melodrama-inspired anime. Mist Robed Gate games almost always swing between Tear Jerker and Kill'Em All. And, of course, Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting in every game. It is available here.

Tropes used in Mist Robed Gate include:
  • Bloodless Carnage: Characters cannot die in fight sequences until a victor is decided, and a killing blow is delivered, so fights can easily descend into this.
  • Cherry Blossoms
  • Chewing the Scenery: As the outcome of fights is decided by the opinion of other players, this is a viable strategy.
  • Color-Coded Characters: Players select a color to represent their character, and are encouraged to work that color into any scenes in which they appear.
  • Cycle of Revenge
  • Dinner and a Show: The sourcebook contains a number of Asian recipes, and references the importance of having snacks on-hand whilst playing, and so anticipates most games to be this.
  • Empathic Environment: Each character has an associated Weather. When fighting, it is possible for this weather to be reflected in the environment.
  • Food Porn: Large chunks of the sourcebook are dedicated to recipes and tea preparation.
  • Honor Before Reason
  • Improvised Weapon
  • Nonverbal Miscommunication: When the knife is "sheathed" players are not able to make direct demands, and must rely on innuendo or facial expression, sometimes resulting in this.
  • Off the Table: Much of the game's "Knife Ritual" involves offers and counter offers. Not accepting an offer earlier could easily result in this occuring.
  • Secret Relationship
  • She Fu
  • Supernatural Martial Arts: The game has an emphasis on "wuxia" style combat that can often break into full-on supernatural.