One-Punch Man

Revision as of 19:13, 9 November 2017 by Looney Toons (talk | contribs) (Removed "trope" entry that linked to a now-deleted work page)

A parody of the super hero genre in which the protagonist is so OP that he can defeat any opponent with one punch. Originally it started as a webcomic by One, which in turn is being adapted into a manga by Yusuke Murata, which was in turn adapted into an anime by Madhouse.

Tropes used in One-Punch Man include:
  • All a Part of the Job Saitama losing his hair, he feels is all part of the job. "Train hard everyday until your hair falls out."
  • All Aliens Have Superpowers All monsters and aliens introduced seem to have some form of power beyond a normal human.
  • All According to Plan
  • Ass Pull The words of wisdom Saitama says to Genos. He DOES say some wise things, but he's secretly just making it up on the spot.
  • Ass in Ambassador Saitama always tries to convince his foes to stop or surrender, but if/when they don't listen, they get punched.
  • Ass in a Lion Skin Plenty of the heroes in the Hero's Association are fairly mean to people, including their fellow heroes, even if they are of the same rank.
  • Asshole Victim The villains don't tend to get much development for us to feel the least bit sorry for them when Saitama punches them.
  • All There in the Manual Saitama tells people the exact way he apparently got his powers, but no one ever believes him.
  • Badass SO many.
  • Badass Normal Several of the heroes are seemingly normal human beings, such as Mumen Rider, Tank-Top Tiger, and even the S-Class hero Metal Knight, who is actually just a seemingly normal human with high intelligence, but the bodies seen by the public are all robotic drones he sends out.
  • Calling All Heroes The Hero's Association works by recruiting heroes of all sorts into their ranks in order to organize and dispatch them to deal with threats as they come up.
  • Calling Your Attacks Everyone does it. Even Mumen Rider. Hell, even SAITAMA does it a couple times when he isn't using his most basic punch.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu? Saitama VS... Well... Anybody.
  • Exactly What it Says on the Tin One-Punch Man. He's a dude, and all his foes tend to die from a single punch. Which makes it that much more special when someone actually survives for more than one punch from him.
  • Exactly What I Meant to Say Saitama's words of wisdom to Genos. He's actually making things up as he goes, even if some of it is genuinely good/wise advice.
  • Exactly As Planned Saitama wanted to become a super hero, and he got everything he wanted... Except that he became TOO strong and has begun to lose touch with his humanity.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep" People tend to address heroes by their "hero names", such as "Tornado", "Metal Bat", "Metal Knight", "Tank Top Tiger", "Mumen Rider", and... "Caped Baldy".
  • Fanservice There's a bit for everybody in some form or another.
  • Fanservice Costumes One of the characters' "costume" is a prison uniform which he sheds when he unleashes his full power and proceeds to fight nude.
  • Flat Joy Saitama's expressions are this, especially early on.
  • For the Evulz A lot of the villains have pretty much no backstory or character development whatsoever, so their reasons for being evil and doing what they do tends to boil down to this. Justified though, because from a writing perspective, what's the point in developing a bunch of villains if they all end up dead from a single punch from the main character?
  • Going Commando One of the heroes has an "ultimate form" which features him buffing up his body and his clothes all explode from his body. Causing this.
  • Help Face Turn After Saitama (and Genos) wipe out all of the forces of the house of Evolution, the leader and his cyborg gorilla gave up the evil science bit and just opened a food stand.
  • Infinity+1 Sword Saitama's body and especially his fists. Any villain that shows up may be strong enough to give the other heroes trouble, but not Saitama. Hence the name of the whole series.
  • Jump Scare Saitama pulls one off on a moleman bad guy from the House of Evolution, seconds before he punched him.
  • Ki Attacks Some of the characters have energy-based attacks that seem like these.
  • Kick The Dog The villains LOVE doing this to everyone and anyone, and usually for no reason whatsoever than For the Evulz.
  • Look Behind You! Saitama gets into fights with many people who show off their power, fighting skill, and speed. Saitama dwarfs them all and pulls this off a lot. Even Genos has it happen and he nearly crapped his pants when Saitama seemed like he was going to punch him at "Kill Force".
  • Made of Explodium Things that Saitama punches enemies included, seem to be made of this, but that's not true. Instead, it's just that his punches are that strong.
  • No Sell Any attack on Saitama is too weak to cause him any damage.
  • No Sense of Direction Saitama gets lost a lot it seems, hence why he ends up taking so long to respond to some of the catastrophes and monster attacks that happen.
  • Over 9000 Whenever someone senses, witnesses, or tries to measure Saitama's power, it's always said to be limitless. His abilities even broke ALL records of the physical exam for entering the Hero's Association.
  • Peace Through Superior Firepower Part of the logic behind some of the actions of the members of the Hero's Association. Metal Knight seems to believe in this, although he never quite seems too into the "peace" part.
  • Quick Draw Genos' equipment transforms and fires pretty fast. Hence when he trains with Saitama, he tries to do this a lot.
  • Rank Inflation Saitama starts out as one of the lowest in the C-class heroes, but due to his capture of Sonic and destroying a giant meteor, he gets to near the top of the C-class ranks very quickly. To the point that some of the other heroes think he was cheating his way up the ranks and taking credit for the works of other higher ranked heroes. Leading to them beginning to spread rumors and wrecking his reputation.
  • Rank Up The Hero's Association uses a class and rank-based system which lets heroes move up the ranks by performing heroic deeds.
  • Something Something Leonard Bernstein: The theme song is mostly in Japanese but has a little english.
  • Terrorists Without a Cause Many of the monsters or villains that appear in the series have little to no reason, much less something close to justification for all the pain and suffering they inflict on people.
  • Victim Blaming Tank-Top Black Hole and his brother Tank-Top Tiger turned the citizens of City Z against Saitama after he got moved up the ranks for destroying the meteor (which also ended up damaging much of the city). They thought Saitama was cheating to move up the ranks, but he DID destroy the meteor. However, he felt being blamed for the meteor at all was stupid since it was the meteor that destroyed everything, not him, so if they had a problem, they should take it up with the damn meteor.
  • Won't Work On Me: Any attack that actually hits Saitama is almost certainly a No Sell.
  • World of Badass To the point where there's an entire hero organization and even it doesn't necessarily contain every hero of their world.
  • X Marks the Hero Some of the heroes have scars and marks with X shapes.
  • You Again People seeing Saitama tend to forget him, until after they see him in action doing what they deem impossible.
  • Your Best Shot Lots ask Saitama to go at them at full force. He never goes all out, and has never needed to.