Philip Marlowe was the creation of Raymond Chandler, and an original Trope Codifier of the Hardboiled Private Detective archetype. While his first official appearance was in the 1939 novel The Big Sleep, Chandler later adapted some of his short stories about similar detectives into longer novels.

In a World of dirty cops, femmes fatales, and a whole lot of murder, he faces the seamy underbelly of Los Angeles with nothing but a gun and his wits -- and their both pretty quick.

When he's not snarking or smoking, he enjoys a good game of chess or even some nice poetry.

Besides Chandler's works (and some other authors' take on the character as well), Marlowe has appeared in no less than 10 film adaptions, even more television and radio programs, and at least one video game.

Philip Marlowe is the Trope Codifier for:
Works about Philip Marlowe with their own trope pages:



Tropes used in Philip Marlowe include: