The Starlight series is a series of Fan Fics centered around the world of Lilo & Stitch: The Series.

Main series:

  • Starlight[1]: On the trail of Experiment 628, the gang are launched far into the future where they come across a far worse threat. Crossover with Star Trek.
  • Starry Nights (unpublished): Experiment 628 seeks revenge on the little girl who imprisoned him.
  • Aftermath (unpublished): Humanity has been enslaved by invaders from afar, and the only ones who can save them is a four-eyed alien and a little blue mutant dog. Crossover with Star Trek.
  • A War of Worlds (unpublished): A coup is enacted on the Galactic Federation, and the new leader isn't interested in peace in the slightest.

"Side" stories:

  • Alpha and Omega: The tales of Experiments 419 and 426 before Jumba's trial in the first movie.
  • Aliens!: Taking place after the episode "Spats", Lilo realises the ramifications of publishing an article about aliens in Kauai and tries to make sure no one reads it.
  • Alternates (unpublished): A freak lightning storm catapults Jumba, Pleakley, 419 and 426 into an alternate 'verse.
  • A Trip to Japan [2]: After Pleakley wins tickets in a raffle, the gang goes on vacation to Tokyo, Japan. Meanwhile, young Sakura Avalon has enough of a mess on her plate. Crossover with the Nelvana dub of Cardcaptor Sakura.

At least two stories are being rewritten due to some... unfortunate story-telling desicions. Starlight is on it's third rewrite, while it's second version is currrently over fifty chapters long, having been started in 2006; as a result, there is a stark difference between it's earliest and latest chapters. A Trip To Japan is around the same age, but hasn't been updated as much, and thus the difference in writing style is even more dramatic. However, neither rewrite has been completed nor published, and both of the previous versions are still being updated, in order to provide a baseline for the rewrites to work off of.

The Starlight series can be read the author's page at FanFiction.Net

Tropes used in Starlight Series include:

The series in general provides examples of:

Specific stories provide examples of:

Starlight/Lilo & Stitch's Star Trek

  • Air Vent Passageway: 419 and 426 use this to get to the shuttlebay on Jumba's ship, and to Jumba's cell on the Borg ship.
  • Angrish: 419, after seeing 426 being teased by Jumba.
  • Big Red Button: Multiple times:
    • Jumba uses such a button to start the take-off sequence for his ship.
    • Lilo later presses a small red button to start the hyperdrive.
    • 426 presses a glowing red button to sound the Intruder Alert.
    • Later, Jumba warns 426 against pressing the big red button in the shuttle, since it opens the air locks.
    • 419 spells out the trope in Chapter 46, when she suggests that 426 should press the red button on his walkie-talkie.
  • Comm Links: Jumba's 'enhanced' communicators.
  • Deflector Shields: Jumba describes having made a deflector shield for his ship to "repel incoming plasma torpedoes, tractor beams and baseballs annoying neighbour children keep on throwing on roof."
  • Enhance Button: Jumba's algorithms for cleaning up motion blur.
  • Inertial Dampening: 426 and Stitch forget to turn this on before gunning the ship at impulse power, resulting in a rather bumpy ride for everyone else.
  • Old School Dogfighting: Stitch and 628 have one early on, with Stitch commanding Jumba's ship and 628 the stolen police cruiser.
  • Rapid-Fire Typing: 419, when entering the parameters for the holographic model of the galaxy. Pleakley also gets a bit of this.
  • Red Alert: The Intruder Alert in Jumba's ship, which is manually activated by 426. Later, Captain Jameston's ship has an automatic red alert, which Jameston wanted deactivated due to it's annoyingness.
  • Shout-Out: To Star Trek: The Original Series, when 419 proclaims "I know this ship like the back of my hand!" And then gets hit on the head by an overhanging pipe.
  • Standard Starship Scuffle: Jumba and Jameston's ships versus the Borg Cube. Naturally, the Borg pretty much win this.
  • Tempting Fate: 419 lectures 426 over this after they try and land the shuttle on the Borg cube.
  • Time Travel: Naturally.

A Trip To Japan/Lilo & Stitch Go To Japan

Alpha and Omega


  • Fix Fic: At least at first - it starts off the day after the episode Spats, with Lilo waking up the next day realising how getting an article about aliens published in the local newspaper was a bad idea, and trying to fix things in her own quirky way.
  • Punch Clock Villain: The minions - ahem, employees of Eve Hill Corporation.
  • The Faceless: The aforementioned company's boss is always depicted in a darkened room.
  1. formally Lilo & Stitch's Star Trek
  2. formally Lilo & Stitch Go To Japan