Topic on Forum:Wiki Talk

Arromdee (talkcontribs)

TVT has a policy against using demotivators as page images. Some of the policy has made its way into the page text on Fauxtivational Poster.

Do we want to keep this policy?

I think the argument is that the demotivator doesn't add anything you couldn't get by using just the image, or in some cases, by using the image and replacing the demotivator caption with a regular caption.

(Or maybe we should just change it to say that it's strongly discouraged.)

GethN7 (talkcontribs)

I'm strongly against that TVT policy.

Demotivators can be funny IMO, and in some cases can clarify context, and as long as it fits the page topic, I see no issue in using them.

Part of the reason that policy was implemented was (as far as I'm aware) a Fast Eddie admin fiat against meme culture on the wiki, which was one of the reasons why TVT turned into Serious Business land.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Agreed. As long as we're not stepping on someone's copyright -- and face it, some Demotivators are copyrighted -- I'm perfectly happy with them.

Damian Yerrick (talkcontribs)

I was under the impression that the demotivator ban arose from accessibility issues. Text in an image is harder to read than text in the wiki markup. For one thing, it's blurrier, and for another thing, an assistive tool can't translate it into speech or Braille or Japanese. Is it that hard to crop out the text and turn it into an image caption?

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Now that's a fair point. Accessibility is a serious concern. The problem is that, with demotivators at least, the medium is part of the humor. I'm not sure how we can decouple the joke and the image in a way that will make sense for those who can't see the image. Then again, that's a concern for many non-demotivator page images with captions as well.

Labster (talkcontribs)

Guys, just make {{demotivator}} to wrap the image. Real text makes it more accessible.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Well, if you want to be all sensible about it... <grin>

Damian Yerrick (talkcontribs)

Your wish is my command. Your link is blue.

Labster (talkcontribs)

Improvified with some CSS. 8 years of college, man, I gotta use it somehow.

Damian Yerrick (talkcontribs)