Tribe Twelve/YMMV

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  • Fridge Brilliance: In the second submission, Noah asks Milo how Alabama was... And doesn't Slender Man stalk another guy from Alabama? Proximity sucks.
  • Fridge Horror: In HAPPYBIRTHDAY, we are given a shot looking straight at a mirror with The Observer in the mirror. However, the Observer has his hands to his sides in this shot. So, that brings up the question: who was holding the camera? Could this mean that the Observer's videos aren't actual footage, but rather his memories?
    • In Thanksgiving Footage Day 2, Noah is covered in blood after his encounter with the Observer. The only other people in the house he was in were the girl he was staying with and her father. Whose blood was that?
    • When the Observer hacked Noah's Formspring, he/it said that the blood was Noah's own.
      • The Observer has hacked Noah's Formspring again, on 11/11, and he said that not all of the blood was Noah's.
  • Gaslighting: Arguably The Observer's MO with Noah.
  • Growing the Beard: The early submissions are a little too reminiscent of Marble Hornets, and perhaps a little too realistic, with some Plot Holes that take you right out of the experience. Night Recordings and My Grandfather Karl have seriously turned the series around, however.
    • Please explain the aforementioned Plot Holes.
    • Word of God in this interview is that the series originally started as a Homage to Marble Hornets, but after it was posted on unfiction forums as a side-story and was critisised for being too similar to Marble Hornets Adam (Noah's actor) decided to expand the series to avoid having it go down in infamy.
  • Hell Is That Noise: Slender Man definitely likes scaring people with static.
    • The audio files on that broken cell phone in "Box Analysis" consist of rising and falling feedback, unfathomable clicking noises, and hysterical sobs and laughter.
    • "Box Analysis" also introduces a new sound to The Slender Man Mythos: creepy eating noises.
    • And as of Unknown Caller the same cell phone has gotten much, much worse, having received a call from someone or somthing despite having no service. The incident freaked Noah out so much that he destroyed the phone, one of his only leads.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: You're expecting anything different?
  • Idiot Plot: So, your friend is in town, who you've not seen in months and won't see again for months. You've only got a few days to spend together. However, you have a real jonesin' for some doritos. Naturally, you leave your friend (who's of course shown signs of being paranoid and possibly delusional) alone, at your house, with no mutual friends or family members to hang out with, rather than go to the store together. Oh and sure, leave him with your camera too.
    • The Thanksgiving episodes are even stranger. For one thing, why is Noah spending Thanksgiving with a strange "fan" rather than his family? And why would any "fan" who watches his channel and sees the shit going on in his life EVER want to be anywhere near him? And why did she never bother to ask anything about the mysterious events in his life?
  • Narm
    • The "eveything's so boring here" conversation in Submission 2.

Noah: "All people do around here is just come and fish and it's just really boring."
Milo: "I never saw the point in fishing. It's kinda boring."

    • Noah pulling out a switchblade and stalking around his house, stabbing at the bushes angrily.
    • I just had to postpone this video. For my sanity's sake.
    • Noah's Cluster F-Bomb tendencies veer in and out of this territory and Narm Charm.
    • The awkward, rushed, initial exchange that Noah has with Sarah's father in "Thanksgiving Footage: Day 2", can really only be explained by either terrible social skills, bad dialogue writing, or both.
    • Sarah's father also apparently slept through Noah's crazy screaming but woke up when he was packing to leave.
    • "I'm gonna shove it so far up your ass you're never gonna get it out!" (although that was probably supposed to come off as kind of pathetic)
    • Noah accusing The Observer of being a hipster in Halloween Hotel.
    • This troper thought the Jump Scare at the end of "Happy Birthday" was pretty Narmful. All I could think was AND THEN A SKELETON POPPPED OUT!
      • Also, whereas the jump scares at the end of The Observer's other videos were accompanied with screams, this one is accompanied with a Scare Chord... played on an electric guitar.
  • Narm Charm: Noah's constant cursing sometimes feels more like an endearing character quirk than bad acting. "Fucking fuck!" That's our Noah!
  • Nightmare Retardant: This April Fool's video parodying the Observer videos. It's in the same exact style, it's by the creator of Tribe Twelve, and it's just hilarious.
    • The third party of this series is called the Observer. Quickly subverted when you watch his video posts.
    • In November 11th, we see the Observer's face. That's all really creepy, until you realize he's been wearing zebra-print glasses this whole time....
      • Read the description of the video. That isn't the Observer, it's Noah's friend Kevin.
      • Dude, Kevin is the Observer.
  • Paranoia Fuel: After Night Recording, Noah no longer feels safe in his own home. Odds are, you won't either.
    • November 11th: The Observer's face appears under Noah's bed as he is captured. Have fun sleeping!
  • Recycled Script: The video in Box Analysis looks awfully similar to Entry 4 of Marble Hornets, right down to the swinging swings.
    • HELLOTHERE is pretty damn reminiscent of totheark's Entry ######; it's a strange and ominous black-and-white video posted on the protagonist's account, telling him to do stuff and threatening/warning him.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: The main strength of Tribe Twelve is the excellent Slenderman effects. In darkness, in motion, with tentacles waving around, it always looks good.
    • Taken Up to Eleven in Unknown Caller, which gives probably the best shot of Slenderman's tentacles of any series, with very fluid motion I might add. We don't get to see his main body, but that arguably makes it scarier.
    • HELLOTHERE has a visual style reminiscent of A Scanner Darkly. Slendy shows up in the last second of the video. Just to say hi. It is terrifying, as well as impressive.
      • The Ultimatum video from The Token Letter seems to be from the same person who made HELLOTHERE and looks just as good.
    • And now COMECLOSER continues with some frighteningly impressive video effects.
    • Nature Trail Visit has to be the Most Triumphant Example for this series. No less than FIVE shots of Slendy with tenatcles waving everywhere.
    • November 11th has a great shot of Firebrand that shows us that members of the Collective are always shrouded in darkness.