User talk:Geo Soul

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Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

There are some issues with your recent upload of the file OFB.jpg: It's missing a lot of information we are legally required or request as terribly useful. The most important of these is the license terms under which we can use the image. Please see the page All The Tropes:Uploading and Adding an Image to a Page, particularly the section "Licensing".

We really need you to provide at the very least the licensing information for this image. URLs to where it came from would be great, too, in case we have another instance where we lose images like has happened to us once before. Some idea of what work this image is from is also good. And finally -- it's not being used on any page. An unused image is likely to get deleted for wasting space and not serving any purpose.

Can you please take care of this in the next 48 hours or so? (Say, by 9 PM EDT on 14 July?) If you don't we'll have to delete the image to protect the wiki from legal liability.

Thank you!

-- Looney Toons, admin

CC: @Labster, @GethN7, @Robkelk, @QuestionableSanity, @Derivative, @SelfCloak

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Well, you got two more days' grace period, with no changes. Away to the circular file it goes. <plonk>

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)

oh dang sorry its been awhile since I was on here I forgot about that

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)

its been awhile since i've been on here can anyone give me a refresher course on how to make a tropes page?

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

We have a New Trope Checklist here.

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)

ok thanks

Transdimensional Alternative

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

I'm sorry, but I've rejected this new page because a) it consists of only one paragraph (which is a single massive run-on sentence lacking any punctuation along with a bare URL dropped in the middle) and one trope, and b) it's missing a lot of required markup, for some reason you've used the work title as the page type template, and the one paragraph of its main text is explicitly marked up with the code and nowiki attributes, so it will appear as a single block of unformatted typewriter-style text.

Please reread our Works Page Guidelines and Style Guide before you recreate and resubmit this page.

-- Looney Toons, admin

CC: @Labster, @Robkelk, @QuestionableSanity, @Derivative, @SelfCloak, @GethN7

How to make a tropes Page

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)

its been awhile since i've been on here can anyone give me a refresher course on how to make a tropes page?

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Sure! In the menu on the left edge of the page, open up the "Troping Utilities" section if it isn't already open. Click on "Trope Workshop". In the page that opens, look for the input box which reads "Enter new trope name"; enter a new trope name there. Then press the big blue "Create a new trope" button that will light up. You will be placed in an edit window with a template -- the skeleton for a new trope -- in place. There are helpful hints in the template about what the various parts are or do, or how to work with them. Pay attention to them. Don't delete something just because you don't understand what it is or what it does. If you do, I guarantee that your trope page will be broken in some way.

Before you start working on your trope, though, I suggest reading the following pages:

Hope that helps!

-- Looney Toons, admin

I've moved the page "Lincoln's Reign"...

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

...into your user sandbox (here, but you can also reach your sandbox through the link at the top of the page) because you created it in the template namespace, which is reserved by the MediaWiki engine for specialized wiki tools.

In the future, when creating pages, please use the ATT Page Creator, which you can also find linked under "Troping Utilities" in the site menu to the left. There you can enter a page name for a work and press a button, and be presented with a properly marked up page waiting for your content. I also suggest that you look through our Works Page Guidelines and Style Guide to help you understand how we do things here and what we expect in a properly-formatted page.

Further, please do not post incomplete or fragmentary pages into the main namespace -- please whip them into shape offline first, or create them in your sandbox. Incomplete, fragmentary or otherwise unusable pages will be deleted.

Please reply to this thread to let us know you've looked at those guides and understand why we've moved your page and what's needed for it to be acceptable. If you don't reply by the end of the weekend, say early evening Eastern Daylight Time on 3 May, you will receive a non-punitive "attention-getter" tempban in the hopes it will draw your attention here.

-- Looney Toons, admin

CC: @Labster, @GethN7, @Robkelk, @QuestionableSanity, @Derivative, @SelfCloak

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Okay, no response and no evidence that you've been back in the last two days. I'm jumping the gun a little but I don't think it makes much difference -- I'm imposing a 2-week "attenion-getter" block on you in the hopes that it will still be in effect the next time you come back. If we don't hear from you by May 17th, though, I'm going to assume you're a Drive-By Updater and delete your unformatted fragment of a page.

-- Looney Toons, admin

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the heads up sorry it took me awhile to respond I've been busy with work

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)

Ok thank you for the heads up

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

You're welcome. Have you looked at the pages I linked to up above?

-- Looney Toons

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)

yes and honestly I got a little confused

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Can you tell us what's confusing you? We're happy to help.

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)

well I read the info but I'm still not sure on how to make a works page

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Might I suggest starting by looking at pretty much any other work page on the wiki, and then at what's in your sandbox? And noting what's different between them?

The actual creation of a page with all the boilerplate markup in place is very easy.

  1. Go to the menu along the left edge of the page.
  2. If it's not already open, click on "Troping Utilities" to open that submenu.
  3. Click on "ATT Page Creator".
  4. On the page that appears, put your cursor in the input box that reads "Enter new work name". Type in the name you want the page to have.
  5. Click the button marked "Create Works Page"
  6. An editor page will open with a works page template in place.

Now go back to the Works Page Guidelines and read through the New Work Checklist section, and do everything in it that applies to the work you're trying to write a page for.

Protip: A work page is more than a dozen tropes without markup. You may not have noticed, but works pages always start with a description of the work. You will have to write one. A work page without a description will be deleted. No argument.

Protip: Trope names must be marked up with the link markup and a bullet. A bare list like what you have in your sandbox? If you dump something like that into a page and leave it that way... well, if you're lucky and the list is short, a friendly admin might do your work for you. If the list is long, the page will probably be deleted for not meeting our style and content guidelines and being too much effort to fix.

If you don't understand what something in the works page template does, do not delete it. Ask someone, either in the forums or by saving your work page and putting a question on its talk page. There are some helpful notes written into the template that address the stuff at the bottom of the page. Read them.

Go back to the Works Page Guidelines as needed to get an idea of what to do where. At a bare minimum, a work page needs:

  1. A description identifying the work, where it's to be found, who wrote or starred in it, and a reasonable summary of what it's about and why it's of interest. Don't give away the ending. It must be longer than a few sentences. If you can't say more than 100 words about a work, why are you even writing about it?
  2. At least a dozen tropes (and preferably more) applying to the work, with explanations why they apply. Tropes need to be marked up -- the value of a wiki is in its interconnections, and leaving off link markup makes your work valueless.
  3. We require that the description and the trope list be in proper English, grammatically correct, spelled correctly, and in full sentences. If you are not a native speaker of English and/or lack confidence in your writing, have someone you trust check your work. A page which cannot be understood communicates and contributes nothing, and is at risk of deletion if a moderator decides it can't be saved.
  4. Categories identifying the medium, genre and other relevant attributes of the work.
  5. Correct markup on everything. This cannot be emphasized enough.

-- Looney Toons

CC: @Labster, @GethN7, @Robkelk, @QuestionableSanity, @Derivative, @SelfCloak

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)

Well I tried my best and again if I did anything wrong please feel free to correct me

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)

Ok I think I get it a little better now but on the off chance I make a mistake feel free to correct it.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Yes, you made mistakes. No, I am not going to fix it for you. It is your responsibility.

I can only assume from looking at your page that you have essentially ignored everything I wrote above. I can also only assume you have not looked at any other work page on the site.

Your description is thirteen words long -- did you see above where I said "If you can't say more than 100 words about a work, why are you even writing about it?" You don't even provide a link to the work -- and it's your own story, I would presume you actually know where it is on the web. Your trope "list" is a solid block of TL;DR without line breaks. Nothing is marked up.

Look at another work page -- any other work page. Make your page look like it.

-- Looney Toons

CC: @Labster, @GethN7, @Robkelk, @QuestionableSanity, @Derivative, @SelfCloak

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

Following up on what @Looney Toons said above...

We've had a rash of people creating pages for non-existent "works" lately, so any work page that doesn't identify where to find the work in question is treated with suspicion. You really should add that link that Looney Toons requested.

Also, while "Making an honest mistake" is specifically listed as something that does not warrant having your account temporarily blocked, "Refusing to learn from honest mistakes, or repeatedly making the same honest mistake after it's been pointed out" is grounds for a temporary block.

You've been online here at least twice since Looney Toons brought this to your attention, and you haven't edited the page at all. Please make the edits.

This is not an official warning. Yet.

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)

Ok I looked over everything and I think I finally got the gist of it except for one thing how exactly do I make the listed tropes green? that's something I still don't understand I mean I know where I went wrong but that's still the one thing I can't grasp.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

Put two sets of square brackets around the names, like this: [[Adult Fear]]

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)

Oh ok thanks for that

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

You might want to add back in all the page markup you deleted (by accident?) that had been there before your last "fix". You will also want to warn readers that the story is NSFW.

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)

Gotcha so am I doing good so far?

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)


Have you looked at any other work page on the wiki?

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)

Yes I have

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Do you notice any differences between them and your page?

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)

yes they had tropes tabs for YMMV and WMG and trivia

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Do you see any tabs at all on yours?

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)

No I do not

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Make a guess why not.

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)

because I edited something wrong?

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Because your page is lacking all necessary markup needed to make it look like an All The Tropes page. It had it for a little while, and then you deleted it all.

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)

oh oops so hw do I get those markups back?

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

You might look at the source for another work page and try to figure out what it has that your page doesn't.

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)

ok I've checked other pages and the only thing I've noticed is the categories being different

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

Look at the top of the other pages, not the bottom

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)

ok i'll try

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)


GethN7 (talkcontribs)

Let me add a few more things.

We don't add Complete Monster examples. Period. Don't attempt to re-add them.

Second, I deleted the pages you created poorly with no formatting. Either work on them in your sandbox until they look proper or use the page creator to set all the appropriate markup then add content. We try to keep things neat and tidy around here, please do not leave a mess.

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)

Ok thanks for the heads up I'll remember that. also let me just say thank you to you admins for helping me I know it must've been a little irritating for you to do so but I appreciate that you all took the time to walk me through this.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

I've been meaning to make a page for one of my favorite bands for a while, so I went ahead and made one as an example of what a draft page should look like. Here's a link to the first-draft version of the page, as an example of the kinds of things that should be on a page from day one. (Although that page also has an image.)

Note the tags at the top and the middle of the page, and the "reflist" tag just before the categories at the end of the page. Those are the things that make a page look like an All The Tropes page.

EDIT: And as soon as I wrote that, I realized I forgot to put one tag at the end of the page... which I've fixed now, but that won't show up in the link above.

Geo Soul (talkcontribs)

Thanks it's great to have an example in case I decide to make another works page.

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