User talk:Redmondeous23

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Your proposed edit to Animation Age Ghetto has been rejected in Moderation...

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

...because all it did was add Word Cruft. There is absolutely zero reason to change "children's entertainment" to "the entertainment of children under the age of 12" unless you're being paid by the word.

Please read the Word Cruft page so that you know what we don't want to see on All The Tropes.

@Redmondeous23 @Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk

Your proposed edit to Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy has been rejected for technical reasons

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

You ran afoul of what appears to be a glitch in the system that replaces wiki markup with its HTML equivalent, stripping out desired whitespace and occasionally getting bullet-point indentations incorrect. Because of all of the changes that the software glitch added, we can't tell what your proposed change was.

You're welcome to resubmit the change. If it doesn't run up against the same software glitch, we'll review it then.

--Robkelk, admin


Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Your resubmission of your edit was also corrupted. Might we suggest resubmitting again using the Source Editor ("Edit source" in the top-of-page menu) instead of using the Visual Editor ("Edit")? We know that the Visual is responsible for this behavior and are encouraging users to stay away from it while we attempt to have it removed from the wiki.

-- Looney Toons, admin

Your proposed edit to Skatoony/YMMV has been rejected in moderation...

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

... because you gave no reason -- convincing or otherwise -- why the entry you want to remove should be removed.

We have a banner that appears every time somebody edits a YMMV subpage:

Expect to see things that you don't agree with on YMMV pages. They're there because these are YMMV pages, and they should stay there unless they break the wiki's rules. Deleting YMMV entries because you disagree with them will result in a temporary ban at the least.

The fact that you chose to ignore one of the wiki's rules in your first edit on the wiki does not reflect well on you. We've seen this sort of behaviour many times before from wiki vandals, but only rarely from actual Tropers.

I'm not going to give you a tempban this time. However, I am going to put you On Notice, as per All The Tropes:How We Do Bans Around Here. If you attempt to delete a trope from a YMMV page without a convincing reason, you will be tempbanned.

Please read all four of the pages linked from All The Tropes:The Troper's Code -- these are core policies of the wiki.

--Robkelk, admin

@Redmondeous23 @Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak

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