You Are What You Hate/Quotes

The Fascists of the future will call themselves anti-Fascists.
The people who have shown the best understanding of Fascism are either those who have suffered under it or those who have a Fascist streak in themselves.
As it is our common destiny to become that which we most loathe, so I have become that most wretched and predictable thing, a professional writer.
John Hodgman, The Areas of My Expertise
Battle not with monsters, lest you yourself become a monster.

…he erected his war upon holiness, toward the end, into a sort of holy war.

"Kon mangel te kerel tumendar roburen chi shocha phenela tumen o chachimos pa tumare perintonde -- He who wants to enslave you will never tell you the truth about your forefathers."
Romani proverb
"Now you've become the very thing you swore to destroy."
He knew that, at heart, he was a rapist. And that meant he hated rapists more than any "normal" human being.
At this point, can we just assume if you’re a “Family Values” male Republican you’re either having an affair or are gay?
You dare speak his name. You dare besmirch it with your filthy, halfblood tongue!

Biological immune systems make all kinds of mistakes. Presumably the same is true of memetic immunology. After all, what was the Inquisition thinking? They thought of heresy exactly the same way Professor Dawkins thinks of religion: as a sort of mental virus, whose eradication, while unavoidably painful, would bring peace and sanity.
In memetic immunology, it’s often very difficult to distinguish parasite from counterparasite. When we see two populations of memes in conflict, we know both cannot be healthy, because a healthy meme is true by definition and the truth cannot conflict with itself. However, we might very well be watching two parasites competing with each other. They will certainly both claim to represent truth, justice and the American way.