Astral Journey: It's Complicated

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Revision as of 11:44, 26 November 2018 by (talk) (Add more tropes)

An Alternate Universe/Elsewhere Fic Spice Girls FIC, about the narrator, Emma, a football (soccer) player explaining about the pitch accident that changed her life. The story is found here

Tropes used in Astral Journey: It's Complicated include:
  • Actually Pretty Funny : Emma found Paul's joke funny despite being scolded for saying it.
  • Annoying Patient: Downplayed version when it came to Geri, who keeps seeking out. All she just want is to see how Emma was doing.
    • Melanie, on the other hand, tries to escape as she refuse to accept that she has an issue.
  • Astral Projection: Emma gains this ability.
  • Badass Normal: Pretty much… everyone has at least one.
  • Bungled Suicide: Emma notices that Victoria had cuts on her wrist… leading to this conclusion.
  • Convenient Coma: Emma spreads two weeks in a coma, yet struggles upon waking up.
  • Darker and Edgier: Detail to Emma’s injuries, witnessing a friend being given a powerful electric shock. The video clip that Emma talks about could give some a clue.
  • Hollywood Heart Attack: Victoria has this off-screen, while Melanie has two of them.
  • Hurt-Comfort Fic
  • Idiot Ball: Getting a poll that’s still electrified… pretty stupid.
  • Major Injury Underreaction: A broken arm isn't going to stop Brandy from saving her friends.
  • Mundane Luxury: Emma drinks a cup of water rather fast. Considering she had her jaws wired, she considers it a welcome change.
  • No Name Given: Emma is never mentioned, as she's the narrator.
  • Not Quite Dead: Emma, Geri, and Brandy to a degree all get hit by a out-of-control car, which hits a lighting pole... creating a powerful discharge.
  • Plucky Girl: Emma doesn't let the pain stop her.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Brandy may be seen as gentle lady, worried for Emma. Hence, the reason for her helping with getting both Geri and Emma to the safety despite a broken arm.