Blue Planet

—Automated transmission from a ship gutted by a GTVA beam cannon
    • Also, explore the jump flash at the end of Ken. Don't jump out right away...
  • Player Punch: And how! Most notably the 14th battlegroup seeing the ruined alternate universe Earth for the first time, seeing again how Samuel Bei lost his wife and his mother, the murder of Elder Taudigani, and Admiral Steele executing his Xanatos Gambit against the player's task force and finally the last minute Heroic Sacrifice of the Yangtze.
    • Let's not forget shooting down Xinny and Zero, SOC heroes of the Second Shivan Incursion, who were only trying to rescue their commander. At least the UEF pilots have no idea what they are trying to do, given that they think that there were nothing of interest as far as they are concerned in the cruiser's cargo.
  • Rooting for the Empire: The fandom has a very large contingent of GTVA supporters.
    • This was, incidentally, absolutely intended by the writers, who wanted to portray a war in which there is no obvious "good" or "bad" side.
  • Tear Jerker: Xinny and Zero's radio chatter as you kill them is positively heartbreaking, more so because it's all your fault.
  • That One Level: Forced Entry.
    • Subverted in that many players consider it to be one of the best missions ever made.