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* Sabrina was immensely unpopular thanks to her immaturity, bitchiness, and overall [[Drama Queen|diva-like]] personality, inability to get along with her teammates, and for being another Elimination Houdini despite being utterly clueless at best. She is often rated almost on par with Elise among the most hated contestants ''Hell's Kitchen'' has ever had. That said, she did have flashes of talent when she decided to play ball with her team.
* Sabrina was immensely unpopular thanks to her immaturity, bitchiness, and overall [[Drama Queen|diva-like]] personality, inability to get along with her teammates, and for being another Elimination Houdini despite being utterly clueless at best. She is often rated almost on par with Elise among the most hated contestants ''Hell's Kitchen'' has ever had. That said, she did have flashes of talent when she decided to play ball with her team.
* Then there is Russell, who started off alright, but soon devolved into a rude, arrogant [[Jerkass|jackass]] who often got into arguments with his team, at one point even threatening to beat up Rob, and destroyed his team's morale in the season finale, and pulled in one of the worst final services in the show's history. What's more, Russell is currently the only runner up who acted like a [[Sore Loser|sore loser]] and even vowed to blackball his team for [[Never My Fault|making him lose]], despite doing a fine job of that himself.
* Then there is Russell, who started off alright, but soon devolved into a rude, arrogant [[Jerkass|jackass]] who often got into arguments with his team, at one point even threatening to beat up Rob, and destroyed his team's morale in the season finale, pulling in one of the worst final services in the show's history. What's more, Russell is currently the only runner up who acted like a [[Sore Loser|sore loser]] and even vowed to blackball his team for [[Never My Fault|making him lose]], despite doing a fine job of that himself.

=== Season 9 ===
=== Season 9 ===
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* Brendan was disliked for his unbearable ego and his attempt to lie to Ramsay about his raw bass. Thankfully, he was gone after the second episode.
* Brendan was disliked for his unbearable ego and his attempt to lie to Ramsay about his raw bass. Thankfully, he was gone after the second episode.
* Carrie was also disliked for being a consistently weak performer, cluelessness, and her never ending feud with...
* Carrie was also disliked for being a consistently weak performer, cluelessness, and her never ending feud with...
* ...Elise, whom everyone considers the all time Scrappy Queen. Elise is hated by fans, and fellow contestants for her over-inflated ego, bossy nature, constantly blaming others for her mistakes, unrivalled hypocrisy, her aforementioned feud with Carrie, and for being the definitive Elimination Houdini the show had ever seen, surviving elimination after elimination over more level headed/likable contestants like Jamie and, controversially, surviving over Natalie the same episode she tries to lie to Chef Ramsay's face about her badly cut beef wellingtons. Her domineering attitude came to its apex just before the first black jacket service where her confrontational nature very nearly caused Will to quit in frustration. While she definitely had potential to be a great chef (after all, she wasn't completely useless), but her horrendous attitude made her a nightmare to work with, and therefore she wasn't head chef material.
* …Elise, whom everyone considers the all time Scrappy Queen. Elise is hated by fans, and fellow contestants for her over-inflated ego, bossy nature, constantly blaming others for her mistakes, unrivalled hypocrisy, her aforementioned feud with Carrie, and for being the definitive Elimination Houdini the show had ever seen, surviving elimination after elimination over more level headed/likable contestants like Jamie and, controversially, surviving over Natalie the same episode she tries to lie to Chef Ramsay's face about her badly cut beef wellingtons. Her domineering attitude came to its apex just before the first black jacket service where her confrontational nature very nearly caused Will to quit in frustration. While she definitely had potential to be a great chef (after all, she wasn't completely useless), but her horrendous attitude made her a nightmare to work with, and therefore she wasn't head chef material.

=== Season 10 ===
=== Season 10 ===

* Royce was widely disliked for his incompetence and generally whiny attitude.
* Tavon is another short-lived example due to his immense ineptitude despite being an executive chef, and of course laughing at Chef Ramsay when being chewed out for his awful performance.
* Then we have what might as well be "Hell's Bitches 2.0", consisting of Robyn, Kimmie, and Tiffany.
** Robyn was overly loud, aggressive, and needlessly confrontational, as well as bitching and whining about her teammates, whether she was on the red team or the blue.
** Kimmie was hated for being of the most foul-mouthed contestants ever, as well as her penchant for picking on Barbie for no apparent reason (mind you, Robyn and Tiffany are guilty of this, too) and constantly hammering in that she is "[[Southern Belle|from the south]]".
** Tiffany is one of the laziest, most dispassionate contestants ever to set foot in Hell's Kitchen, making the most elementary of mistakes like preparing fresh garnish in a filthy pan, digging a knife into a wellington after licking said knife, and burning mashed potato. She was that sloppy that Chef Andi wound up kicking her out at one point, and her 9th place elimination was incredibly satisfying to many.

=== Season 11 ===

* Gina is frequently likened to a female version of Raj, only she wasn't as entertaining and was more annoying than anything else.
* Danielle was also disliked for simply using her lack of line experience as a crutch for her poor performances despite being an executive chef.
* The biggest scrappy of Season 11 is Dan, who was incredibly immature, frequently blamed his teammates for his mistakes, and showing a terrible attitude in the final service that not only got him thrown out by Mary, but his poor showing also potentially cost her the win. Not even his apology to Mary nor his promise to make it up to her have done much to soften opinions of him.
* There's also Zach, who started off alright, but his arrogant nature skyrocketed in the later stages while his performances nosedived. Opinions of him also soured when he successfully sabotaged Ray and got him eliminated.
* Nedra was disliked for punctuating virtually everything she said with "[[This Is for Emphasis, Bitch|bitch]]", inconsistent performances, and manipulative tendencies.

=== Season 12 ===

=== Season 13 ===

* JP and JR are disliked in equal measures by being inept and not owning their mistakes. Gordon even gave them the nicknames "Just Pathetic" and "Just Ridiculous" respectively.
* Kalen was also disliked for her delusional view of herself and throwing her teammates under the bus.

=== Season 14 ===

* Monique was quickly disliked for making fun of Alison's Jamaican accent, arguing with Gordon over the use of pre-packaged ingredients during the Signature Dish challenge, [[Wounded Gazelle Gambit|playing the victim]] when she's called out and constantly butting heads with her teammates even when they tried to help her.
* Michael was a short-lived example, but he got flack for his dangerous kitchen practises by placing a smoking hot pan on top of some cold fish pans that would've given either Josh or Brett a third degree burn had Chef Ramsay not caught him in the act.
* Josh is often compared to Season 12's Anton: both started out as likable guys, but their egos rose and their skills dropped, both of which got worse when transferred to the Red Team.

=== Season 15 ===

* While not the most hated chef in the show's history, Alan wasn't very popular as fans found his jokes and antics more annoying than funny.
* Frank gives Jason Underwood from Season 4 competition as the most sexist contestant in the show's history. He constantly shit-talks the women, is actively hostile towards Manda when she joined the Blue Team, and openly admitted to having an issue women in general; so much so that he was released from his position in the Baltimore Marines after his sexist remarks were investigated.
* Dannie gained a slew of detractors when she showed as horrible attitude during the final service in which she [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here|walked out mid-service]] after being chewed out for her improperly cooked proteins. She already had a few haters before that because of her confrontational behaviour towards other chefs, most notably Hassan when he transferred to the Red Team.

=== Season 16 ===
Season 16 was filled with all kinds of ugly personalities, especially coming from the Blue Team. This is a key reason why this particular season is held in such a low regard.

* Matt was a arrogant jerkass who reacted poorly to criticism and would try to blame others for his mistakes. His final confessional where he outright told the camera he would beat the shit out of Gordon Ramsay if they met in public sealed everyone's view of him.
* Andrew was disliked for taking the opportunity to take smack to the women, his inconsistent performance, and his showmance with Heather while he was allegedly engaged certainly don't help.
* Paulie was often derided for his whiny attitude and habit of blaming his teammates for his mistakes, despite starting off as an alright guy. This status has died off a bit after the news broke that he had passed away just a few months after the show aired.
* But the worse of them however, was Johnny. Like Paulie, he started off okay, but he quickly showed his true colours when he started bullying the ladies and making them cry, something he admitted to enjoy doing. There's also his inconsistent performances and ignoring Shaina's suggestion to sear off the sea bass in his last service that screwed the Blue Team royally while he also refused to own up to it. Is it any wonder Gordon eliminated him without giving him a chance to plead his case?
* On the women's side, we have Gia, who was a massive drama queen, had a poor attitude towards her teammates, and of course, lying about slicing her finger off.
[[Category:Pages Original to All The Tropes]]
[[Category:Pages Original to All The Tropes]]

Latest revision as of 15:52, 19 February 2023

Being a reality show, Hell's Kitchen to undoubtedly prone to featuring at least two or three contestants that very, very few people like. Reasons can vary, from ineptitude in the kitchen, unpleasant personalities, or a mixture of both, the following list will feature contestants that few will have any kind words for.

Season 1

  • Andrew was disliked by the fandom for being an ass towards the other contestants, and even earned his rep early on by being smarmy with Chef Ramsay during the signature dishes.
  • Jeff, mainly for his foul temper, penchant for using his lack of kitchen experience to excuse his poor performances, and his Rage Quit.

Season 2

  • Sara is considered the least likable contestant of Season 2 for her manipulative behaviour, and unpleasant attitude in general. Many fans also dislike her for taking pleasure in watching other cooks get yelled at by Chef Ramsay, as seen when the camera cuts to her smirking when this happens.

Season 3

  • The trio of Tiffany, Joanna, and Melissa, nicknamed "Hell's Bitches" by Chef Ramsay. The former two were hated by the fandom for constantly picking on fan favourite Julia for her culinary background as a Waffle House chef, while the latter got bitchier and bitchier as the competition went on.
  • On the men's side, we have Josh, mostly for his consistently terrible performances during challenges and services, and for being an Elimination Houdini having made it to Black Jackets despite his poor service record.

Season 4

Corey and Bobby received this status at first, but once they got their attitudes in check, they gradually moved away from it and got better later on. However, the same thing can not be said for half of this season's competitors:

  • Jen is widely regarded by many as the prototypical reality show bitch for her cocky attitude, chronic backstabbing, underhanded attempts to get ahead, and sucking up to her superiors. Worth mentioning is that she wasn't any better when she came back a decade later.
  • Craig was unpopular for his nasty temper, and general ineptitude during both challenges and services.
  • Jason was completely useless during services, lazy, and thick headed. He is also regarded by most as quite possibly the most sexist contestant in the show's history, frequently boasting about how the men will kick the women's asses simply because they were men, among other disparaging remarks.
  • Ben constantly tried to blame his mistakes on inexperience (or "different techniques" as he puts it), as well as bullying the other contestants, particularly Matt.
  • Speaking of Matt, he very rarely smiled, was downright creepy at times, blamed others for his mistakes, and had a hard time taking criticism, however mild it may have been. Saying that he had "no shame in working with women" probably soured the audience's perception of him further.
  • Rosann gradually got worse and worse as the competition went on, and eventually began to run the Red Team like a high school clique. Her mistakes became more and more glaring later on, to the point where Corey, who started off as a Scrappy herself, decided she couldn't handle the former's mistakes any longer.

Season 5

  • Lacey was widely hated for her constant whinging, horrible attitude, and her "give up before you even try" approach to the services. She also tended to blame her bad performances on her lack of kitchen experience. That last one was likely instrumental in Ramsay changing the rules for next season onwards, making it a requirement that future candidates have a minimum of two years professional kitchen experience.
  • The rivals of Season 5, Carol and Andrea, were massively unpopular for their constant feuding throughout the contest, often blaming each other for their mistakes whenever they fuck up. Not helping them in at least bit is that they were also equally unlikable when you get them on their own. This is something that at least kept Suzanne and Tennille from being full blown scrappies in Season 6; they at least seemed decent enough individually despite their flaws.
  • Very few people liked Seth, either. He came off as clueless, apathetic, and a bit of a suck-up and even a stalker when he named Chef Ramsay's children. Fortunately for the audience, Seth was booted at the end of the 4th episode.

Season 6

  • Louie is probably the shortest lived Scrappy in the show's history. He was completely inept, came across as a sexist pig in his confessionals, and his horrendous attitude. His worst qualities ultimately culminated in the fastest non-medical exit from the competition in the show's history, having been kicked out before the first service had even ended.
  • Lovely was also unpopular for her inability to own up to her mistakes, laziness, and consistently poor performances.
  • Joseph however, takes the cake. While he seemed like a competent cook, he quickly dashed any potential chance of winning almost immediately with his dreadful attitude, in which he was openly against going on reward trips, needlessly confrontational with Chef Ramsay, and inability to follow basic instructions. The crème de la crème though when he outright challenged Chef Ramsay to a fight during elimination. and was promptly shown the door for his lack of respect.

Season 7

Almost half of Season 7's roster have earned this status of various reasons:

Season 8

  • Sabrina was immensely unpopular thanks to her immaturity, bitchiness, and overall diva-like personality, inability to get along with her teammates, and for being another Elimination Houdini despite being utterly clueless at best. She is often rated almost on par with Elise among the most hated contestants Hell's Kitchen has ever had. That said, she did have flashes of talent when she decided to play ball with her team.
  • Then there is Russell, who started off alright, but soon devolved into a rude, arrogant jackass who often got into arguments with his team, at one point even threatening to beat up Rob, and destroyed his team's morale in the season finale, pulling in one of the worst final services in the show's history. What's more, Russell is currently the only runner up who acted like a sore loser and even vowed to blackball his team for making him lose, despite doing a fine job of that himself.

Season 9

  • Brendan was disliked for his unbearable ego and his attempt to lie to Ramsay about his raw bass. Thankfully, he was gone after the second episode.
  • Carrie was also disliked for being a consistently weak performer, cluelessness, and her never ending feud with...
  • …Elise, whom everyone considers the all time Scrappy Queen. Elise is hated by fans, and fellow contestants for her over-inflated ego, bossy nature, constantly blaming others for her mistakes, unrivalled hypocrisy, her aforementioned feud with Carrie, and for being the definitive Elimination Houdini the show had ever seen, surviving elimination after elimination over more level headed/likable contestants like Jamie and, controversially, surviving over Natalie the same episode she tries to lie to Chef Ramsay's face about her badly cut beef wellingtons. Her domineering attitude came to its apex just before the first black jacket service where her confrontational nature very nearly caused Will to quit in frustration. While she definitely had potential to be a great chef (after all, she wasn't completely useless), but her horrendous attitude made her a nightmare to work with, and therefore she wasn't head chef material.

Season 10

  • Royce was widely disliked for his incompetence and generally whiny attitude.
  • Tavon is another short-lived example due to his immense ineptitude despite being an executive chef, and of course laughing at Chef Ramsay when being chewed out for his awful performance.
  • Then we have what might as well be "Hell's Bitches 2.0", consisting of Robyn, Kimmie, and Tiffany.
    • Robyn was overly loud, aggressive, and needlessly confrontational, as well as bitching and whining about her teammates, whether she was on the red team or the blue.
    • Kimmie was hated for being of the most foul-mouthed contestants ever, as well as her penchant for picking on Barbie for no apparent reason (mind you, Robyn and Tiffany are guilty of this, too) and constantly hammering in that she is "from the south".
    • Tiffany is one of the laziest, most dispassionate contestants ever to set foot in Hell's Kitchen, making the most elementary of mistakes like preparing fresh garnish in a filthy pan, digging a knife into a wellington after licking said knife, and burning mashed potato. She was that sloppy that Chef Andi wound up kicking her out at one point, and her 9th place elimination was incredibly satisfying to many.

Season 11

  • Gina is frequently likened to a female version of Raj, only she wasn't as entertaining and was more annoying than anything else.
  • Danielle was also disliked for simply using her lack of line experience as a crutch for her poor performances despite being an executive chef.
  • The biggest scrappy of Season 11 is Dan, who was incredibly immature, frequently blamed his teammates for his mistakes, and showing a terrible attitude in the final service that not only got him thrown out by Mary, but his poor showing also potentially cost her the win. Not even his apology to Mary nor his promise to make it up to her have done much to soften opinions of him.
  • There's also Zach, who started off alright, but his arrogant nature skyrocketed in the later stages while his performances nosedived. Opinions of him also soured when he successfully sabotaged Ray and got him eliminated.
  • Nedra was disliked for punctuating virtually everything she said with "bitch", inconsistent performances, and manipulative tendencies.

Season 12

Season 13

  • JP and JR are disliked in equal measures by being inept and not owning their mistakes. Gordon even gave them the nicknames "Just Pathetic" and "Just Ridiculous" respectively.
  • Kalen was also disliked for her delusional view of herself and throwing her teammates under the bus.

Season 14

  • Monique was quickly disliked for making fun of Alison's Jamaican accent, arguing with Gordon over the use of pre-packaged ingredients during the Signature Dish challenge, playing the victim when she's called out and constantly butting heads with her teammates even when they tried to help her.
  • Michael was a short-lived example, but he got flack for his dangerous kitchen practises by placing a smoking hot pan on top of some cold fish pans that would've given either Josh or Brett a third degree burn had Chef Ramsay not caught him in the act.
  • Josh is often compared to Season 12's Anton: both started out as likable guys, but their egos rose and their skills dropped, both of which got worse when transferred to the Red Team.

Season 15

  • While not the most hated chef in the show's history, Alan wasn't very popular as fans found his jokes and antics more annoying than funny.
  • Frank gives Jason Underwood from Season 4 competition as the most sexist contestant in the show's history. He constantly shit-talks the women, is actively hostile towards Manda when she joined the Blue Team, and openly admitted to having an issue women in general; so much so that he was released from his position in the Baltimore Marines after his sexist remarks were investigated.
  • Dannie gained a slew of detractors when she showed as horrible attitude during the final service in which she walked out mid-service after being chewed out for her improperly cooked proteins. She already had a few haters before that because of her confrontational behaviour towards other chefs, most notably Hassan when he transferred to the Red Team.

Season 16

Season 16 was filled with all kinds of ugly personalities, especially coming from the Blue Team. This is a key reason why this particular season is held in such a low regard.

  • Matt was a arrogant jerkass who reacted poorly to criticism and would try to blame others for his mistakes. His final confessional where he outright told the camera he would beat the shit out of Gordon Ramsay if they met in public sealed everyone's view of him.
  • Andrew was disliked for taking the opportunity to take smack to the women, his inconsistent performance, and his showmance with Heather while he was allegedly engaged certainly don't help.
  • Paulie was often derided for his whiny attitude and habit of blaming his teammates for his mistakes, despite starting off as an alright guy. This status has died off a bit after the news broke that he had passed away just a few months after the show aired.
  • But the worse of them however, was Johnny. Like Paulie, he started off okay, but he quickly showed his true colours when he started bullying the ladies and making them cry, something he admitted to enjoy doing. There's also his inconsistent performances and ignoring Shaina's suggestion to sear off the sea bass in his last service that screwed the Blue Team royally while he also refused to own up to it. Is it any wonder Gordon eliminated him without giving him a chance to plead his case?
  • On the women's side, we have Gia, who was a massive drama queen, had a poor attitude towards her teammates, and of course, lying about slicing her finger off.

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