Hitozuma Cosplay Kissa

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Hitozuma Cosplay Kissa is a two part hentai OVA made by Pink Pineapple, The first OVA was released in March of 2004 and the second was released in August of 2004. Based on a game of same name by developed by Atelier Kaguya TEAM HEARTBEAT.

In it, a man named Tomoya Asahina takes up the job of manager at a coffee café named Noel after the owner injures himself saving Tomoya from a car accident. Rebranding as a cosplay café, Tomoya falls in love with one of the waitresses, a widow named Akiho. However the other waitresses despite being married are sexually frustrated and practically throw themselves at Tomoya.

Tropes used in Hitozuma Cosplay Kissa include:
  • Accidental Pervert: Tomoya accidentally grabs Ryoka's breast in an overcrowded monorail. It's likely Ryoka planned for it to happen.
  • All Women Are Lustful: All the girls except Akiho force themselves onto Tomoya. Also his harem are married women.
  • BDSM: Seia is into it. Tomoya's response to it is to run like hell.
  • Benevolent Boss: Tomoya takes the staff out for drinks often and though reluctant, lets them have sex with him.
  • Berserk Button: If you're not her husband or your name isn't Tomoya, grabbing Akiho will send you to the hospital for three months.
  • Bigger Is Better in Bed: Made him a bigger chick magnet than he already was and during fellatio it got so big, Seia said she couldn't fit it in her mouth anymore. However, while he has quite the package, he lacks experience in the art of sex.
  • Bishonen: Tomoya is pretty handsome, especially in that barista outfit.
  • Blatant Lies: Both Tomoya and Akiho claim they didn't have sex at the end of the first OVA. The other girls aren't fooled.
  • Chick Magnet: He became this once he stepped into the manager role of Noel's. His large penis only strengthened his attractiveness.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: All the patrons are easily turned on by the girls and make lewd comments but they never touch them.
    • Akiho, Seia, and Kanae are perverted girls sexually frustrated with their husbands and throw themselves at Tomoya every chance they get, but they decide to help Tomoya and Akiho get together when they see how much the two love each other.
  • Covert Pervert: Akiho masturbates when she's alone thinking about her deceased husband and secretly got turned on when Kanae asked if she licked Tomoya's penis.
  • Comforting the Widow: Akiha, Tomoya's Love Interest, is a widowed woman.
  • Potty Failure: Kanae's child wet the bed before she could seduce Tomoya.
  • Everyone Can See It: All the girls know Tomoya's in love with Akiho.
  • Good People Have Good Sex: Akiho and Tomoya. While it was a spur of the moment both enjoyed the sex due to their love for each other. Likewise, Tomoya is reluctant to have sex with his harem. His harem also mock and belittle this trope.
  • Humble Goal: Akiho's dream is to become a stewardess.
  • I Owe You My Life: Tomoya works at Noel because the owner injured himself saving the young man.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Tomoya's harem decide to help him woo Akiho. It helps that they are already married with kids and are more sexually frustrated with their husbands than enamored with Tomoya.
  • Ladykiller in Love: Tomoya gets his own harem but he only loves Akiho. To be fair, he never wanted to be a chick magnet.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Tomoya's large penis, good hearted nature, good looks, lean body that still has abs, and his Barista outfit certainly made him this.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Any of the Harem girls, especially Akiho for her umm... lessons.
  • Nice Guy: Part why Tomoya's such a chick magnet.
  • Porn with Plot: It's a romance harem OVA with sex thrown in.... and a bit of comedy.
  • Secretly Wealthy: Despite being a waitress, Seia has a ton of wealth and lives in a mansion with maids and butlers.
  • Sex God: Tachi, Akiho's deceased husband was strongly implied to be this since Akiho masturbates at the thought of him.
    • Ryoka has a ton of stamina and was able to help Tomoya gain confidence in himself.
    • Tomoya became this thanks to Ryoka's training.
  • Shameless Fanservice Girl: Except for Akiho, all the waitresses have no problem showing off to their patrons.
  • She Is Not My Girlfriend: Tomoya tries to deny his feeling for Akiho to the other girls, but they aren't fooled.
  • Shout-Out: The Cosplay Team of Married Women is a reference to Super Sentai.
  • Single-Target Sexuality: Tomoya's only attracted to Akiho and only put up with his harem because he's too nice to say no to them.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Gender reversed. Akiho's the friendliest of the waitresses and is the one Tomoya falls in love with.
  • Spider Sense: When Tomoya accepts Ryoka's "training" to make Akiho forget her deceased husband, Seia and Kanae can sense he fell to her.
  • Unwanted Harem: Tomoya only puts up with the advances of the other girls because he's too nice to say no and wants to be good at sex for Akiho.