League Of Super Redundant Heroes

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.
Revision as of 16:59, 30 July 2021 by Robkelk (talk | contribs)

League Of [sic] Super Redundant Heroes is a web comic about a household of ineffective super heroes (and Keith). How ineffective? Not only are the "Super Girl Cub Scouts" more effective than they are, the regular Girl Cub Scouts are more effective than they are. That doesn't stop them from being effective once in a blue moon, though.

In their own words: "League Of Super Redundant Heroes is a stupid comic made by even stupider people. Nonetheless, we hope you enjoy this web comic and return frequently as we update with new strips and try and progress from stupid to less stupid."

This strip has a cast of thousands... er, dozens. Important recurring characters include:

  • Laser Pony - a blind guy with laser eyes and below average intelligence.
  • Good Girl - A good helpful Christian girl, a beacon of sweetness and light, until her Battery of Virtue (halo power) runs out. Then she's kind of mean. (With good reason.)
  • Bad Good Girl - Good Girl was split into two people around strip 666. After combining their halos into one for a power-up, they take turns wearing sticking each other with the halo.
  • Buckaress a.k.a Eva - former spy and roommate.
  • Alex - Buckaress's girlfriend. No powers, but good with gadgets.
  • Keith - Some guy they live with.
  • Gyrognome - the landlord, fear his tiny powerful fists.
  • Mary Sue - yes, that Mary Sue, with all the useful powers. For some reason, Laser Pony's girlfriend.
  • Cat-a-pult - Super villain (Attempting anyway) with the power to levitate cats. Any cats, including cougars. Pals with Laser Pony, not that either lets his respective team find out.
  • Distracterella - Super villaness with the power of distraction. Got her power from a sexy meteor.
  • Bolfman_234 - Enforcer of Rule 34
  • The Evil Savant- A mentally disabled evil mastermind
  • Josie - Attended the same high school as Eva and Alex. She learned magic because she wanted both her own wonderful life and Buckaress's freedom. Something of an anti-villain.

Updates Mondays and Thursdays. While the strip doesn't actually show anything "exciting", the implications of some scenes are NSFW, so read this at home, folks.

Tropes used in League Of Super Redundant Heroes include:
  • Bi the Way: Eva thought she was straight until she met Alex.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: According to her own bad girl personality, Good Girl is brainwashed by her halo.
    • She can put the halo over somebody else's head - at which point that person becomes brainwashed and she becomes Bad Good Girl. Unfortunately for Good Girl, the halo keeps coming back to her.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Distracterella's whole superpower is this.

Bolfman_234: Tell you what, if you give me your suit for my collection I'll return your [video] feed to you.
Distracterella: I can't. It's not a suit, it's body paint.