
Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.
Revision as of 15:28, 23 July 2017 by Looney Toons (talk | contribs) (work->creator)
  • Until We Win: Bebe's Kids has a lot of these. LordKat's "negotiation" with Nostalgia Critic in the beginning (which he even ends in his trademark style, but using LordKat's catchphrase instead of his own), the Critic and Lordkat getting into a fight about New York vs Chicago, "Controls Design 101", "That's the gayest robot I've ever seen"...
    • "It's like playing a white deck against a blue deck in Magic The Gathering, and the blue deck puts out the Phantom Warrior with his 2 damage, and he keeps poking you with his 2 damage, 2 damage, 2 damage, every round!"
  • LordKat is a very likable fellow, and while he doesn't come off as funny, I could not help but grin when he did an "Until we Win" for the Silver Surfer game. Upon completing it, he discovered there was a HARDER difficulty. After BARELY beating that, there was a HARDER Difficulty. His deadpan expression is absolutely hilarious.
  • His advice to get through the Volcano level in Actraiser 2.

LordKat: If I were to give you some advice, I'd sound like Mr. Miyagi. Be quick, but not too quick. Don't go too high or too low. Wax on, wax off, that kinda bullshit.

    • Also from Actraiser 2:

LordKat: This snail kicked my ass. I can't believe that sentence just came out of my mouth.

  • Helping Spoony beat Pumpkinhead II.

LordKat: He's gonna make us watch it.
Spoony: Watch what?
Cue Pumpkinhead dancing.

  • From the worst game requests:

LordKat: The Pagemaster is a game about a little boy in a gray dungeon and he can't get out of it because this game blows chunks. At least, I think that's what the game is about.

    • Or this line:

LordKat: You can't just jump. First, you have to pray to the Voodoo god of jumping, spin around three times in your chair, sacrifice a virgin goat and then bathe in its blood before the game even thinks about letting you jump.

  • During Monster Party, when one of the bosses is the Grim Reaper:

LordKat: I suspect Dracula's next after this, though somehow I don't think Simon Belmont ever fought a big caterpillar. Maybe that'll be in the next Castlevania game.

  • "LordKat Eats", a regular feature on his stream, is always good for a few laughs. Standing head and shoulders above all other editions, however, is his absolutely stunning reaction to the "pickled vegetable". Watch it here.
  • This troper was laughing so hard it hurt during LordKat's attempt to play Farming Simulator 2011. Especially the end when he starts crashing into random cars.

LordKat: Our cars appear to be mating!

  • Lordkat and friends face off against a madman, a former contestant of The Tester, who believes his computer is his daughter and that he is famous. This is the tale of the Festivus Miracle....
    • To elaborate: 3 hours of chatting with a man who has to be the world's biggest Cloudcuckoolander (and a pathological liar to boot). It truly has to be heard to be believed.
      • The tongue-in-cheek article from the LordKat wiki (mostly) does it justice, however.
    • Then, in the aftermath of the confrontation, this...whatever it is...appeared on YouTube.
  • Lordkat's "Left 4 Dead 2" sessions have led to several of these moments--the most memorable being the "Everything Burns" campaign.
  • "Hey Paw, turn to your left." *BOOM*
  • Jason playing L.A. Noire, primarily because he Drives Like Crazy to an absurd extent. When he manages to make it to a destination without hitting any buildings, objects, or people, everyone around expresses shock.
  • Among other voices, Lord Kat reading My Immortal as The Ultimate Warrior.
  • While 8-Bit Mickey hosted the "Dr. 8-Bit Love" show, it was common for fellow members of TGWTG act as guest hosts. Obscurus Lupa happened to sit in during a particularly raunchy episode. She listened in shock for much of the proceedings, then quietly dismissed herself from the call when the show ended.

LordKat: Hey, thanks again, Lupa. It was great hearing from you.
RolloT: Yeah!
LordKat: (chuckling) Hey, come back any time.
Lupa: Oh...sure. Okay. Good night, guys.
LordKat: Good night!
RolloT: Bye, Lupa...
(Lupa hangs up.)

RolloT: ...Aaaaand she's never coming back, is she?

LordKat: Nope.

(Skitch closes a door on LordKat, crushing him.)
Skitch: Oh wow, that was fun.
LK: Dickshit.
(LK respawns, gets on the button.)
LK: Go.
(As soon as Skitch steps through the door, LK jumps off the button. *CRUNCH*)
LK: Suck my nut.

  • In this game of Survival Versus we have Jason and friends split between teams. Rollo starts encouraging SonicGav to pick up the Grenade Launcher while the rest of the team orders him not to. When he does (and causes all sorts of chaos), Rollo's encouragement triggers what one chat member calls "Y: Ruler of Rage".
  • In a game of Fully Charged:

Sable: I'm going! Like a boss! OH GOD!
(He gets tackled and nearly dies, but is rescued.)
Sable: Ow. I'm less like a boss now.

  • For a short time in 2012, Jason received complaints from Twitch TV streamers and administrators about the lack of video game-related content on his livestream. He responded by running Progress Quest every time he was away from his computer.
  • In this Tankball session (near the end), LordKat gets punched onto a normally unreachable rooftop, making him untouchable. The really funny part comes when dotLEEZ decides to test how focused on LK the Tank is and gets right next to it; it just continues mindlessly ramming the wall in the futile hopes of killing Jason. Also a Crowning Moment of Awesome when Jason manages to get around the Tank and join the rest of his team on the escape boat.
  • As one of his weekly Until We Win challenges, LordKaT decided to attempt an L4D2 campaign on Hardcore Death's Door. On one run in the final level, Sable got right next to the escape ship but died because he didn't listen when LK warned him about a Hunter. As the level restarted, Behemoth proclaimed "Sable, I'm gonna call you Decade from now on, 'cuz it's all your fault."
    • And then to cap things off, the next time they get to the escape boat, Behemoth kills Sable with a baseball bat in revenge. The players and the chatroom died laughing.