Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock (aka Psylocke) was created by Chris Claremont and Herb Trimpe. She is one of the X-Men (Comic Book), twin sister of Captain Britain, and is one of the most famous British superhero in Marvel Comics. [1]

Psylocke provides examples of the following tropes:

  • Action Girl: Eventually develops into one.
  • Affirmative Action Legacy: Briefly as a female Captain Britain, replacing her brother, Brian.
  • All Amazons Want Hercules: Literally. A team up with Hercules revealed that during an earlier team up, the two flirted with each other and then slept together. Before they departed, Hercules told Psylocke that her beauty was "unforgettable"...And yet, back in the present, he did not seem to remember her at all. This made Betsy punching him in the jaw.
  • Animal Motifs: Butterflies, it's a symbol of her telepathy. They also represent her gracefulness and change. Especially when she switched bodies with her brother, thus becoming Captain Britain, gaining new psychic powers, and eventually joining the X-Men.
  • Anti-Hero: During her British days, Psylocke is initially a pragmatic Type II. After her body swap, she became a darker Type IV. Over time she reverted to a lighter hue, even after joining the Black Ops squad in Uncanny X-Force. Now it's complicated, since she's somewhere in a "Type IV trying to be Type II" stage.
  • The Atoner: In Uncanny X-Force Vol. 2, Psylocke is trying to not kill anymore, since it has become similar to an addiction to her.
  • Attempted Rape: Kaptain Briton, her brother's evil counterpart from an alternate reality, attempted to rape her. Fortunately, she discovered her previously minimal psychic powers, which are more formidable than she believed at that point. Unfortunately, Captain Britain, her brother, was trapped in the alternate universe were Kaptain Briton hailed from, he too faced this at the hands of the villainess, Sat-Yr-9, just without any ability to fight them off, this adds to Brian's ever growing list of never-mentioned-after-rape experiences.
  • Ascended Extra: In the Captain Britain comics, she was initially a supporting character.
  • Back from the Dead: While protecting Rogue and Beast, she was once stabbed fatally by a man known as Vargas. Who the villain beaten Rogue and Beast earlier. One year after her death, Betsy awoke where she had died and unaware of how she had survived. She was soon reunited with the X-Men. It is later revealed that it was her older brother, Jamie, who had saved her with his reality warping powers.
  • Badass Princess: In the House of M reality, Betsy became this and heir to the British throne and sister to Captain Britain, the King.
  • Beta Couple: Until Thunderbird III came along, she and Archangel were the beta couple to Cyclops and Jean Grey for several years.
  • Betty and Veronica: She was the Veronica to Jean's Betty during the early days of the Blue and Gold team split, even tried to start an affair with Cyclops. The story arc was dropped with no real explanation. Given that many of Jim Lee's personal comics, outside of the X-Men, has cold and remote but hot ninja-babes, who wear ass-floss uniforms. It is possible that he interjected into the story himself after Claremont left.
  • Bi the Way: In Uncanny X-Force, Betsy has a brief sexual relationship with Cluster and no one even mentions the fact that they are both women. This is slightly complicated by Cluster who is a male aspect of Fantomex. Although, she does not show any attraction to Weapon XIII, the third is also another male aspect.
  • Blind Seer: Kind of. After loosing her eyes, Psylocke can use her psychic powers to see through the eyes of everyone around her. Occasionally seeing the future.
  • Blood Knight: In the 2010s' X-Force series, she's in denial about it. Psylocke considers herself as an addict (Much like her alcoholic brother). Her addiction is killing people.
  • Blue Blood: The Braddocks are a high-class British family. Both she and her brother have hereditary membership in London's Hellfire Club.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Several times.

The first was when Betsy was caputred by the Hand, merged/ body swapped with Kwannon. Eventually programmed to serve as Lady Mandrain. During that time, the brainwashing was broken when she used her psychic knife on Wolverine, who was in a hallucinatory psychotic break. The crazy was enough to override her brainwashing.

Crimson Dawn, is a more insidious example, which was said to have stained her soul. The full implications were never explained, but it was generally reckoned that Psylocke became more ruthless and violent under its influence.

When Archangel took his place as the heir of Apocalypse and transforms her into his Horseman of Death. Jean Grey directly intervene to override this.