Shuriken School/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Cargo Ship: In "Eizan's Shadow", there's Shuriken's principal/check money. The fact he treats it as a girlfriend doesn't help in the least, not to mention his overdramatic goodbye to "her" at the end of the episode.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Naginata fits this to a T, being a clear-cut example of Ensemble Darkhorse. The other students of Katana to a lesser extent.
  • Evil Is Cool: The Katana School studentss are clearly this, especially Naginata, who doubles as Evil Is Sexy in the eyes of the fandom.
  • Foe Yay: Eizan and Naginata. So very much.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Daisuke in "Okuni for President". Despite him being an egotistical Casanova Wannabe, it's hard not to pity him when he gets depressed for failing to win Ami's heart. He even joins in Jimmy and Pork's Snowball Lie just to get her attention. He gets even more pitiable in "The Old Master", when he actually cries when he thinks she likes Jimmy instead of him.
  • The Scrappy: Kazumi, In-Universe and out.
  • Toy Ship: Eizan and Okuni. Being kinda canon definitely helps.
  • The Woobie: Eizan. He's basically the series' Butt Monkey.
    • Marcos even more so. He has been running away from the shady wrestler group "Los Tres Santos" since he was a kid. It gets worse in "An XXL Lie", when he thinks Los Tres Santos had discovered his hideout (he was deceived by Jimmy and Pork's lie), he tries to leave Shuriken out of fear. If that wasn't enough, Los Tres Santos weren't pursuing him at all, and he simply misunderstood the events, making his runaway status pointless.. Poor kid needs a hug.