Star Trek (film)/Fanfic Recs

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These are recommendations made by Tropers for Star Trek (2009) fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.

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If you're looking for fic featuring the cast of Star Trek: The Original Series and its subsequent movies, please click here.

An index of all Star Trek Fanfiction Recommendations pages can be found here.

Authors and Websites

Star Trek XI Kink Meme by various authors, very NSFW

  • Recommended by Ayries
  • Pairing: Various (Slash, Het, Femslash)
  • A kink meme for Star Trek XI. Not only has this somehow achieved upwards of five thousand comments in under two weeks, but it somehow has managed to have a very good excellent-to-poor fic ratio. Some of these authors are just amazing.
  • It's currently on part fourteen and growing every day, and the excellent-to-poor ratio is, if not the same, better.
    • The mod for the kinkmeme has apparently been overpowered by RL, so that one has ended. However, some lovely people have started up a new one here.
  • There is also a massive RP that started on the kinkmeme, but has developed into glorious insanity. The basic premise is: characters from pretty much every ST universe imaginable (and a couple from completely different ones) start appearing on the Enterprise. There is angst, crack, and lots of gay sex. This troper highly recommends stalking these posts, especially the plotlines for Harold (yeah, you read that right) and Cadet!Scott.

Hurt!Jim Addicts... UNITE! by various authors

  • Recommended by Antigone Rogers
  • Pairing: Various (Slash, Het, anything)
  • Fangirl heaven. Most subscribed Star Trek XI community on Stories involve whumping Jim Kirk in every single way possible, with every pairing possible, in every setting possible. It takes some time to weed through the ever growing archive of stories, but there are some good ones in there that have real emotional appeal instead of just aimless character whumping.


  • Recommended by Lady Of Procrastination
  • Although this author has written a lot of great fanfiction, her Tales of a Security Chief series, starring Security Chief Sam Giotto, a 50-something on a ship filled with 20-somethings, is the best. Starting with Rule Three, it includes Tales of a Security Chief, Tales of a Security Chief, Vol. II, and Tales of a Security Chief, Vol. III, which are made up of one-shots that tell an overall story but can also usually stand alone, as well as several spinoffs and stand-alone fics.

General Fics

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

Stained by razzamatazz73

  • Recommended by Antigone Rogers
  • Genre: Hurt/Comfort, angst, friendship, family.
  • Summary: A series of short stories in which the crew of the Enterprise bonds over the fact that Jim's a walking danger magnet. Lots of friendship, and obligatory Kirk whumpage and its consequences on the crew..

How to Avoid Kicking Puppies and Other Valuable Lessons in Leadership by Q

  • Recommended by Polaris
  • Summary: Chekov needs to be reprimanded. No one is happy about this, especially Kirk.
  • Comments: DO NOT be drinking anything when you read this. It is hilarious.

It's All In The Delivery by July–July-July

  • Recommended by Polaris
  • Summary: "You have a bigger problem than being held at gunpoint by Ikkelian raiders?"

Murphy's Law of Jim Kirk Diplomacy by Seven Crows

  • Recommended by Polaris
  • Summary: "Great," Kirk says. "In the end, it's not going to be punching someone in the face, or shooting something, or even in some barfight – it's going to be a goddamned diplomatic mission gone wrong that does me in."

Oh Two Hundred by Mekosuchinae

  • Recommended by Polaris
  • Summary: "I'm working on it," she said, already thinking of how to explain transporter technology to someone who might not know what it was in a language she had thought dead not two hours ago.

And All The King's Men by mijan

  • Recommended by Across The Stars
  • Summary: "How many times can you patch up something before you realize that it's too fucking broken to fix, Bones?" When a training simulation uncovers something that Cadet Jim Kirk was never meant to remember, it breaks him. Leonard McCoy can't sit by and watch Jim crumble. When asked what he's willing to do to get the old Jim back, Leonard has only one answer. "Anything."

As Sparks Fly Upward by JediButtercup

  • Recommended by Evil Midnight Lurker
  • Synopsis: A few months after the destruction of Vulcan, Starfleet notices that several starships worth of Vulcans went missing before the tragedy. Ambassador Spock realizes that the Hellguard Incident may be repeating itself in this timeline, and the Enterprise crew are assigned a covert mission: disguise themselves as Romulans and investigate. But these aren't just Romulans—they're Rihannsu... and Ael t'Rllaillieu is in the area.

TwitterEnterprise by misfit_fandoms

  • Recommended by starshine
  • Synopsis: Exactly What It Says on the Tin. A silly gen story told through Twitter, as it's the only thing working when ship's systems break down.

Not All Those Who Wander by parrotfic

  • Recommended by starshine
  • Synopsis: "Spock Prime has found ways to keep himself occupied; the universe doesn't know what hit it."

Of Two Worlds by yahtzee63

  • Recommended by starshine
  • Synopsis: Spock starts Desmond-ing back and forth between the TOS and XI universes. A familiar face is at fault.

Untitled by Anon (Star Trex XI Kink Meme)

  • Recommended by Mipp
  • Summary: An AU in which infant James T. Kirk was captured and raised on board the Narada by Nero to become a weapon against the Federation and Spock Prime.

Village!Verse Series by chaletian

  • Recommended by starryblue
  • Genre: Comedy, with hints of heartwarming
  • Summary: A series of fics about the adventures of the Enterprise crew from the perspective of both major and minor characters. From their weekly movie night tradition, to Chekov's melodramic daydreams, to Sulu's unofficial job as the ship's bookie, this series covers various adventures from the daily lives of a crew who more of less become one big happy family (even when they're trying to kill each other).

Graduate Vulcan for Fun and Profit by Suppi-chan

  • Recommended by starryblue
  • Pairing: background only - Spock/Uhura
  • Summary: Secret Genius!Kirk + well written OC vulcan mentor + most awesome will-reading scene ever

Dolce Et Decorum Est by igrockspock

  • Recommended by Blossom Morphine
  • Summary: She hears about his death from a letter hand-delivered by a boy who looks sixteen.

Redshirt by mijan

  • Recommended by Rose And Heather
  • Summary: The burden of a leader isn't the strain of heroics or the power of command. It's the constant knowledge that the lives of your people are in your hands, and the weight of guilt and loss when those lives slip through your fingers. Jim Kirk understands this now.

Shipping Fics

Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.

And They Won't Believe You When You Write Home About It by raphaela667

  • Recommended by Across The Stars
  • Pairing: Kirk/Spock
  • Summary: Hikaru Sulu knows everything, but he didn't know this. (Or: Sulu is a gossip-monger, Kirk calls Spock "sweetheart" and means it, and Spock does not kill Kirk.)
  • Comments: Hilarious. Absolutely, bloody hilarious.

Observations by Anon_j_Anon

  • Recommended by Fibonacci Sequins
  • Pairings: Kirk/Spock, side Scotty/Uhura
  • Synopsis: First Officer Spock comments on life aboard the Enterprise and his service under Captain James T. Kirk.
  • Tags: Slash Fic, Romance, Angst, Continuation, Character Study.

Break by Yahtzee

  • Recommended by Rose And Heather
  • Pairing: Spock/Uhura
  • Synopsis: During their final semester at Starfleet Academy, two people who have no intention of ever changing transform each other.

Called You Friend by the_arc5

  • Recommended by Across The Stars
  • Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy
  • Summary: The Enterprise is sent to deal with a situation, and one of their own is taken. But this is not where the story begins.

Citylights by Atomicskull

  • Recommended by Polaris
  • Pairings: Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura, Sulu/Chekov
  • Summary: The Enterprise is actually a fashion magazine and James T. Kirk is editor in chief. "World War III (known as Almost the End of the World) occurred in 2014 during Milan Fashion Week. It was short, it was bloody, and it was absolutely spectacular to see unfold."

Comforting Each Other With Apples by blcwriter

  • Recommended by Across The Stars
  • Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
  • Summary: What if an apple isn't just an apple?

discount shot night, diving, and denouement by Screamlet

  • Recommended by Polaris
  • Pairings: Spock/Uhura, Kirk/Spock
  • Summary: The Enterprise crew's first shore leave. In which there is drinking, dancing, and some light torture.
  • Comments: These are hilarious. The first two are mostly gen.

Diamonds, a Club and a Couple of Hearts by florahart

  • Recommended by Across The Stars
  • Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
  • Summary: Jim Kirk is a hotshot new shortstop in the Constitution League. His team is young, but they have a lot of potential, and oh by the way, the team doctor? Is hot.

Establishing Rapport, A Therapeutic Relationship, and Doctor-Patient Privilege by therumjournals

  • Recommended by Across The Stars
  • Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
  • Summary: Leonard McCoy is a terrible therapist. Jim Kirk is a terrible government employee. They're absolutely perfect for each other.

Home by Lanaea

  • Recommended by kph2pt0
  • Pairing: Kirk/Spock
  • Synopsis: The Enterprise is grounded for a while, leaving Kirk and Spock with the opportunity to get to know each other better, and slowly begin to bond.

If Wishes Were Horses by fringedweller

  • Recommended by Across The Stars
  • Pairing: Jim Kirk/Janice Rand
  • Synopsis: All her life Janice Rand had wanted one thing - to figure out just what she was supposed to do with herself. She drifted into Starfleet on a whim, and to her surprise, found a niche to fill. But being assigned to the Enterprise brings with it a challenge to her neat and ordered way of life, and Janice is unsure as to how much she's willing to let James T. Kirk affect her. But since when has love ever been easy? And will Janice let her heart stand in the way of her career?

Love Is Strange by garryowen

  • Recommended by Across The Stars
  • Pairing: Kirk/Spock
  • Summary: Spock accompanies his parents to an Earth resort where Jim Kirk is a dancer. Dirty Dancing redux.
  • Comments: Star Trek meets Dirty Dancing.

The Most Precious Thing by soloproject

  • Recommended by Across The Stars
  • Pairing: Chekov/Sulu
  • Summary: Even if all their lives turn out to be an alternate reality, this is how Pavel Chekov grows up.

Leave No Soul Behind by whochick

  • Recommended by 20thcenturyvole
  • Pairing: Kirk/Spock (ensemble, OCs)
  • Summary: If you're Starfleet, you spend your whole life wishing you never see an EPAS uniform right up until the moment they become your only hope. Whether you're dying a slow, cold death in space, or a long painful one on some godforsaken planet, they're going to come for you. So count your last breaths, son, and hold on tight. They leave no soul behind.

Never Know Your Story Like I Do by Atomicskull

  • Recommended by Pusspuss
  • Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
  • Synopsis: In which Kirk and Bones grow up together, Kirk plays baseball, and Bones looks fabulous in leather pants.

Ordinary Extraordinary Life by Midnightlover

  • Recommended by Polaris
  • Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
  • Synopsis: The lives of James Kirk and Leonard McCoy as viewed through the eyes of Joanna McCoy.

Perspectives by mijan

  • Recommended by Across The Stars
  • Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
  • Summary: McCoy normally loves to be right. This is the one time he wished he wasn't.

Secret Vulcan Mating Rituals by Chase820

  • Recommended by Lydia 777
  • Pairing: Kirk/Spock
  • Summary: Everyone knows the story of how James T. Kirk beat the Kobayashi Maru. But only Kirk, Spock, and McCoy know the real story. Set before and after the events of the film, this fic offers a slashtastic twist on events.

So Wise We Grow by captanddeastar

  • Recommended by Across The Stars
  • Pairing: Kirk/Spock
  • Summary: "Commander Spock, we have located your son," the Vulcan lady on the screen says, which would be great, except Jim can tell by the look on Spock's face that he's never heard of this kid before in his life. "If it is expedient, the child will be sent to join you on the Enterprise within the week."

strive seek find yield by waldorph

  • Recommended by Rose And Heather
  • Pairing: Kirk/Spock
  • Summary: Spock is heir to the Federation throne, Jim is Prince of America because his fucking brother abdicated, and the Klingons are on the verge of blowing shit up—a love story.

Switch by ceres_libera

  • Recommended by Across The Stars
  • Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
  • Summary: The life and times of Leonard H. McCoy MD/PhD. If Leonard McCoy's life could get any fucking weirder, it would be - Jesus, he didn't even want to think what that could possibly mean, because it's already been too fucking weird to make any kind of rational sense.

Symphony for Stars and Planets by Singingintime

  • Recommended by Across The Stars
  • Pairing: Kirk/Spock
  • Synopsis: Kirk and Spock are members of the orchestra recording the soundtrack for the new Star Trek movie. As in, the actual Star Trek XI movie, about the adventures of... Picard and (I'm guessing) Riker. Against all odds, they fall in love.

Subtracting the Stars by sidara

  • Recommended byAcross The Stars
  • Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
  • Synopsis: After jettisoning the warp drive reactor cores, getting anywhere is going to be a slow process for the crew of the Enterprise.

The Waterpark 'Verse by ken_ichijouji

  • Recommended by violetrace
  • Pairings: Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura, Sulu/Chapel
  • Synopsis: A series of dramedy-based stories primarily about Kirk and McCoy falling in love with each other. Strange things happen in the process. Oh yeah, and the Enterprise has its own water park.
  • Grischa by McStories
  • Recommended by Flame Feathers
  • Pairing: Chekov/Cupcake
  • Synopsis: Five Things Everyone Knows About Greg 'Cupcake' Harris: He's big. He's violent. He's dumb. He's good at his job. He doesn't seem to like a single person in the universe. One Thing Cupcake Knows About Everyone Else: Everyone else doesn't know shit. Nobody knows anything about his momma or his dad or his brothers. Yeah, Greg's big. He's stupid, and he gets in a lot of fights, and he doesn't have friends and he isn't good at anything in the fighting and stopping smaller guys from getting hurt. But he's trying. And that's something nobody seems to give a shit about, that he's a world away from what he was raised to be, and he's trying. So Greg doesn't care what everyone thinks about him, because the one thing he knows is that people don't really know shit.

What Friends Are For by KianSpo

  • Recommended by Across The Stars
  • Pairing: Kirk/Spock
  • Synopsis: The Enterprise is due for its first ever inspection. Everyone is nervous until Kirk discovers that the inspector is an old pal of his. But the man appears to have his own agenda where Kirk's first officer is concerned.
  • Warnings: Dub/Non-con

When The Game Ends, We'll Sing Again by jlh

  • Recommended by Across The Stars
  • Pairings: Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura
  • Synopsis: Four young men meet as Harvard freshmen in 1959.

When The Lights Go On Again by miera

  • Recommended by Rose And Heather
  • Pairings: McCoy/Chapel, Kirk/Rand
  • Synopsis: Christine Chapel is a Lieutenant in the Army Nursing Corps during World War II. While serving in Europe, she meets Dr Leonard McCoy.

You'll Get There in the End (It Just Takes a While) by Seperis

  • Recommended by Polaris
  • Pairing: Kirk/Spock
  • Summary: "Spock. Just say 'I don't trust Starfleet not to mess up the only captain in the fleet who I can train up to my expectations and enjoys running into danger wearing a blindfold as much as I do'."

Until It Sleeps by User:Voodoo Child 3000

  • Recommended by Mipp
  • Pairing: Nero/Winona Kirk
  • Summary: In this AU, Nero captures Winona Kirk and her infant son Jim shortly after destroying the Kelvin. In his grief-induced insanity, Nero decides the universe owes him a family and keeps Winona and Jim as a surrogate wife and son.

Five and a Half People James T. Kirk Never Succeeded In Seducing by mercurial_wit

  • Recommended: by Thinks Too Much
  • Pairings:(deep breath) One-sided Kirk/Azula, One-sided Kirk/Sakura, one-sided Kirk/Miguel & Tulio (at the same time), one-sided Kirk/Kelly, one-sided Kirk/Arthur, and finally successful Kirk/Spock, and I don't recommend highlighting that spoiler because it's best just to read it as it comes and I for one didn't see it coming, but it does involve slash.

Don't Stop Believing by KianSpo

  • Recommended by Studious Jones
  • Pairings: Eventual Kirk/Spock with some Pike/Spock and Spock/Uhura
  • Summary: Spock-centric action/romance novel within Reboot-canon. Slow-building Pike/Spock, progressing to slow-building Kirk/Spock as main pairing. From first love to the love of his life and everything in between. Ad astra per aspera.

Keep Your Clothes On! by Cards-Slash

  • Recommended by Chirichan
  • Pairings: Kirk/Spock with reluctant Bones/Spock
  • Summary: ALIENS FORCED THEM TO DO IT SPOCK/MCCOY with one pissed off Kirk cause yknow K/S is practically canon. Basically I want spock and mmcoy planet side, doing something or other, they both get nabbed and are forced to do the dirty (ill let the writer decided how or why, but I have a major collector of endangered species kink if you get me), Kirk up on the USS is forced to watch/listen as his long time lover, is getting jiggy with his BFF.

Fighting Gravity by pantswarrior

  • Recommended by Orn
  • Pairings: Kirk/Spock, with previous mentions of Spock/Uhura and some very mild, one-sided Kirk/McCoy
  • Summary: When Spock left Starfleet after the encounter with Nero, Jim thought he'd lost his chance at their supposedly destined friendship. Upon returning to Earth after the Enterprise's first five-year mission, he discovers that Spock lost far more. Jim's willing to fight for the bright future they were promised, but the one thing standing in its way is Spock himself.

Amor Delirus by User:Voodoo Child 3000.

  • Recommended by The Fuzzinator
  • Pairings: Spock/Uhura, one-sided Nero/Uhura, one-sided Ayel/Nero.
  • Summary: The Enterprise is captured by Nero before it can destroy the Narada, and Nero decides to get revenge on Spock with Uhura. While the crew organizes an escape she manages to kill him, only to wind up with his katra inside her head in addition to all the trauma he inflicted on her. Once they have escaped they all have to learn to move on from what happened to them on the Narada, and become the crew they're meant to be.

Take Refuge in What You Know by Corpus Invictus (Warning: Adult content. NC-17)

  • Recommended by Ainyre
  • Pairings: Kirk/Spock friendship/pre-slash, Kirk/Spock slash, background McCoy/Jocelyn, Uhura/Gaila, Chekov/Sulu
  • Synopsis: AU - Kirk has moved into an apartment/house and wants to get to know his neighbors. He meets his neighbor Spock, a loner who suffers from extreme agoraphobia. Kirk thinks he's a beautiful enigma.
  • Tags: AU, Slash Fic, hurt!Spock, H/C, Romance, Angst.

Shine Like The Sun by kyliselle

  • Recommended by Ajadea
  • Pairing: Kirk/Spock
  • Synopsis: An accident leaves Spock with amnesia. His last memory is bringing a cadet up on charges for cheating on the Kobayashi Maru - a cadet who, to his disgust, is now his bondmate.
  • Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Slash Fic.

The Native by StarTrekFanWriter

  • Recommended by Girl In Glasses
  • Pairing: Sarek and Amanda
  • Synopsis: The relationship that started it all - Sarek/Amanda. How a logical guy like Sarek fell for a human, and why he would defy his people to marry her. Sybock & Spock will be featured. Starts with Sarek's first Pon Farr - first two chapters are angsty.

Home by The Physicist (completely different fic than Lanaea's. Warning: bondage, torture, prostitution, explicit sex, drug use

  • Recommended by Girl In Glasses
  • Pairing: Kirk/Spock, mentions of Spock/Uhura
  • Synopsis: The Vulcans need a new home planet, so the Enterprise and her crew set out to find one for them. "They’d come all the way for this? Which mad astronomer had sent them out here? Whose twisted idea had it been?"

How Many Roads? or, 27 Times Jim Kirk Hit On Nyota Uhura by Deastar

  • Recommended by Goodwrench
  • Pairings: attempted Kirk/Uhura
  • Synopsis: After the bar fight, Nyota thinks to herself that if this is what being hit on by Jim Kirk leads to, she's very glad she's never going to have to see him again.


Collateral Damage by mrasaki

  • Recommended by Goodwrench
  • Synopsis: At 1700 hours, the command chair tries to eat Captain James T. Kirk.
  • Comments: Very funny crackfic. Somehow, you're not surprised that Kirk gets himself into this sort of situation.
  • Tags: Slash, Multiple Pairings

Letter To The Manufacturer by Alexis Seven

  • Recommended by Zashiki-Warashi
  • Synopsis: SUBJECT: Parachute Malfunction

The Quirks of Jim Kirk by Scott Winchester 22 3

  • Recommended by Not On Earth
  • Synopsis: Jim Kirk has many quirks. Here are twenty-six (currently 23) completely unrelated, random, crackish insights to his life. Emphasis on crack.
  • Pairing(s): hints of Uhura/Spock
  • Tags: Contains some mild cursing


Legends of Darkover by HRT

  • Recommended by Goodwrench
  • Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Wars, Darkover.
  • Status: Complete
  • Synopsis: The Sith lead Qui-gon and Obi-wan on a chase between galaxies. But why are the Sith so interested in the Federation planet of Darkover? The Jedi realize they need help, and the crew of the Starship Enterprise discover they have been volunteered.
  • Warnings: Has slash for the Darkover fandom, though other two fandoms are gen. NC-17.