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Stealth Pun/Web Original

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Examples of Stealth Puns in Web Original works include:

  • A recurring thread on Something Awful is "Real pictures that look like photoshops". And eventually, someone will post this. It's a photo shop.
  • Fark is enamored of headlines with Stealth Puns of its more memorable memes. For example: "Duke upset in NCAA tournament. If only there were some pithy catch phrase to describe their ineptitude."
  • Vista-tan has huge tracts of land.
    • And we all know huge tracts of land are vistas.
      • Plus, we all know Vista was a huge bust.
  • Unforgotten Realms has Professor Strap, who after a memory erasing spell goes by the name of "Jacques". Jacques Strap.
  • Clef and Dimitri Hit the Road: At the very end. "Alas, poor Yoric, I've never seen him before in my life."
  • Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog: Moist went on a double date with Bait and Switch. He thought he was going to end up with Bait, but...
    • Dr. Horrible is full of this: On his blog, the Doctor mentions transporting several gold bars from a safe. He lifts up a bag of brownish "cumin-smelling" liquid and says that the molecules shifted in the transportation Bouillon/gold bullion.
    • Also, in the song "Neil's Turn" on the Commentary, Neil Patrick Harris is stuck alone and in the dark in the studio, and sings, "What's with all these weird cords?" just as the music plays a bunch of "weird chords".
  • Fools Gold: There is a mention of a Giant Panda who drives a truck containing stolen ingots of lanthanide metals. His truck is #71 and his name is Lu. 71 is the atomic number of the lanthanide Lutetium. Its symbol in the periodic table is Lu. Lu is also a common Chinese surname.
  • In The Nostalgia Critic review of Ernest Scared Stupid, there's a scene where Ernest reveals a troll he captured. The Critic splices in an image of Fan Dumb Douchey McNitpick who literally showed up to troll him.
  • PZ Myers is a biologist with a love for octopus and similar creatures. When Paul, the psychic sports predicting octopus died, he went back and forth describing his feelings on the matter, using the phrase "on the other hand" seven times.
  • On a Furry Fandom Image Boards, someone called for "Rule 34 of NIMH." One of the responses was a picture [dead link] of batteries.
  • This Youtube video. A steam-powered turntable, playing the Sex Pistols. Steampunk.
  • A Brazilian blog/Tumblr has made a parody "Squads of The World Cup". The resulting Hurricane of Puns sometimes needs context: the Netherlands include a Brazilian rapper famous for pro-cannabis songs, the smuggling-heavy Paraguay has "Sorny, Mike, BleckBarry and Hi-Phone", and Denmark ends with Scooby Doo (a Great Dane) and two candies sold at the chocolatier Kopenhagen.
  • Bo Burnham, one of the few good musicians and songwriters out there, needs more love. Come on, folks, let's start referencing him. Here's some truly masterful Stealth Puns for ya!
  • This blog post is written by an author who enjoys puns based on the origins of words. "None of the little particles in the universe had gotten the idea that one might turn yet." "Universe" comes from Latin roots uni and vertere--"one" and "turn".
  • In one episode of Sassy Gay Friend, the title character makes his entrance out of a closet.
  • My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic‍'‍s fandom has a "Ponies in Socks" meme, so someone was inspired to create this. It's the Python programming language, using the SOCKS protocol.
  • While many an image on this very wiki falls into this (see the section on Visual Pun), the one in Speed Sex is the most blatant. Who came before, the chicken or the egg?

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