Suburban Senshi

Revision as of 15:13, 24 July 2023 by Looney Toons (talk | contribs) (corrected categories)

Suburban Senshi is a long-running fan-created Massive Multiplayer Crossover centered in the Sailor Moon universe. Started in 2002 by Doctor Xadium, the site centers around a present day versions of the now mostly retired Sailor Senshi, set in a universe where almost any fictional series can exist. The story is told though chat logs between characters, stories written by Xadium, an RP chat room, and stories created by users in said chatroom (Though the chat room and related stories are mostly Extended Universe and not always mentioned in the "chat logs"

Main "Verse" Series (Earth 1337)

Extended Universe (Chatbox, Earth 1337A)

It can be found here.

Tropes used in Suburban Senshi include:
  • Author Avatar: Doctor Xadium.
  • Crossover Ship: Hotaru/Sailor Saturn and L
  • Everything's Better with Penguins: The Prinnies dood. The chat room has 3 main groups of Prinnies. The Haz-Mat Prinnies, Shin's Prinnies, and Etna's Prinnies (the only ones canon to their original series)
  • Face Heel Turn: Sailor Moon, Sailor Pluto.
  • Gender Bender: Haruka/Sailor Uranus, thanks to Sailor Moon.
  • Hero of Another Story: Matsuo Shin is a glaring example. Most of the characters are heroes of their own stories, but most of the stories have already happened by the time they show up in canon.
  • Identical Grandson: Harriet S. Weinberg, Granddaughter of Sagitta Weinberg. (Though this is mostly due to Xadium just using images of Sagaitta to represent Harriet)
  • Lethal Chef: Michiru. Also in the chatbox, Flonne.
  • Massive Multiplayer Crossover
  • My Grandson, Myself: Gemini Sunrise uses this to preform on stage after traveling into to the present, claiming she's the famous Gemini's granddaughter.
  • Noodle Incident: A Meta example. The players will often refer to people that have been banned from the site but will refuse to speak of WHY said people were banned to avoid dredging up bad memories and starting arguments.
  • Original Generation: Quite a few original universes have been added to the Multiverse by players.
  • Pluto Is Expendable: Played straight after Pluto's IAU demotion, causing Setsuna to lose her Senshi powers and turn emo and slightly insane. The chat room even filtered out "Pluto" to it's numerical designation. Once Sailor Moon returned post Face Heel Turn, she gave Setsuna back her powers and removed the filter.
  • Reality Warper: Usagi, Chibi-Usa. In the chatroom, Sailor Neggerra.
  • Sailor Earth: It's a Sailor Moon based fan-fic. This is to be expected. Quite a large number of object's within our Solar System have been claimed by players already, and a few originals not based on any real planet (Sailor Bandersnatch, Sailor Quinox, Sailor Neggerra for example) pop up as well. Non-Sailor Moon Examples include Doctor Xadium and Thrash, original Time Lords.
  • Self Insert: A few characters are based on their players (And a at least one is a Gender Flipped version). Most are written well enough that you wouldn't notice
  • The Wiki Rule: It has it's own wiki, which is useful for keeping track of the current canon status of different elements originating in the various series.