The Legend of Awesomest Maximus

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Some Legends Echo Through Time, So it was With Awesomest Maximus Even if He was One Stupid M@TH%^F^#*%R.

The Legend of Awesomest Maximus is what happens when you take a classic tale such as Trojan War and fill it with swear words, idiots, and more sex jokes than you can shake a stick at. It tells the tale of complete idiot Awesome Maximus, general of the Trojan army and his bumbling antics as he tries to save Troy from getting enslaved or destroyed by the Greek god-king Erotic while proving himself to his wife Princess Hotessa and to King Looney so he can get named heir to throne. Historical accuracy is pretty much non-existent in this movie and is not so much the Trojan War as a ton of myths shoved into one.

Tropes used in The Legend of Awesomest Maximus include:
  • AcCENT Upon the Wrong SylLABle: When god-king Erotic taunts the Thessaly...ians they comment on saying that hes accenting the wrong syllable.
  • Aerith and Bob: Many great names such as Erotic, Awesomest, Looney, and...Ellen.
  • Affably Evil: Maybe not entirely accurate but watching the big bad King Erotic stab one of his men for asking a perfectly reasonable question then repeating "I'll tell you later" in a high voice.
  • Achilles in His Tent: Considering Testicles is basically a combination of all Greek heroes its not suprising he quit fighting in the middle of a war with Sparta because King Erotic gave him a small tent Greek heroes aren't known for humility. He only came out of his tent was because Awesomest had mistaken his cousin for him when he killed him. Fun fact his name was used to make several ball based jokes during that scene.
  • Better Than It Sounds: Trojan General Awesomest must save Troy from the invading Greeks, while technically this is a brief synopsis it woefully under describes this movie.
  • Chosen One: Brutally subverted when you find out that Awesomest is not really the Chosen One, the real Chosen One was dropped off a cliff by a priest and grabbed the closest child to replace him.
  • Comically Missing the Point: When Testiclees finds out that his cousin was killed by Awesomest he was more pissed that his cousin had been mistaken for him.
  • Double Entendre: Kind of in every scene except its always very obvious.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Testiclee's cousin is known only by the name Tesiclee's Cousin made even funnier by the fact that Testiclees himself calls him that
  • Gag Penis: Subverted in the fact that they actually built a giant wooden penis
  • Groin Attack: Hilarious in the fact that it is really the only way to defeat Greece's greatest warrior
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: The two guys in the scene where Testiclees is sailing to Greece after giving his speech the two guys from Held Up start arguing in pretty much exactly the same way they did in that movie
  • Number Two: Quintas. He pretty much runs things on account of Awesomest being a idiot and usually had to cover for him and generally insults Awesomest.
  • Plot-Powered Stamina: They slip it in rather masterfully in that Awesomest is not a very fit person yet they never show him winded or sleepy at all except for that one time he passed out after swimming miles after being pushed off a cliff so a slaver could capture him. This includes the time where he went to gladiator camp to train to be awesome.
  • Shout-Out: Many things most notably The Trojan horse appearing as a giant wooden penis, having to use 300 men to fight the million Greeks, and finally the disease ridden guys that interpret gods will by the use of hot women. The writer really liked 300
  • Super Not-Drowning Skills: Despite being thrown off a cliff Awesomest is able to swim miles away after suffering at the very least several broken bones and he was pretty unfit at the time. He got better. The narrator attempts to explain it by saying it had something to do with displacement.
  • Transparent Closet: Subverted in that both Erotic and Orlando admit it by the end.
  • Unfortunate Names: Alot of the names the worst had to be the black midget named Minorities. Lampshaded by the fact that the narrator immediately says "Ya his mother really calls him that"