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First published as ''Star Ways'' later as ''The Peregrine''
*[[Bittersweet Ending]]: The Nomads escape to warn their people but because of this the Alori will almost certainly have their way of life destroyed by contact with humans.
*[[Bothering by the Book]]: It is against Nomad law to marry a native. So Joachim decrees that Ilaloa will ship as a "pet".
*[[The Chick]]: Ilaloa

Revision as of 05:57, 22 September 2016

She said to me 'O Nomad, see I cannot follow you. The star ways were so cold and dree where all the wild winds blew. The wind between the stars, my love the restless wander call, blew low blew high, into the sky, the withered leaves of fall, and we were blown and all alone we flew from sunlit day. Into the waste where stars are sown and planets have their way

Nomad ballad

The Nomads, an iterant race of traders are meeting at the planet Rendezvous for the Captains council between the captains of each clan/ship. Joachim, captain of The Peregrine has news. A mysterious and potentially dangerous race has left signs that need to be discovered. He proposed to take his ship for the job. Meanwhile Trevelan, an agent of the Coordination Office or "cordies" is off to the frontier on the same mission.

Sean, a lonely Nomad whose wife has left him falls in love with a mysterious native named Ilaloa. It is agreed to allow him to take her along.

When The Peregrine docks at a space port Trevelan snoops around ostentatiously until Joachim orders him abducted as a precaution. He uses this as an opportunity to ally with The Nomads. They follow up leads until they get to the planet of the Alori a native race devoted to their love of nature and xenophobically fearful of technological society. They are held captive with the hope that they will assimilate. Instead the Nomads revolt, recapture their ship and head home. In the meantime Trevelan has fallen in love with and married a Nomad woman and decides to resign from his job and stay with the Nomads.

First published as Star Ways later as The Peregrine

  • Bittersweet Ending: The Nomads escape to warn their people but because of this the Alori will almost certainly have their way of life destroyed by contact with humans.
  • Bothering by the Book: It is against Nomad law to marry a native. So Joachim decrees that Ilaloa will ship as a "pet".
  • The Chick: Ilaloa
  • The Clan: The Nomads are a tribe of wandering ships that meets regularly. Each ship is a single clan and always marries outside.
  • Closer to Earth: The Alori are this in spades.
  • Conflicting Loyalty: Ilaloa is an Alori spy but finds she really cares for her human lover.
  • Culture Clash
  • Fantastic Racism: The Alori. The humans in many ways admire them but the Alori cannot accept the legitimacy of technological culture. The idea that humans love starships and cities and independance enough to fight for it when they could have flowers and trees is incomprehensible to them.
  • Going Native: Trevelan
  • Grey And Gray Morality
  • Interspecies Romance
  • Lotus Eater Machine: The Alori have a whole planet to use as one.
  • Magical Database: Inverted. The reason it took the Cordies so long to react to the rumors of an alien race is that their computers could not digest all the reports coming in.
  • The Mole: Ilaloa is really an Alori spy.
  • Mighty Whitey: Trevelan is a subversion. He is competent and helpful, and has useful perspectives but he is not obviously superior to the Nomads and Joachim is equally competent.
  • Noble Savage: Both the Nomads and the Alori are subversions of this. The Alori are closer to earth and never tire of reminding humans of it. They can also be treacherous and brutal. They are charming but not exactly noble. The Nomads have a romantic footloose existence but they are masters of technology and each ship has enough perks for a small town including books, music, and artwork.
  • Order Versus Chaos: The Cordies who enforce order find Nomads rather irritating. But they can get along and cooperate.
  • Romanticism Versus Enlightenment: Trevelan represents extreme enlightenment. The Alori represent extreme romanticism. The Nomads are romantic in a different way but they also have enlightend characteristics.
    • The Alori represent Edenic nature, Trevelan represents reason, the Nomads honor and both Trevelan and the Nomads represent discipline.
  • Scenery Porn
  • Space Elves: The Alori. They are closest to Fair Folk in style but they are not inexplicable and their motivations are understandable to humans.
  • Space Cold War: Except the humans don't know that a war is on yet or that the enemy exists.
  • Space Cossacks: The Nomads
  • Space People: The Nomads don't just go to space but their ships are their homes and they only go on planetside for business or leave.
  • Space Police: the Coordination office, or "cordies".
  • The Spock: Trevelayn
  • Worldbuilding: A surprising amount for two hundred pages.
  • You Will Be Assimilated: The Alori expect the Nomads to start adopting Alori ways after living on a garden world made for their captivity. The hope is that their descendants will serve them.