Topic on Talk:Designated Hero

While it's arguable that Mario's whole team in SMG4: The Mario Mafia - Bing video ( is this trope to variable extents, I recently had a weird experience when watching the video and glimpsing into public "reaction" videos:

Through most of the video I feel an intense antipathy specifically against Meggy. Something seems to tell me she is distinct from the rest and an extreme sociopath, wanting complete destruction of Bowser's family right from the beginning. She appears as an arrogant Smug Snake, and her facial expressions are already threatening on their own. But when I try to analyze the plot logically, I can't really find an argument why she should be so much worse than anyone else in the video.

It's also not that I have any particular sympathy for Wendy who gets killed by her at the end. (Except that this scene is a kind-of subverted Crime of Self Defense on Wendy's side played for laughs.) Or for Bowser himself - he is obviously a big Jerkass who has to expect revenge for what he does himself (I mean his firearm attack, not his spilling of Mario's spaghetti).

Also Meggy in most other SMG4 videos is not such a Hate Sink for me - She is always a bit of an Insufferable Genius who habitually uses Attack Its Weak Point, but still overall sympathetic compared with many others. Mario himself is usually worse, for example - even in this video one could argue he is the worst because he lets his injured bodyguard Po die in front of his eyes. Not even Bowser considers actively eschewing his fellows/kids, he is just stupid at the end.

Lastly, my experience of Meggy being particularly detestable doesn't appear to be shared by others, according to my preliminary and non-representative search.

This is interesting - and also somewhat disturbing - with the backgroung that I am on the autism spectrum: From both personal experience and interaction with other Aspies, I know that our interpretation of social cues is sometimes a bit off and weird, including inappropriate perceptions that someone else is a Jerkass when they aren't really. In many cases, such misplaced accusations are the result of own past experience such as someone reminding us of a past Bully. Besides, some of us are also good at overthinking everything to death, potentially finding pieces of Fridge Horror that no-one else would ever find.

This is why I want to ask other tropers here: Does anyone have a similar perception of Meggy in this video? Or is she hitting some specific internal Berserk Button in me just incidentally?

Note: I don't need an answer from everyone. That would be the wrong place here. Just some assurance if my viewpoint is rationally understandable or not, so that if I'm not grossly misinterpreting something, I could potentially add this example into the article.