Topic on Talk:Contractual Boss Immunity

Umbire the Phantom (talkcontribs)
HeneryVII (talkcontribs)

A section like the one in SNK Boss might work.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

I've always considered that to be an ugly kludge.

Better, IMHO, to maintain consistency with the rest of the wiki - a consistent look-and-feel across pages helps the 99% of readers who don't edit find things here. I've changed the headers on this page to match the headers on the majority of other trope pages on the wiki. I've also sorted the sections.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

Oh, and I just put a "cleanup" tag on SNK Boss because the examples on that page are not sorted consistently.

Umbire the Phantom (talkcontribs)

Big thanks, Rob.

GentlemensDame883 (talkcontribs)

I have no problems with relevant non-VG examples for this page.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

As long as were talking about section naming on this page... "Shooters" and "First-Person Shooters"? Should Shooters have a different name?

HeneryVII (talkcontribs)

I think "Shooters" can be separated into the First Person, Third Person, and Light Gun types.

Never heard of a Second Person Shooter, but that would be kinda interesting, lol

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

Thanks. Since I don't know the difference, somebody else will have to clean up that list, please.

Never heard of a Second Person Shooter, but that would be kinda interesting, lol

Maybe something along the line of Sean Connery Is About to Shoot You but in a video game? <grin>

Umbire the Phantom (talkcontribs)

The difference is where the camera is situated related to your character - think Doom for First-Person Shooter, and stuff like Uncharted or RE4 and on for Third-Person Shooters (or elements of such, anyway).

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

Well, I knew that much...

What I don't know is which games are which. And if somebody else is going to go through the list and identify them all, that person might as well finish the sorting job.

Umbire the Phantom (talkcontribs)

Ah, I parsed your question wrong then.