BTS (band)/Funny

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

General Moments

Jungkook: (after listening to V's practice) I think you should stop rapping, hyung.

  • During the stage part of the video, J-hope and Suga actually join V. Suga eventually leaves in truly "Screw This, I'm Outta Here" fashion.
  • The 3rd Munster skit House of ARMY is a gem of hilarity, featuring RM as teenage fangirl Kim ARMY, J-Hope as her mother, V as her brother, Jungkook as the father, Suga as the uncle, and Jimin as Cuty the family dog.
    • Dog!Jimin acting seductive towards his owner... and then towards a giant banana interpreted by Jin.
    • Kim ARMY and her mother identifying each other as BTS fans via quoting lyrics and fan chants.
    • Kim ARMY overreacting to her sightly tearing her official fanbook while opening it.
    • When Uncle Min fails to impress his niece with neither his dance and rapping skills, she sends the dog to attack him with a simple "Cuty, bite him". A bit later, she does the same when she catches her brother badly rapping to one of the Cyphers, but the brother attempts to escape by interposing a clock (played by Jin) between him and the attacking dog. This ends with Clock!Jin curling himself in the Corner of Woe.
  • Whenever any person tries to interrupt Suga's nap time, they get immediately retaliated. On one occasion, Jimin tried to awake Suga and received a kick in the crotch for his troubles.
  • Every time the group goes to The Late Late Show with James Corden is a riot.
    • The members doing the Flinch game. This is better to watch unspoiled; their reactions are truly priceless.
    • The Carpool Karaoke. Mostly because of their interactions both with Corden and among themselves, and because the boys aren't afraid of snarking. Some of the most notorious moments include:
      • J-Hope covering Cardi B's lines of her collaboration with Bruno Mars "Finesse", stranding the line between this and a Crowning Moment of Awesome. Even more hilarious, Cardi B latter tweeted “Me homeless cause Hobi & Joon took my job.”
      • Jin responding to Corden stealing his line of "Worldwide Handsome" with "Haha, you're a joker guy!" Even better, Jin actually didn't really get what Corden was saying, and his reaction in Korean was "I don't know what he is saying but let's laugh."
      • Suga opinion on Post Malone: "he smokes too many cigarettes."
      • While RM explains to Corden that he learn English by watching Friends without subs, Suga and Jin mock RM's talent with the language.

Jin: Wait, I've watched Friends too.
Suga: Yeah, me too.
Jin: But I can't speak English.
Suga: He memorized it to study.

  • During a conversation about dumplings, it comes to Corden that one of Jimin's nicknames is "mochi", so he decides to become Papa Mochi, with Jimin immediately becoming Baby Mochi. Both spend calling each other that way for the rest of their interactions, even keeping the gag on subsequent visits to the show.
    • Playing Hide and Seek with Corden and Ashton Kutcher. Memorable events include Suga trying to hide in the production cabin by acting as part of the staff but being immediately discovered due to being the only blond in a room full of brunettes, Jin hiding in a photo booth and being hauled back to the studio while covering his embarrassed face with the photos of himself he took there, Jungkook successfully hiding in plain sight as a cameraman (and only being found because RM rat him), and J-Hope somehow managing to hide in the studio's ceiling.
  • On The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, the members doing the Fortnite Dance Challenge. Simultaneously hilarious and awesome, due to how well and how fast they adapt to every dance they are asked to do.
    • When Fallon "collapses" and drops to the floor, some members surround him creeping around and dance-emoting, not unlike the actual game's version of teabagging.
    • This became Hilarious in Hindsight when they got their choreography for "Dynamite" included in the actual game.
  • The band taking a BuzzFeed quiz on "What BTS member are you?".
  • Map of the Song: 7, aka the 7th-anniversary karaoke party.
    • Jimin hanging with the other groups after his round ended, and at some point banging the door of the karaoke booth.
    • Jin trying to get extra prize tickets (which was against the rules), with his attempts being interrupted by "Technical Difficulties"
    • RM and Jin trying to sing badly on purpose (because punctuations with a 7 got double prizes), and the system still awarding them with scores in the 90s.
    • Suga and J-Hope getting photocards of each other as prizes, and the captions going "Sope is real".

Music Videos

  • The beginning of "No More Dream" MV, where the bus driven by Jin crashes on some boxes in a very ridiculous fashion.
  • "War of Hormone", otherwise a pretty standard video, has a couple funny moments.
    • V in the background at the 2:51 timestamp
    • At the end of the video, the girl they have been chasing and fighting for during all the video returns and chooses V. The other members reactions to it are hysterical.
  • The interesting choice of dressing V in what was basically a Conan Edogawa cosplay for the "Dope" MV.
  • "IDOL", a very trippy video where the guys act... pretty much like themselves, actually.
    • The part where Jin appears gigantic against the rest of the members. Not helped when his next lines after this are "it's Ok, I'm in love with myself"
    • Jungkook twerking in the background during the second pre-chorus.
    • Jimin surrounded by the CGIfied faces of the rest of the members, due to the sheer bizarreness and suddenness of the scene
  • While they don't appear physically in the video for their collaboration with Steve Aoki "Waste It On Me", the video itself is quite hilarious.
    • In the video, a waiter interpreted by Ken Jeong has a crush in a girl interpreted by Devon Aoki, who is in a date with a guy interpreted by Ross Butler. When serving them, the waiter gives her the menu in a loving manner, while uncaringly trowing the other menu towards the general direction of the guy.
    • Ken Jeong over-hammy expressions when lip-syncing to Jungkook verses.
  • In a dark sense, that moment in the video for "ON" when J-Hope is rapping his verses in a deserted area filled with fossilised trees while a fugitive and hands-tied Jungkook is collapsed over the ground with a buzzard pecking him.
  • In the video for Suga/Agust D's "Daechwita", Agust D is rapping while walking in a market, when he crashes on a passerby peasant. While Agust D keeps walking and rapping, the crashed guy turns and pins the blame in another guy passing by, who then proceeds to fight. Made funnier as the fighters were interpreted by Jin (with a fake beard) and Jungkook.
  • "Dynamite MV - B side version", made mostly with bloopers from the official MV.
  • "Butter" In the Style Of a karaoke machine background video. Silly dance moves, funny wigs and hats, fansub-level subtitles and astoundingly cheap green screen effects are involved.

BT21 Universe

Note that here BT21 Universe refers to the behind-the-scenes documentary. Funny moments in the actual BT21 shorts will be placed when we create the page for BT21 Universe Animation.

BT21 Universe 1

  • In a meta way, that in the end the only character that resembled the band member original drawings the most was the one that Jungkook designed.
    • Also that Suga, the shortest member of the group, who didn't actually designed a character per se and most of his drawings were expressions sketches, received a character that was a small pastry 90% face.

BT21 Universe 2

  • While planning Tata's motivations and backstory, it's mentioned that Tata left his natal planet, and while brainstorming his motives...

SUGA: But turns out, this planet has its own problems like corruption.
Jin: Don't put in stuff like that!

  • When discussing the BT21 gang's rivals, it gets RJ's (Jin's character) turn.

Jin: I came up with a theme. Mine is way different from these same old stories.
Jimin: Whaaat?!!!
Jin: My idea~!!
Jimin: How dare you talk like that.
Jin: -is a character with double-identity-
RM: Where did this double-identity come from all of a sudden?
Jin: ...and also a spy.
V: Of which side?
Jin: Both. Moving from one side to the other.
RM: That plot doesn't make sense.
Jin: Yes, it does.

  • Jin then comes with the idea that RJ's evil sides appears when he doesn't bathe for long enough, and he only needs a shower to get back to BT21 side. During the rest of the brainstorming session, this fact is constantly mentioned, more often than not by Jin himself.
  • When defining Tata's stretching powers:

RM: Next! TATA can stretch as much as it wants. Any limits?
V: I… don't think there are.
RM: How long can the arms stretch up to?
V: Maximum 3 meters.
RM: 3 meters~??
All: You said there weren't any limits and the limit is 3m @#!@#!?!

BT21 Universe 3

  • This season begins with the group watching the full animated previous season.
    • When showing the first video (Van's episode), they notice that the file name goes something "final final version", something that RM and Suga immediately relate with.
    • Mocking the similarities between Jin and his character RJ during the latter's short.

Jimin: (when the video talks about RJ evil dark side) Jin is just like that when he's not fed

    • Noticing the Theme Naming of RJ family, immediately RM declares himself part of it.

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