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"Is it hot in here to anyone else?"

Backdraft is 1991 American action-drama film directed by Ron Howard and written by Gregory Widen. The film stars Kurt Russell, William Baldwin, Robert De Niro and Scott Glenn. Donald Sutherland, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Rebecca De Mornay, Jason Gedrick, Brian Jaramillo and JT Walsh co-star in the film.

In The Windy City, young Brian McCaffery (William Baldwin) is a man going from one dead-end job to another, until he gets it in his head to be a firefighter alongside his brother, Stephen "Bull" McCaffery (Kurt Russell), and the men of the 17-engine crew. Also, Brian's past follows him, as he was photographed at the scene of his father's death by arson, as he watched from the ground, holding his father's helmet in his hands. Now, a dangerous arsonist has torched two city officials, and after Brian is transfered, it is up to him and arson investigator Donald "Shadow" Rimgale to sniff out the arsonist before anyone else is torched.

Not to be confused with Internet Backdraft.

Tropes used in Backdraft include:
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