• The animations of the late Monty Oum fall under this, mostly from sheer awesomeness overload. Seriously, the main adjective used to describe the man himself is "awesome," despite the fact that when not animating he barely talked or moved above turtle pace. Mostly because he didn't sleep. Like at all. He worked until he passed out, more or less lived in his motion capture studio and went to the bathroom wearing his motion capture suit to save time, if his colleagues are to be believed. Now that's dedication to your work!
  • Void Dogs has Regan Bard, a resident of Cloud Cuckooland who is also a Crazy Prepared Badass berserker who can turn almost anything into a bomb.
  • Reginald Cuftbert's MO is this, in the room with two people you need to kill? Blow up the room, while still in it! Crazy monsters walking a casino? Punch them out! Want revenge on someone? Blow up his pants, stealthily! Annoyed? commit genocide! or alternatively punch the people annoying you out of existence by accident.
  • Gavin becomes quite literally Crazy Awesome towards the end of Kate Modern. Becoming a Fourth Wall Observer is definitely part of it, as is a certain scene involving a pen.
  • In the League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions Mr. Absurd, once when escaping through a portable hole he reached back through the hole, grabbed the edge & pulled the hole through the hole so they couldn't be followed.
  • Inferno Optic, Netcop of the Bong. Is she crazy? Yes. Is she awesome? Yes. Do the two intersect? Most definitely yes.
  • Most, if not all things, by John Su, but most recently this.
  • Everything Doctor Steel does is cool, awesome, and/or funny, over-the-top, or a combination thereof.
  • Assignment 2's Stanley Brown oh, so much. Swordfights with genetically-enhanced monkeys are pretty much par for the course. In a world which is almost logical and normal, he basically does whatever the hell he wants, ignoring anything remotely resembling sense.
  • Jade Sinclair, codename Generator, of the Whateley Universe. What has she not done? She has defeated opponents with her flying Hello Kitty makeup compact. She once defeated a guy in power armor who was holding her hostage by impaling herself on his knife. She took over part of a Syndicate hardsite by making everyone think she had turned dead thugs into zombies. She let a Mad Scientist experiment on her, including he cut her foot off! And she let him do it. She got better. When she shouted, "People! I am not crazy! And the voice in my head agrees with me!" her friends laughed, because it's exactly true. Is there something more crazy and awesome than just Crazy Awesome?
    • Don't forget her shoulder angel thing, a prank that went horribly right, nearly launching the entire campus into a warzone; and the time she got to baby-sit for an Expy of the Fantastic Four. Oh, and her cabbit of doom.
    • What about the time she rescued Fey by shooting an RPG at her? What about the fact that Whateley Academy has special armbands for the school Ultraviolents, and special armbands for the school pacifists, and she has one of each? What about the time she defeated Solange by making Solange shave her own head? What about the time she drove her own team crazy with an animated cabbit? What about the fact that she turned that animated cabbit into a Killer Rabbit that among other things did a Groin Attack out of your nightmares?
    • Or her latest idea: a radioactive condor suit for Tennyo. The simulation instructors are worried, and they haven't even seen it yet.
      • Even more bizarre, the Radioactive Condor Girl plan actually worked, against a simulation that no team at Whateley Academy has ever beaten on the first try, and few have ever beaten, period. Right now, it's still a Noodle Incident. Maybe a Missed Moment of Awesome. And they're forbidden from doing that ever again.
  • Flippy from Happy Tree Friends.
  • Many of the SCP Foundation staff, but special mention has to go to Dr. Kondraki. This pretty much sums it up.
    • For those too lazy to read it: he rode SCP-682.
  • Just about everyone in Red vs. Blue is this at some point or another.
  • Tobuscus has shown signs of this. The most obvious example is when he took contact with an auction website about them giving him an Ipad because he had spent about 500 dollars on their website:

Tobuscus: (...)I bet on an Ipad like 500 times and lost, can you just retroactively give me one for free?
Spokesperson: No.
Tobuscus: Okay.(...) I have an idea. How about you give me two, and i give one away on my youtube channel?
Spokesperson: That's not a compromise, you just added another Ipad!
Tobuscus: Shhh. Let me finish. Also give anyone who signs up for your website through my channel five dollars. Deal?
Spokesperson: WHAT! You just added another thing, are you nuts?
Tobuscus: Yes.
Spokesperson: Oh. Alright, let's do it.

  • Evan from Everyman HYBRID tried to clobber Slender Man with a baseball bat. It didn't work, but... well, he attacked Slender Man with a baseball bat. And lived.
    • Speaking of the Mythos, Maduin pretty much has this as his schtick. Among other things, he once marched straight up to Slendy, handed him a twenty-dollar bill, then just turned and walked away, leaving the Eldritch Abomination standing on the sidewalk and presumably wondering what the hell just happened.
  • In Marble Hornets, Jay actually tackled the Operator. Granted, this erased 7 months from his memory but a direct tackle is ballsy
  • In Trinton Chronicles Peter is a good example of this as his powers are over dark matter and black hole creation.
  • This animation by Neil Cicierega, AKA Lemon Demon. Yes, the Lemon Demon responsible the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny. Which also qualifies. In fact, just about everything this guy has made qualifies.
  • If this [dead link] parody/example doesn't qualify, nothing does. Nothing beats a wolf riding a Tyrannosaurus rex that is holding a chainsaw and a shark holding a flag of America and is itself riding a bald eagle!
  • The parts of Fine Structure that aren't made of Nightmare Fuel are made entirely of this.
    • Oul is due to arrive at Earth in a few hours, at which point it's game over. The final solution to defeat Oul will take 20,000 years to calculate, give or take a few millennia. John Zhang builds an information-to-energy converter in his thoughts, feeds the Script in one end so it will generate more energy than the entire universe can ever possibly generate, builds an Albicurrie drive in his Klick device, and takes off for the other end of the universe much faster than the speed of light, and accelerating logarithmically - just to force the Imprisoning God to wall off the solar system from the rest of the universe to contain humanity's reality-breaking Crazy Awesome and buy the necessary 20,000 years to figure out how to beat Oul.
    • Ching tries to destroy Xio in the modern day, forcing Xio to throw him forwards in time. He lands in the future just as the Solution is finished, beats Xio to it, earths all of Xio's Power in himself, and takes on Oul one-on-one, killing it with a bullet made from the entire core of the Earth. In the ensuing few seconds of existence, humans from alternate realities swoop in and save everyone still alive and most of the historically important artifacts and structures, and spends the remaining milliseconds before Earth is destroyed watching the spectacle.
  • Shadowhunter Peril's Veronica Marie Carter falls into this category easily, because she is able to act like a total lunatic yet hold her own in a fight against multiple enemies. She tends to border on the bipolar side occasionally, switching from maternal figure to warrior princess to abusive friend in a matter of moments. That, and the fact that she also blows shit up for absolutely no reason whatsoever.