Encino Man

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Encino Man is a 1992 comedy movie in which a caveman named Link (played by Brendan Fraser) goes from being frozen in a block of ice to being the most popular guy at Encino High, with help from Dave (Sean Astin) and his friend Stoney (Pauly Shore).

Tropes used in Encino Man include:

(Link was about to use a lit match to make a fire)
Dave: Hey! (takes the match away) No!
Link: No.
Dave: What? Did you just... ?

  • Makeover Montage: Dave and Stoney transform Link from a muddy, clay-caked naked wild man into a goofy-looking 90s teenager through the magic of a completely unnecessary and ineffectual haircut, a toothbrush, and lots and lots of soap. Link even wears a towel turban for part of the scene.
  • Mood Whiplash: The museum field trip, where Link realizes what exactly has happened to him (and the presumed fate of his wife).
  • Nubile Savage: Initially averted with both Link and his wife, who are dirty, have rotten teeth, and are clothed in lots of furs (they are living through an ice age). However, Link cleans up nice, and at the end, so does his wife.
  • Ow, My Body Part

Stoney: Ow! My pancreas!

Matt: Going somewhere?
Dave: Yeah, got a date with your mom.
Matt: Now that's not nice.
Dave: Its just a joke, I'm sorry.