Fan Service/Quotes

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They do make an admirable attempt to add plot, but like most people I only watch it for perverse reasons.
Ood Sigma, on The Doctor Who Forum, discussing Secret Diary of a Call Girl

"I just realized for the first time that we're in the ladies' locker room, is in the background, there was a woman in a towel, what was the point of that?"

"What do you mean, 'what was the point'?"
Gremlins 2 voice commentary.

And G must show herself in tights
For two convincing reasons--

Two very well-shaped reasons!
"So really, the entire purpose of this comic was to get Xena into skimpy dominatrix gear. Well, I've heard of worse reasons to make a comic!"
Dear Movie, thank you SO MUCH for this scene!
Tom Servo, on a shot of two women sharing a bed in The Brain That Wouldn't Die.

Strong Bad: (reacting to a loud roar from the Trogdor arcade machine) What the crap was that?
Strong Sad: It sounds like the fan's broken! You'll have to get it serviced.
Strong Bad: Serviced?!? Where am I supposed to get fan service around here?

(As if on cue, the Trogdor arcade machine comes to life)
Strong Bad, SBCG4AP Episode 5, hanging a lampshade. (Note: this denotes fanservice in a general sense, rather than sexual content.)

Seriously, this trailer only interrupts the action for one reason: slow pushes on neat butts.

It probably goes without saying, but just in case, I should point out that these are not plot-forwarding butts. Vin Diesel never says, "Hey, Ludacris, Other Guy, get outta that car and come over here; we need to drive fast cars or those butts are going to explode!" The Rock never pulls over to the side of the road saying, "Damn, they're getting away with all of the car money. I'd be able to catch them, but I'm out of gas, and my car runs on butts." They serve no story function. Just butts for butts' sake. on Fast Five trailer, in the article about Poe's Law and trailers.
"It's like, 'Hey, we've got this horrible shitty game, but there's a girl taking her clothes off, so you have to keep playing!'"
The Angry Video Game Nerd on Menace Beach

databat: I am not the best artists by any means. In the past, I tried to give artists the benefit of the doubt because…well most of them are traditional (Pen on paper) and have deadlines to fill…so some things get looked over.
databat: But maybe
databat: Just maybe
databat: If they didn’t focus on trying to fit tits and ass into every shot
databat: THEN MAYBE

eschergirls: That’s exactly it. And that’s why I post all sorts of anatomy screw ups for women because I’ve noticed that a lot of the time, the artists seem to be “okay drew the sexy bits... bored now”.
Tumblr rants on yet another picture of twisted wasp women, this time from Glory comics.
Personally, I don't get annoyed when there are boobs in anime. There have always been boobs in anime, there will always be boobs in anime, people love boobs in anime. I draw the line when there isn't anything else in the show - rote, extremely familiar genre stories and power fantasies where the obvious #1 (and #2 and #3 and #4) reason for its existence is endless fanservice

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