A female character who regularly gropes other girls, obsesses over their underwear and other open perversions. Strangely her targets rarely have long term animosity toward her and often remain her friend and only immediate violent punishment ever results from her actions.

Examples of Groper Girl include:


Anime and Manga

Comic Books

Fan Works



Live-Action TV


New Media

Newspaper Comics

Oral Tradition, Myths and Legends



Professional Wrestling

Puppet Shows


Recorded and Stand Up Comedy

Tabletop Games


Video Games

  • Katsuragi of Senran Kagura loves to grope the Gag Boobs of her fellow shinobi, none of which show long term annoyance at her actions and even express that they will miss the groping when she graduates. Her sidestory in Estival Versus has her learn to enjoy the rest of a woman's body as well, but it is ambiguously canon. Her main rival, Hikage, an Emotionless Girl, doesn't care about it, which Katsuragi varies between pleased with and disdainful (it's not fun if they don't react). While she does it enjoy it, it's largely an outlet of relief from her terrible life where both parents are wanted criminals on the run that she hasn't seen in years.
    • Ayame, Katsuragi's kouhai who idolizes her, is also a groper. Katsuragi hypocritically freaks out when Ayame tries to grope her.
  • Fitting with Kujo Kazuma's tendency to include many off the wall dialog options in games he works on, various dialog options in City Shrouded in Shadow allow the player character to be one. On multiple occasions "dialog" options are given to pick the character's inner thoughts on her female companion Yuki and these options always include "I'd like to grope her if I get the chance". This is reinforced with option like swooning over a woman after she bumps into the protagonist butt first, suggesting Yuki and her pass the time while they are trapped by making out (which gets her slapped), to force Yuki to kiss her as a reward for saving her from their mutual peril, and to extort lewd favors from a woman as a reward.

Visual Novels

Web Animation

Web Comics

Web Original

  • Kizuna AI loves "touching" features in games, is fascinated by the thighs and breasts of virtual girls and attempts to manipulate the camera to see the panties of female characters whenever a game allows it. In her crossover with Arihara Tssubasa of Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine she repeatedly tricks her into compromising positions and showing her underwear (Only to reveal, to AI's disappointment, she's wearing spats).

Western Animation

Other Media

Real Life