Head of the Class

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A highly successful Sitcom of The Eighties. Imagine Saved by the Bell for prime-time.

Howard Hesseman (of WKRP in Cincinnati fame) starred as Charlie Moore, a substitute teacher who is hired to teach history to a class of gifted students at a Manhattan high school. He is not gifted himself, but he thinks outside the box and is full of epiphanies, and so he has much to teach his class even as he finds himself clashing with the school's stuffy, by-the-book principal. Three months later, the Very Special Episode came in which the original teacher returned from his medical leave. This being a successful American sitcom, after spending most of the episode trying to impress the guy, Charlie is himself; in being himself, he does impress the guy, who was looking for a worthy replacement so that he could retire. This naturally infuriated the principal further, but it finally ensured that there could be a stable status quo.

The series ran for five years with almost no cast turnover. This did stretch credulity after a time, but it didn't cause problems until the network was forced to replace the teacher with a Suspiciously Similar Substitute in the fifth year.

Oh, and Robin Givens played a student here before she married Mike Tyson. Also launched the likes of Dan Schneider (responsible in some way for most every recent live-action hit on Nickelodeon) and Brian Robbins, who went on to produce and direct shows with Schneider and without (as well as work with the enemy sometimes). Unlike Brian Robbins, Dan Schneider has yet to direct a big-screen movie, which may be a wise move.

Tropes used in Head of the Class include: