This page didn't exist because no one wanted it to exist.

  • Yet, here I am, creating it. What is that, Meta Fiction? Is this page going to be deleted or is there room for funny and witty responses?
    • Now you can go to the opposite of this page.

Nothing really bugs anyone who makes an entry.

We just like to make each other think. Or fuck with each other. Not sure which.

Tropers are much, much more bugged than they let on.

Because 'It Really Bugs Me To The Point Of Making Me Want To Axe-Murder Everyone Within Two Miles' is too long for a namespace.

Tropers aren't really as bugged as they let on.

But snarking is more fun than gushing.

It Just Bugs Me is really a coded message that tropers are being observed via surveillance equipment

Time to buy some barbecue potato chips.

It Just Bugs Me is just a Dumping Ground for the Trolls.

You know it's true.

It Just Bugs Me pages were created by a Time Lord

And now you're all going "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU--"