Death Note/Memes

I: The memes written on this Death Note page will eventually be mutated.
II: These memes will not take effect unless the reader has the series in mind when saying them out loud.
- The meme. <ref>The explanation behind the meme.]]</ref> [1]
Original memes
- "I'll take a potato chip.. and EAT IT" : Quoted for over-the-top Narm.
- Death Note features a scene where Light eats a potato chip in slow motion, which became an internet meme. Then the English dub of it aired with him giddily declaring in his mind "I'll take a potato chip... and EAT IT!". While the scene plays out similarly in the original, the nutty laughter that English voice actor Brad Swaile used saw its revival.
- Live Action version of that scene set to "Duel of the Fates."
- Mutated into the more generic "I'll take a [noun]... and [VERB] IT!"
- How to Swim: A video parody using clips from Death Note's Narm-tastic ending.
- Originally created on 4-chan as a parody manga
- "Just as planned": Catch Phrase of Light Yagami, often used to indicate that one has successfully pulled off a Xanatos Gambit. And not just any gambit, a Xanatos Roulette Memory Gambit that cements Light's status as a Magnificent Bastard.
- Originally created on 4-chan.
- Further mutated into "Just according to keikaku[2]" as a way to make fun of bad scanlators who don't translate simple words. This has spread to other fandoms.
- Sometimes "KEIKAKU DOORI" is used as well, though not as popular as the English or half-English versions.
- Blaming Kira for celebrity deaths, particularly those in June 2009.
- Later combined with the popular "When you see it" image meme.
- Death Note Drinking Game: Take a shot when you hear "Boku wa kira janai" (I'm not Kira).
- Kira's laugh in the last episode, oten written as "*giggle, snort* Muwa Hahahahaha *wheeze * muwaHahahahaha *wheeze* muwaHahahahaha..."
- Mello's love of chocolate has spawned fan works.
- Writing... has never been so epic! (cue sparking pen)
- The second opening, What's Up People, has spawned a number of parodies across the web.
- Deathsponge Notepants: Invaderzim1000's youtube edit of Spongebob clips to match Death Note, both subbed and dubbed. The originals have been taken down, but they have been reposted on other users channels.
- A number of images from 4-chan have begun circulating, including:
- I'll solve your little mystery.
- "You can use this blanket." *pauses for several seconds and then throws it*
- Teru Mikami's Delete-Gasm. Look it up on YouTube. He's got the flashing eyes, eagle sound effects, AND slow-motion.
- Matsuda! You Idiot!
Collisions with other memes
- The "What Would Jesus Do" jewelry and bumper stickers commonly purchased by Christians have intersected with Death Note to create What Would Kira Do merchandice.
- He'd take a potato chip... AND EAT IT!
- Death Note intersected with popular meme "The Game" when Near announced that we all had lost
- Later grew to include fanfiction and fanart.
- Portal's popular theme song, "Still Alive," done to Manga/DeathNote
- Dr. Horrible also had a popular song remixed for Manga/DeathNote.
- The Omega Kawaii L Song is a remix of FFVII's "The Cloud Song".
- The Scissor Sisters' "I Can’t Decide" Doctor Who meme with L as the Doctor and Light as the Master...
- there are plenty of these though. This one's got a Lampshading that Siddoh has no friends.
- Someone mixed Mikami's Catch Phrase with Marisa Stole the Precious Thing.
- ↑ Like this.
- ↑ Keikaku means "plan"
- ↑ The Japanese fandom's interpretation of the long scream in the beginning. You can actually find videos where comments fill the entire screen...which would lead into...
- ↑ The English fandom's "Misherad Lyrics" version of the opening. Said Misheard Lyrics is also memetically popular.