< Moképon
These things about Moképon are subjective - not everyone will agree with all of them.
- Base Breaker: George. You either think her upbeat personality is a great contrast to Atticus, or just nerve-grating.
- Drinking Game: As suggested by the author herself, every time a page ends on a cliffhanger, take a drink. It's a lethal game.
- Fashion Victim Villain: As the Alt Text says here: "They have silly clothes! And big hair! And eyeliner! They MUST be evil!"
- Foe Yay: Fans like to pair up Atticus and Kahn. Just look at this manip
- Memetic Molester: The Pewter City guide, thanks to his No Sense of Personal Space, slightly creepy grin and dragging Atticus around.
- Tear Jerker: You wouldn't expect many in a Pokémon parody where the characters haven't even reached Pewter City yet, but damn. How can you not feel bad for poor, poor Dragonthing? Then there's the implication that Prof. Oak has become very senile due to the grief caused by the disappearance of his grandson ten years earlier.
- The Woobie: Oh God, Dragonthing. It's stuck with Atticus as its trainer, a chain smoking apathetic boy who doesn't know anything about Pokemon and never wanted to be a trainer to begin with. Because of this, Dragonthing is treated like a slave who's worthless, being handled carelessly and carried around by its tail, which Atticus also uses to light his cigarettes (Atticus even refers to it at one point as a glorified lighter). Due to Atticus' incompetence at battling, Dragonthing gets mercilessly beat up during its first battle, all the while desperately tugging and crying to its master to protect it or give it some kind of command. It deals with constant verbal and emotional abuse from Atticus, and despite all this, it's still desperate to win the approval of its trainer. It's so desperate, it nearly kills itself during a fight with a Feraligatr and kept attacking it despite how badly it was hurt. Just seeing how sad, hurt, and abused it is during its journey so far is enough to make anyone want to just pick it up and give it a hug.
- It doesn't help that the way the author draws Dragonthing makes him look a lot more adorable than the average Charmander.
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