Muhyo and Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation/YMMV
- Alas, Poor Villain: Sophie and the Cortlaw siblings.
- Complete Monster: Several members of Ark.
- Most notably, Tomas (who boasts that he is more evil than Enchu) and Buhpu.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Despite only appearing in a single volume that ends with her death, Panza ranked 6th in the second popularity poll.
- Growing the Beard: After the filler arc.
- Ho Yay: Ebisu and Goryo. Some moments cross the line from simple familiarity between Executor and assistant and become completely ridiculous.
- Muhyo and Roji. A two-page spread devoted to their reunion surrounded by flowers?
- More recently, a lot of it between Yoichi and Enchu, as well as Muhyo and Enchu.
- Jerkass Woobie: Ebisu started out as a petty criminal until Goryo saved him after a ghost turned on him and took him into his service. He's completely unrepentant about his wrongdoing in the past, but it shows that he has been through quite a bit.
- Memetic Molester: Tomas, at least in the Japanese fandom. He did try to abduct one of his students, for questionable reasons... so yeah.
- Narm Charm: Enchu. Coalescing out of hundreds of sparkling butterflies. And still managing to be scary as hell.
- Needs More Love: While it has a substantial following in Japan, it has virtually no fandom in the US, possibly because scanning was discontinued early in the series. Although it's been licensed by Viz, the 8 dollar price tag may scare off potential fans. The fact that the art style is a little weird doesn't exactly help either.
- Nightmare Fuel: Oh man, where to start.
- How about with Face-Ripper Sophie, the ghostly little girl who just wants to be pretty? She wants to be pretty so bad, she'll rip off your face and wear it.
- Tear Jerker: Some of the fillers, believe it or not. Several moments with Rio and Biko may also qualify for this.
- A lot of the fillers, actually.
- At the end of volume 15 after Enchu is freed from Teeki and turns to the good side, and is subsequently sentenced to life in the Arcanum. The Ship Tease of the scene where he tells Muhyo "I love you," was completely lost upon this troper, who was sobbing her eyes out.
- Ivy's death was pretty much this too. Damn Buhpu!
- As well as Kid's death. That was one of the most moving moments of the manga.
- "Advancement Denied."
- The author's note at the end of the last volume made this troper cry for a very long time.
- Ugly Cute: Umekichi.
- The Woobie: Enchu. Dear lord, Enchu.