The NDL can quite legitimately be described as a universe full of badass, with awesome as par for the course (or possibly eaten for breakfast). However, there are still some moments where characters who are consistently awesome take it to a whole new level. These are the moments of legend.

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Clief stared at his opponent, quickly measuring her up. Any kind of tactics he had learned over all of his battles would come forth in this one. He was facing a goddess; a being on another level from himself. It was all out or die; that was the type of fight he was now taking part in. He unclipped his sheathe from his hip and stabbed it into the ground. He then proceeded to take his coat off, as requested, and hooked it over the hilt of his steel sword. Emote hovered in the sky, watching her prey as he did as she commanded. A large smile erupted on her face as she watched Clief prepare to go all out.

You know what to do Duegan, let's go