"Justice League is awesome and Samurai Jack is awesome and we buy a lot of anime shows that're great, but those shows really are directed more towards the nine to fourteen age group, and the six and seven and eight year olds we're not gelling with the Justice League and some of the more fanboy shows... The main mission was making a good superhero show for kids. Now if the fanboys happen to like the Teen Titans also, that's great, but that was not our mission."
Sam Register, Executive Producer and Former Cartoon Network V.P.
"Do I still like Comic Books? Muscular guys in spandex fighting crime? Cool!"
Timmy Turner after becoming a girl, Fairly Oddparents, "The Boy Who Would Be Queen"
"Well, I don't know much about it myself, but... the hero of 'The Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo' is the Steel Samurai... and his goal is to defeat the Evil Magistrate. It's a show geared towards kids... however its high production values and riveting plot draws in a number of adults as well."
"Hey! Maybe I should tell Twilight about 'The Steel Samurai'. Amazing how a kids show got so popular outside its targeted demographic."
"Doctor Who is aimed at anyone who wants to watch it. Of course it is. Most of the audience are adults, but most of those adults think it's a children's show. So it's complicated."

"I love this show! What's wrong with me?!"

Dave: Oh God damn it, not you too! What is it with My Little Pony that makes marginally sane, grown men watch it voluntarily?! It's a show for little girls, Greg. This isn't even something I should need to be lecturing you about, since the shows subtitle is Friendship is Magic for God's sake!

Greg: Dude, in case you have forgotten, I am actually the father of a little girl now. So watching shows like this just goes with the territory.

Dave: She won't be old enough to watch TV for at least another few years. Care to try again?

Greg: Pinkie Pie is awesome, so just shut up and just let me watch my damn Ponies already!
"I didn't create this show for little girls, I created it for little girls and their parents--including male parents . . . The belief that boys shouldn't be interested in girl things is the main reason there's hardly anything decent for girls in animation."
"Skylanders is probably aimed at kids, but whatever. I am a legal adult who can drink, buy pornography, rent a car, and vote... and I think it's still pretty cool."
Jeff Gerstmann, Giant Bomb
"And while we're at it, who's ever heard of a little girl watching My Little Pony? Honestly."
Dan Shive, author of El Goonish Shive