The Fairly OddParents
"I'm Cosmo!" |
Deranged animated series about a little boy called Timmy Turner and his fairy godparents, Cosmo and Wanda. Ran from 2001 to 2017.
In most episodes, Timmy uses Cosmo and Wanda's magic to deal with some mundane problem. Inevitably, things spiral rapidly out of control: whether it's getting his dad a cooler job, or dealing with one of his many everyday enemies. These include school bully Francis, sadistic and manipulative babysitter Vicky, and fairy-obsessed Sadist Teacher Mr. Crocker. And then there are the episodes where Timmy somehow gets entangled in Fairy World politics.
Needless to say, even Timmy's more sensible wishes are twisted to greater extremes than tooter turtle and backfire horribly, forcing Timmy to hit the Reset Button and accept his horrible life.
A live-action movie, A Fairly Odd Movie: Grow Up, Timmy Turner!, starring Drake Bell as a 23-year-old Timmy who somehow still has Cosmo and Wanda aired on July 9, 2011. Its premise is Timmy deciding whether to "grow up" and have a life with the now-beautiful Tootie, or stay with Cosmo and Wanda. At Nick Upfront 2012, sequel to this movie titled "A Fairly Odd Christmas" was announced, along with a ninth season of the animated series.
See the Character Sheet and WMG pages. Tropes that apply specifically to the live-action movie go on its page. There is, also, a page on the three part special Wishology. Tropes that apply specifically to Wishology go here.
- Abhorrent Admirer: A one off joke in Tim-Visible.
- Absurd Altitude
- Absurdly Powerful Student Council: In Hail to the Chief.
- Abusive Parents: Timmy's parents both emotionally and financially. And totally Played for Laughs.
- Academy of Adventure: Though in this case, most of the weirdness is caused by Timmy himself.
- Accidental Kiss: Multiple occur in Wishology Part III.
- Acquired Situational Narcissism: Timmy, a lot of times since A Wish Too Far.
- Actor Allusion: For the Crimson Chin, Catman, and Dr. Rip Studwell.
- Darran Norris plays Gordy the janitor in Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide. In one episode, he voices two Ken-looking dolls (as well as a female Barbie lookalike), one buff and leathery and the other whipped and effeminate, using his Jorgen Von Strangle voice for leathery and his Cosmo (and Anti-Cosmo) voice for the effeminate and female dolls.
- Adam Westing: Featuring Adam West himself as Catman, who believes himself to be a real superhero.
- Adaptive Armor: Crash Nebula.
- Adorkable: Tootie, Cosmo, Timmy, and (sometimes) Wanda
- Adult Child: Both of Timmy's parents and Cosmo.
- Adults Are Useless:
Mr. Turner:-->"Hey! She's key-scratching 'Vicky was here' on my car! I punished Timmy for key-scratching 'Vicky was here' on my car!" |
- Aerith and Bob: Mark's parents are named King Grippulon and Queen Jibjorulac.
- Aesop Amnesia: Timmy, and to a lesser extent, Cosmo, only seem to learn from their mistakes for the duration of that episode.
- Affably Evil: Anti-Cosmo, HP
- The Ahnold:
GovernorFairy Sergeant Jorgen Von Strangle. - A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Future Lost
- The Alcatraz: Abra-catraz
- Alien Among Us: Mark Chang
- Aliens Speaking English: Mark Chang. And it's Totally Radical, dude! And contains Accent On the Wrong Syllable.
- Alliterative Name: Timmy Turner, Trixie Tang, The Crimson Chin, Doug Dimmadome and the list goes on.
- In the case of Mr. Dimmadome, the alliteration has also become a prevalent Running Gag.
Doug: I'm Doug Dimmadome, owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome! |
- All Cheering, All the Time: Fairly Oddparents had a competition wherein Timmy sabotaged Vicky. Her cheer pretty much was all her gross habits. The girl who won improvised a cheer indicating that she had none of Vicky's gross habits.
- All Love Is Unrequited: Every unmarried character is spurned by their crush.
- All There in the Manual: The special The 77 Secrets of the Fairly Oddparents revealed, among other things, Cosmo and Wanda's full names.
- Allergic to Love: Chester gets "the hives" from girls, while Mark Chang's entire species is biologically averse to love or even cuteness.
- Almighty Mom: Mrs. Turner tries this occasionally, especially in the earlier episodes.
- To the point where her super-powered persona occasionally wished up by Timmy is named "Mighty Mom", and in the episode where Timmy first makes the "Mighty Mom and Dyno-Dad" wish, their explicit cause for fighting crime is summed up by Timmy's Dad:
"We don't have time for Timmy...we're trying to make the world safe for Timmy!" |
- Almost Kiss: Several between Timmy and Trixie in Wishology Part III.
- Alpha Bitch: Trixie
- Aluminum Christmas Trees: "Catman" isn't just a parody of Batman: he was an actual supervillain.
- Who was a villainous version of a now-obscure Golden Age superhero by the same name.
- Always Camp: Mr. Bickles, the school drama teacher.
- Exclusively Evil: The anti-fairies
- Ambiguously Gay: Cupid, Mr. Bickles, Sanjay
- Also, Catman fell in love with Timmy's Father at a beauty pageant. But he did mistaken Timmy's father for a female even though Timmy kept reminding him that he was his dad. Maybe he already knew.
- It is implied that even when Timmy told him it was his dad and a he, he didn't seem to care.
Catman: "Say, think I can get her phone number?" |
- Amusing Injuries: Every episode
- An Axe to Grind: Vicky on occasion, and often quite literally.
- And I Must Scream: Every Unwished Wish is put into storage, even if they're sentient. And they live forever...
- And You Were There
- Animation Age Ghetto/Comedy Ghetto: Both lampshaded In-Universe in "Movie Magic:"
Trixie: “Because, anonymous voice from nobody, you won [an award] for comedy, and everybody knows that comedy is the lowest form of entertainment... next to animation.” |
- Animorphism
- Antagonist in Mourning: Vicky in Wishology, briefly.
- Anticipatory Breath Spray
- Anti-Gravity Clothing: The fairy crowns.
- Appropriated Appellation: Crash Nebula
- Arch Enemy: Timmy and Vicky
- Arranged Marriage: Mark and Mandie
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Crocker's "birthday wish list". What does he want? To rule them all, to make them pay, and...a jet ski.
- In Emotion Commotion: "Just think of it like a dive at your local swimming pool except with fire, ravenous sharks, dangerously sharp scissors and ONE REALLY ANGRY TOURIST."
- Art Shift: Many, many times.
- A Shared Suffering: Vicky for Timmy and Tootie
- As Himself: Adam West Voiced His Character (which is accompanied by people exclaiming, "TV's Adam West!" in one episode)
- Asian Airhead: Trixie Tang.
- Aside Glance
- At Arm's Length
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Timmy and Cosmo
- And at least in the Big Scoop, a Running Gag is that Principal Waxaplax tends to lose her train of thought as soon as food is tossed into her line of sight.
- Attractive Bent Gender: Timmy in The Boy Who Would Be Queen
- Authority in Name Only: The Mayor
- Ax Crazy Vicky as one of her favorite torture implements
- George Washington: Must...chop..WOOD!!
- Babies Make Everything Better
- Babysitter From Hell: Vicky, the current picture and demonic patron of this Trope.
- Bad Future: The beginning of Channel Chasers, where Vicky has taken over the world.
- Bad Is Good and Good Is Bad: The Yugopotamians
- Bad News, Irrelevant News: Mostly done by Cosmo.
- Badly-Battered Babysitter: Timmy on three occasions.
- Batman Gambit /TemptingFate: in Tiny Timmy
Dad: Now me and Mom are going out tonight so whatever you do don't break our new $1,000,000 vase |
- Balance Between Good and Evil: An anti-fairy is born for every fairy.
- Balloon Belly: Everybody in "Just Desserts".
- Barbarian Hero: Timmy in Timmy the Barbarian.
- Bare Your Midriff: Vicky.
- Along with Trixie in her Wonder Gal outfit, Veronica in her Wardrobe Malfunction, and few of the female students in Dimmsdale Elementary are like this too, the school itself has rather lousy dress code for allowing ten year olds walk around with their belly buttons revealing.
- Basement Dweller: Denzel Crocker and The Geek Who Writes The Crimson Chin.
- "Who writes this stuff anyway!?" "Some 40 year old dude who lives with his mom." "Any money in it?" "Lives. With. His. Mom."
- Made even funnier when that 40-year-old dude turns out to be Patton Oswalt, a comic enthusiast and openly nerdy comedian.
- "Who writes this stuff anyway!?" "Some 40 year old dude who lives with his mom." "Any money in it?" "Lives. With. His. Mom."
- Batman Can Breathe in Space: Spoofed. "Let's go to to the planet of Almost Enough Atomsphere.'
- Beautiful All Along: Tootie, according to Grow Up Timmy Turner.
- Be Careful What You Wish For: Invoked by name many times and is the running premise of the show.
- Becoming the Costume: During the second season Halloween Episode.
- The Bermuda Triangle: Cosmo and Wanda put Unwish Island, one giant Mythology Gag that holds all of Timmy's un-wished wishes, inside this region.
- Berserk Button: Fairies, for Timmy and Crocker: Timmy, if you do bad things to them; Crocker, if you so much as mention them.
- Poof has one, too: Don't do bad things to his parents.
- Betty and Veronica: Tootie and Trixie. You Doo and most recently Take and Fake are the two only episodes where Tootie is aware of Timmy's crush on Trixie.
- The former could be interpreted as just her voicing her own self esteem issues.
- Trixie also has a friend who is actually named Veronica, and the story plays out the same way. Ironically, Veronica seems to play the "Betty" role.
- I didn't know the Veronica in Betty and Veronica was supposed to be Yandere.
- Big Bad: The Darkness in Wishology.
- Big Bad Duumvirate: Anti-Cosmo and HP.
- Big Ball of Violence: often played straight and parodied, but used in a very Egregious way in Twistory, when Washington and Arnold beat the crap out of each other, accompanied by the inevitable Unsound Effect: "FIGHT FOR FREEDOM!"
- Big Damn Heroes: Crash Nebula in Spaced Out.
- Big Eater: Chester, Mark, Grippulon.
- Bigger on the Inside: The fairy godparents' home.
- Big "Never!"
- Big No: This is, also, frequently used.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows: Butch Hartman's trademark.
- Bilingual Bonus
- Bizarre and Improbable Golf Game: Magic-based cheating in an otherwise normal game.
- Black and Nerdy: AJ
- Black Best Friend: AJ again
- Blackmail: From Vicky
- Blah Blah Blah: Lampshaded in that the opposite sexes need a translator to figure out what the other is saying.
- Blatant Lies
- Blond Guys Are Evil: Remy Buxaplenty
- Blue Eyes: Veronica, the Tooth Fairy, and Timmy himself.
- Bond Villain Stupidity: Back to the Norm
- Book Dumb: Timmy barely goes beyond an F. However, this could not entirely be his fault, since his teacher, Mr. Crocker, is obsessed with giving everyone in the class F's (save for AJ). In a few episodes he actually does pull out good grades on his assignments.
- Born Lucky: Dinkleberg, as often referenced by Timmy's jealous Dad
- Braces of Orthodontic Overkill: Chester in Hex Games
- Brain In a Jar: In the Zeerust episode Future Lost
- Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs: When asked about his sudden popularity in "A Wish Too Far"
Timmy: Inheritance? Internet... I inherited the internet! |
- Breakout Character: Dark Laser and by extension his Running Gag Flipsy toy.
- Bright Is Not Good: The Gigglepies.
- British Accents: Anti-Cosmo, to make him sound smart.
- Broken Aesop: It's a Wishful Life, Love Struck! and The Boy Who Would Be Queen
- Any time they bring up the aesop of listening to one's parents, as the very premise of the series is that Timmy's parents are so awful that he got fairies to make life tolerable.
- Brother Chuck: In the first pilot, Vicky had a little brother. Plus Remy and Mark's friends Jeff and Eric.
- Brown Bag Mask: Bucky McBadBat, Chester's father, wears one.
- The Brute: Francis
- The Bully: Francis
- Buffy-Speak: "Floaty crowny things!"
- Bumbling Dad: Mr. Turner, Cosmo, and, for one episode, Crocker.
- Butt Monkey: Binky, Mr. Crocker. And Veronica to a lesser extent.
- Camp Gay: Cupid, Mr. Bickles
- Canon Foreigner: A few characters from the video games
- Canon Immigrant: The Brass Knuckles, the Iron Lung
- The Cape (trope): The Crimson Chin, Catman
- Captain Ersatz: Dark Laser, of Darth Vader, Foop, of Stewie Griffin.
- Lampshaded: "I'm the amazing unsue-able Arachnid-Man!"
- Captain Obvious: Many of the show's haters see Timmy as this.
- Captivity Harmonica: The harmonica turns out to be music coming from a record player, whose turntable is being operated by the captive fairies.
- Card-Carrying Villain: Nearly all of them.
- The Casanova: Juandissimo and Dr. Rip Studwell.
- The Cassandra: Crocker about fairies; Wanda about wishes going wrong.
- Celeb Crush:
- Chip Skylark: Both of Timmy's parents crush on him. So does Wanda. Vicky did until she found out he was broke.
- Pop Diva Britney Britney: Cosmo has a crush on her.
- Celebrity Is Overrated: Chip Skylark in Boys in the Band; Timmy in Timmy TV.
- Censorship by Spelling: Wanda tries to take Cosmo to the D-O-C-T-O-R.
Cosmo: What? Doctor? I thought she was spelling plumber. It's worse than I thought! |
- Cerebus Retcon: Timmy wished for eternal youth for the entire planet 50 years ago. Suddenly, some of the gags don't seem as funny.
- Chaotic Stupid: Cosmo, natch.
- Character Exaggeration: Cosmo gets dumber between the Oh Yeah Cartoons and the actual show.
- Characterization Marches On: Cosmo was only a bit spacey in the early days, and Wanda was somewhat similar. Seeing the early shorts seems weird now.
- Cheaters Never Prosper: Hex Games and The Fairly Oddlympics
- Chekhov's Boomerang: Timmy's Heat Vision.
- Chekhov's Gun: Crops up from time to time; played relatively straight in Mind over Magic and in Wishology, though the latter is more of a Chekhov's Death Star due to lack of subtlety.
- Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys
- Cheshire Cat Grin: Dr. Bender
- The Chessmaster: Anti-Cosmo, HP
- The Chew Toy: Binky, Chester and generally Timmy.
- Sometimes Cosmo too. And Crocker.
- Child-Hater: Crocker, with the sole exception being Poof. Hinted for Dinkleberg.
- Chick Magnet: Dr. Rip Studwell. Hinted with Timmy himself.
- Chosen One: Timmy, as you'd probably guess.
- Although sometimes by accident, as in part 1 the "Wishology" three-parter, where the intended Chosen One accidentally slept through the attack by the Darkness.
- Chronic Pet Killer: Well, they didn't actually die, no! They just ran away while Timmy was at camp... camp... camp...
- Specifically, Timmy's Dad forgot to feed them while Timmy was at camp... camp... camp...
- Chronic Villainy: Remy Buxaplenty
- Clark Kenting: The Crimson Chin
- Clear My Name: Inspection Detection
- Clingy Jealous Girl
- Close-Call Haircut: Yoo Doo!
- Closer to Earth
- Cloudcuckoolander: Timmy's dad and Cosmo. In later seasons, Cosmo becomes a ditz.
- Crocker too, although he seems to be right about everything.
- Coincidental Broadcast: Lampshaded by Cosmo in one episode:
Cosmo: You can see all about it in this conveniently placed television. |
- Color Character Spoofed with "The Crimson Chin"
- Combat Stilettos: Mandie
- Combining Mecha: The Jack O'Bots/Pumpkinator
- Companion Cube: Cosmo's various non-living pets, including a nickel.
- Compressed Vice: Many characters display traits or flaws that they will otherwise never suffer from in subsequent episodes. Some of these character flaws have taken off in fanfiction and other medium, while others are used as ammunition in shipping wars.
- Comically Missing the Point: Cosmo's getting the wrong Aesop for something
- Comic Books Are Real: Crimson Chin and Crash Nebula
- Comic Book Time: None of the characters ever age in the show. Timmy has even had several birthdays throughout the show yet he remains 10 years old. This was cleverly explained in the movie Timmy's Secret Wish, where said secret wish was that everyone would stay the same age forever so that he could keep his godparents. As it turns out, everyone had stayed the same age for FIFTY YEARS.
- Comic Trio: The three main characters.
- Conspicuous CG: Most of Wishology.
- Continuity Snarl: The inclusion of Poof as a main cast member has brought up some confusion regarding his absense in the finale of the movie Channel Chasers.
- Contrived Clumsiness: The "accidental" spill variant gets used by Icky Vicky the babysitter. She doesn't just spill a drink, though. It is a significant amount of water, enough to drench the other girl.
- Cool and Unusual Punishment
- Cool Hat: Doug Dimmadome has a cowboy hat that, in at least one episode, always extends past the screen.
- Cool Loser
- Cool Shades: Tad & Chad
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Doug Dimmadome, a parody of Corporate Executive Ted Turner.
- Doug Dimmadome?
- That's right; Doug Dimmadome! Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome!
- As well as Flappy Bob from Schools Out: The Musical and Hugh J. Magnate Jr. from Grow Up, Timmy Turner!
- Head Pixie is basically this personified.
- Doug Dimmadome?
- Cosmic Plaything: One gets the feeling the writers revel in tormenting poor Timmy.
- Couch Gag: Vicky's head in the intro.
- Cousin Oliver: Poof
- Cowboy Episode: Timmy Turner goes back in time to the founding of the city of Dimmsdale. As Dimmsdale is in southeastern California and the city was founded in the mid-19th century, Dimmsdale is depicted as a Wild West town.
- Crap Saccharine World
- Crazy Prepared
- Create Your Own Villain: With so much attention given to Superhero Tropes, this is yet another one they point out.
- Timmy and Jimmy do this Literally in Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 3. They wanted someone to fight together who could be a challenge. They then play the trope straight when they get bored of him and try to ditch him. He gets mad. The reason was because Jimmy told Timmy to make him 'adoptable' whenever they got bored of him. Unfortunately, Timmy types 'adaptable' meaning it ADAPTS to the situation.
- Also happens in "The Masked Magician". Timmy causes Mr. Bickles to become a supervillain. When he apologizes, Bickles reforms, but the Vegas act he gets tickes off Britney Britney and she becomes his supervillain.
- Criminal Doppelganger: Timmy Turner's real parents were once arrested during a trip to Niagara Falls by cops who confused them with an Outlaw Couple known as "The Souvenir Bandits."
- Cross-Dressing Voices: Tara Strong (and Mary Kay Bergman before her) as Timmy; it's kind of obvious with the squeaky girly voice. Lampshaded often.
- Surprisingly averted with many young male boys, who sound girly but are infact voiced by guys.
- Crossovers, with Jimmy Neutron, and with Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide even though the latter is live action (the cartoon characters appear in Ned's imagination).
- In-universe, the Crimson Chin has met Crash Nebula.
- Serious Business: the "Crimson Chin vs. Crash Nebula" special caused Chester and AJ to stop being friends during the episode, and both of them demand in unison that Timmy side with them, "...or you're not my friend anymore!"
- In-universe, the Crimson Chin has met Crash Nebula.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Adam West actually beat the Crimson Chin
- Cultural Rebel: Trixie Tang, the popular girl, is secretly a comic book fangirl. She also likes dead frogs.
- Cutaway Gag: Occurs subtly in the early episodes, most notably "Totally Spaced Out":
Timmy: Why am I in my Crash Nebula outfit? |
- Curtains Match the Window: Most fairies. Exceptions include Jorgen, Blonda, and Big Daddy.
- Cyberspace: Three times: an episode where Timmy wishes for an ultra realistic video game, and an episode where he tries to stop a forged love letter email from reaching its destination, and once in "Channel Chasers" wherein he and Vicky use magical remotes to modify television.
- Furthermore, when Jimmy Neutron crosses over, he assumes Fairy World is one of these, as he thinks Timmy's fairies are sentient holograms.
- Cut a Slice, Take the Rest: Timmy tells his godparents there's only one piece of pizza left--"really huge, almost-circular piece".
- The Danza: Norm the Genie, played by Norm MacDonald
- Dark and Troubled Past: Crocker, as seen in a time travel episode
- Dark Horse Victory
- Dark Is Not Evil: The Darkness in Wishology.
- The Dark Side: Dark Laser's dark suit, Bob the Boil
- Dartboard of Hate: Used often. One memorable one is Mama Cosma against Wanda
- Darth Vader Clone: Dark Laser
- David Versus Goliath: Timmy vs. Francis
- Deadpan Snarker: Norm the Genie again. What do you expect when it's played by Norm MacDonald?
- Dead Pet Sketch
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Twice for Vicky, once for Trixie. All have a Reset Button.
- Deliberately Monochrome: Used when they turn the show into a Noire style detective film trying to find out who kidnapped Wanda.
Jorgen: "And why is that corner of the room still black and white!?" |
- Demoted to Extra: Arguably, Timmy's best friends, Chester and A.J. From being two major characters in the early seasons, they now appear very sporadically, often in non speaking roles. A.J. seems to have suffered the worst from this trope.
- And for the live action movie, they may as well be The Artifact as they appear in at most three scenes and they only have an interaction with Timmy in next to the last scene.
- It's most evident with Veronica after season five and Francis after season six.
- Department of Redundancy Department: "Oh no, it's Chester, the worst player on the team! That's how he got the nickname Chester, the worst player on the team!"
- Depending on the Writer
- Depraved Dentist: Dr. Bender
A.J.: Don't you hear the scary music and the thunder? And see how it's nighttime all of a sudden? He's mean! He's a dentist! He's a mean dentist! |
- Deus Exit Machina
- Deus Ex Machina
- Devil in Plain Sight: Vicky, who is known to be evil by her parents and all the kids she babysits, but no one else.
- Different for Girls: Timmy in "The Boy Who Would Be Queen",
- Dirty Coward: The Mayor in School's Out, the Musical!
- Disappeared Dad: Cosmo's dad
- Disney Creatures of the Farce: In one episode Vicky becomes nice and summons animals to help her clean the house. It doesn't end well.
- Happens in the episode "Squirrely Puffs" as Mrs. Turner leads her troop of Cream Puff girls up a mountain, only to be accompanied by all the woodland creatures. They are eventually driven insane by the animals' constant singing, braiding of their hair and moose massages. The animals turn feral.
- The Ditz: Cosmo
- Dogged Nice Guy: Timmy to Trixie, and Mark to Vicky. Tootie is a Dogged Nice Girl towards Timmy, though she does approach Stalker with a Crush levels often.
- Dork Horse Candidate: Timmy runs for class president.
- Doting Parent: Wanda
- Double Standard Abuse (Female on Male): Vicky and her abuse of Timmy is often Played for Laughs, although still not to the extent of most other examples - Vicky's abuse does still have a negative impact on his life in several instances, and is one of the reasons he has Fairy Godparents.
- Inverted in one episode where Timmy wishes to be Vicky's babysitter - he promptly decides to do to her what she'd done to him, completely playing the bad guy... which causes Cosmo and Wanda to be reassigned to the now-miserable girl instead. Naturally, she goes mad with power and tries to feed him to a giant Vicky-bot, forcing Timmy to trick her out of it and serving as An Aesop about how two wrongs don't make a right.
- Downer Ending: "The Secret Origin of Denzel Crocker", where they can't fix Crocker. Lampshaded in "Fairy Idol".
- The Dragon: The Lead Eliminator
- Drill Sergeant Nasty: Jorgen Von Strangle
- Dumbass Has a Point[context?]
- Dumb Blonde: Chester and Veronica.
- Dumb Muscle: Francis
- Easily Forgiven: Mark
- Egopolis: Crocker when he takes over the world in Abra-Catastophe
- Elvis Has Left the Planet
- Embarrassing Tattoo: Timmy in Five Days Of FLARG.
- Engineered Public Confession: What Crocker always tries to get out of Timmy
- Enfant Terrible: Foop
- The Epic: "Wishology!"
- Episode Title Card: Often used since the 30 minute show can have two 15 minute episodes.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Trixie Tang
- Even the Guys Want Him: Chip Skylark.
Chip: "Sometimes it's hard being pretty and talented". |
- Also implied for Timmy himself if Sanjay's obsession with Timmy is any indication. Not to mention when he became Timantha, A.J. became very smitten with her. Also when Timmy was aged up to a sixteen year old super-model both Chester and A.J. seemed to swoon over him.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Crocker may be obsessed with hunting fairies, but when it comes to Poof, he lets him go back to Cosmo and Wanda.
- Also, the one line that Vicky will not cross in regards to her horrible babysitting skills is abandoning or losing sight of her charge - she expresses genuine horror when Timmy seemingly disappears on under her watch, even if only at the prospect of what might happen to her (including losing her job).
- Everyone Looks Sexier If French: Parodied with Juandissimo Magnifico, who is never in a scene wthout talking about how muy, muy macho he is. He also has a habit of tearing shirts to shreds by flexing his muscles. And then magicing a new shirt into existence. And then flexing that one to pieces. The lady fairies love him.
- Everything but the Girl: Timmy's wishing routinely alters the course of human history... but he can't get the girl, because fairies are not allowed to interfere with true love.
- Timmy finally wisens up enough to make a wish where he and Trixie are the ONLY people on Earth, and thus Trixie will have no choice but to notice him. He quickly discovers Trixie's obsessive NEED for constant attention and tries to do everything in his power to get away from her.
Timmy: "Note to self: Never break up with a girl in the Violent Gardening Tool section". |
- Everything's Better with Bob: Tiny Timmy.
- Everythings Better With Bunnies: The Easter Bunny.
- Everything's Better with Chocolate: It's Wanda's favorite food
- Not if its "reindeer chocolate"! Eugh!
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs: Several episodes.[context?]
- Everything's Better with Llamas: Carl in The Jimmy/Timmy Power Hour 2.{{context{{
- Everything's Better with Monkeys: Abra-Catastrophe.
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Subverted with Princess Mandie, played straight with Princess Protazoa
- Everything's Better with Rainbows
- Everything's Deader with Zombies: That's Life!
- Everythings Funkier With Disco
70s Jorgen von Strangle: "Disco..." |
- Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good
- Evil Counterpart: Timmy has two and fairies have Anti-Fairies as their evil counterparts
- Evil Costume Switch: Timmy in Nega Timmy
- Evil Laugh: Pretty much every villain in the series, but special props to the Pixies' monotone version.
- Evil Overlord: Crocker and Vicky in Abra-Catastrophe and Channel Chasers
- Also the Giant Brain in the episode "Future Lost"
- As a Running Gag in the Ms. Dimmsdale Pageant episode, the one who recieves the prize to be 'Mayor for a day' is imagined to be this. Mr. Turner wins and makes this happen the exact way it is imagined.
- Evil Redhead: Vicky
- Evil Sorcerer: Mr. Crocker in "Timmy the Barbarian"
- Evil Sounds Deep
- Evil Teacher: Mr. Crocker
- Evil Twin: The anti-fairies and the Nega-Chin
- Exact Eavesdropping: Used to varying degrees often enough, but played with most notably in "Grass is Greener" where Timmy's eavesdropping at precisely the wrong moments leads him to run away from home.
- Exact Progress Bar: Parodied in "Information Stupor Highway". "-1%" anyone?
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: The Secret Origin of Denzel Crocker
- Expository Theme Tune
- Eye Beams: Timmy wishes for this in Father Time, and gives it to his parents when they become the super heroes Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad
- His dad's version, though is accidentally meat vision instead of heat vision.
- He has both. He's just that awesome.
- His parents briefly believes Timmy has picnic vision.
- His dad's version, though is accidentally meat vision instead of heat vision.
- Eyepatch of Power: Officer Shallowgrave
- F Minus Minus: Timmy gets a few of these over the show's run. It's even lampshaded.
Timmy: "Cool, there's a D in here!" |
- In "Deja Vu" his parents starts to grade him this way once he gets home.
Dad: "Hey, guess what, Timmy, we're gonna grade you on your performance! We'll give you an A-!" |
- The Faceless: Timmy's parents in the Oh Yeah Cartoons shorts
- And Remy's parents in the show itself
- Fainting
- The Fair Folk: Strangely enough, Fairly Oddparents combines this with Fairy Companion, and most magical creatures have this aspect to them.
- Fairy Godmother: The premise, along with Be Careful What You Wish For / Make a Wish.
- Fake Shemp: Chip Skylark in Mind Over Magic
- Fake Ultimate Hero: Turbo Thunder
- The Family for the Whole Family: Big Daddy's group
- Fangs Are Evil: The Anti-Fairies, Timmy as Nega Timmy
- Fantastic Slurs: There are several that fairies use
- Fantastic Voyage Plot: Tiny Timmy
- Fantasy Kitchen Sink
- Fete Worse Than Death: FLARG. Even used as an interjection.
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant: Trixie, Norm, and Man-Die.
- First Gray Hair: Timmy's dad finds one, triggering a midlife crisis.
- First-Name Basis: Seen in The Secret Origin of Denzel Crocker
- Fisher King: Crocker and Vicky when they're in Evil Overlord mode
- Flash Back Back Back: nearly always
- Flight: All magical creatures, the Crimson Chin
- Flintstone Theming: The "AbraCatastrophe" special does this with ape puns.
- Flirting Under Fire: In the 3-part episode, Timmy flirts with Trixie and kisses her as they're about to be sucked into a black hole.
- Fluffy Tamer - Cosmo in "This is Your Wish," with a 3-headed fire-breathing dragon named Snowball.
- Foe-Tossing Charge: In the "Timvisible" episode, Bully Francis does this since he's pursuing Timmy.
- Forgotten Anniversary: Cosmo believes Wanda is angry at him for no reason and has forgotten their anniversary (which he believed was the 'Styrofoam anniversary'). Turns out, it was the False Anger Anniversary (once every someodd years and was ironically on the SAME day as said anniversary Cosmo planned) and Wanda had remembered, but it's too late - he's gone home to his mom. They work it out anyway, only for Cosmo to forget it was their anniversary at the end of the episode.
- Forgotten Birthday: Timmy's...every year, by his own parents. Eventually he stops minding because he realizes more birthdays means growing up and eventually having to give up Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof.
- Special mention to the episode where he forgets his OWN birthday is a day later...
- Note that the next day might not even be his birthday, on the account that his parents didn't seem that sure either, forgetting his name as they tell him.
- Special mention to the episode where he forgets his OWN birthday is a day later...
Mrs. Turner: "We'd never forget your birthday, Tommy." |
- What's really sad is that in the episode "Birthday Bashed", its shown that Vicky actually remembers Timmy's birthday better than his own parents (She even give him a piece of cake, granted its right before she straps him to a rocket)
- In one scene Mr. Turner even says "Why would we throw a party for you?"
- What's really sad is that in the episode "Birthday Bashed", its shown that Vicky actually remembers Timmy's birthday better than his own parents (She even give him a piece of cake, granted its right before she straps him to a rocket)
- Forgotten Phlebotinum: A lot of things Timmy wishes for.
- Arguably, Cosmo and Wanda themseves at times. Justified by Timmy being... not very bright. The show would be much shorter if Timmy made intelligent use of his wishes.
- For Halloween I Am Going as Myself
- For the Evulz: The anti-fairies
- For Want of a Nail: According to Jorgen Von Strangle, a lot of bad things in the world are Timmy's fault.
- Four-Fingered Hands: Lampshaded by Juadissimo in one episode and actually mildly Averted in the No Dialogue Episode Pipe Down
- Four Is Death: #4 on Crocker's list of things to do after becoming half a cheese man in the half day episode was "Destroy Timmy Turner" with a skull drawn next to it.
- Freaky Friday Flip: Timmy wishes to be a fairy, while Cosmo and Wanda become color-coded twin versions of him.
- French Jerk: Pierre, one of Cosmo and Wanda's previous godkids, wished for all French people to be rude to Americans.
- Friendly Enemy: Juandissimo, especially since he's in love with Wanda
- Friend Versus Lover: the premise of the Live-Action movie.
- Funny Foreigner: Sanjay
- Future Badass: in Channel Chasers Timmy
- And Chester and A.J. and Tootie and Vicky.
- Future Loser: in The Big Problem also Timmy
- Gadgeteer Genius: AJ
- Galactic Conqueror: Dark Laser, Princess Mandie
- Gambit Pileup: Deftly parodied in "Remy Rides Again".
- Gender Bender: Timmy in The Boy Who Would Be Queen going under the name 'Timantha.'
- Gender Bender Friendship: Timmy and Trixie in that same episode
- Generation Xerox: At the end of the special "Channel Chasers", the future in twenty years is shown along with Timmy and Tootie's kids. Not only do they closely resemble their parents (aside from swapped hair color), but also, like Timmy, they were tormented by their babysitter enough to receive Cosmo and Wanda as their fairy godparents.
- Genie in a Bottle: Norm—and he wants to get out of it.
- Genius Ditz: Crocker. He may be weird and outcast. But all his theories are correct and his inventions actually work, even when he was in the Chimp-dominated World.
- Genre Blindness: Timmy, often
- Genre Savvy: In the Wishology special at least. Timmy finally starts being responsible from when he makes his trilogy wishes in a controlled environment at the beginning to him being able to battle the Darkness and the Eliminators without access to magic.
- Geographic Flexibility: Dimmsdale seems to border the ocean, a desert, and snow-capped mountains. Fairy Idol would go on to show that Dimmsdale is actually in southern California. This sort of justifies all 3 environments if you take into account that it's never shown just exactly how far anyone ever travels to reach these areas.
- It should be pointed out that in other episodes, Dimmsdale is shown to be in Northern California. If this is the case, then this is actually correct because there ARE mountains in California and ironically they're not far from the beach. Uncertain about the desert, though.
- The southwestern extremes of the Great Basin Desert are within easy driving distance, but it doesn't resemble the deserts seen on the show. There are plenty of cattle sculls, but no saguaros.
- It should be pointed out that in other episodes, Dimmsdale is shown to be in Northern California. If this is the case, then this is actually correct because there ARE mountains in California and ironically they're not far from the beach. Uncertain about the desert, though.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: In one episode, while Timmy's parents are watching the "Dr. Bill" show, trying to learn how to be better parents, he says "Does your child take toilet paper up to his room and tell you not to bother him?"
- There are WAY more examples, but well, yeah, this IS a Nickelodeon show! Right, Spongebob?
- The most blatant example might be the Cosmo-Con episode, where Britney Britney (the fictional celebrity parodying Britney Spears) introduces herself to the Turner family... alongside her "boys". Then, said "boys" (actually her own dancers) introduce themselves by doing what they do best: suggestive pelvic thrusts. Come on.
- Another big example comes from Crocker "Ooh, the slap tango! Mother and I haven't done that in years!"
- Girl Next Door: Vicky's sister, Tootie mixes this with Stalker with a Crush. In the episode Merry Wishmas, she literally lived next door to Timmy in the spot Dinkleberg's house normally occupies. This is even more apparent in the live action movie.
- Girlish Pigtails: Tootie
- The Glasses Come Off: Subverted
- Glasses Pull: Dr. Rip Studwell
- Go-Karting with Bowser: The Fairly Oddlympics
- Gorn: Never shown outright, but implied in the Timmy-Jimmy Power Hour; the game "Decimator" is rated Triple-G, that is, Gratuitous Gutwrenching Gorefest.
- Good Is Not Nice: Jorgen Von Stangle. Even though he is usually a good guy and enforces Da Rulez (the fairy laws) to the letter, he still gets kicks out of causing people, usually Binkie, pain and threatening violence following his Drill Sergeant Nasty stereotype. He has backed off from it somewhat in recent seasons after marrying the Toothfairy.
- Gosh Dang It to Heck: You can't curse on Nickelodeon
Dark Laser: CURSES! Flipsy, I'm sorry you had to hear that. |
- The FCC will hunt you down for saying certain words in certain forms of media.
Timmy: "Hey! You can't say moron on the radio! You can only say it on TV!" *Vicky is later arrested for having said "moron" over the radio.* |
- Norm the Genie has used "Fez" and "Smoof" as cursewords.
- Mark Chang has used FLARG.
- Gosh Hornet: Vicky gets attacked by bees in "Frenemy Mine."
- Gratuitous Foreign Language: Mrs. Turner hails a Russian submarine.
- Green-Skinned Space Babe: Princess Man-Die (she's really yellow)
- The Greatest Story Never Told
- Gross Up Close-Up
- Growing Up Sucks: Timmy will eventually lose Cosmo and Wanda. It is revealed that he tried to avert this in Timmy's Secret Wish by wishing that everyone on Earth stayed the same age so he could keep them forever. A wish he made 50 YEARS AGO without anybody knowing.
- Ha Ha Ha No: Timmy's reaction to Jorgen's dragon pun in 'The Fairy World Games'.
- Hair Decorations: Tootie, Veronica, and Trixie
- Hair Reboot: Kinda easy when you have magic powers
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Crocker
- Half-Human Hybrid: Francis in The Big Superhero Wish, Vicky in Timmy the Barbarian
- Hand Wave: Many fans question why Timmy could never just wish that Vicky was a nicer person, and it was eventually explained that her nastiness would have to go somewhere else.
- Also, wishing that she got fired would result in her becoming the mayor and eventually an evil overlord, ruling the world - just because she wouldn't babysit him.
- Part of the reason that Timmy even has fairies is thanks to Vicky.
- Happily Married: Cosmo and Wanda, Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Jorgen and the Tooth Fairy
- Harmless Villain: The Copper Cranium (in the webisodes).
- Hartman Hips: Timmy's Mom and the Tooth Fairy, among others. Of course, it's the Trope Namer.
- Heel Face Turn: Mark, The Darkness
- Hell-Bent for Leather: The Lead Eliminator
- Hello, Nurse!: The Tooth Fairy, Princess Mandie
- Henpecked Husband: Jorgen
- Hero Insurance: subverted in Catman's case
- Hero with Bad Publicity: Catman
- Heroic Sacrifice: Timmy and Jorgen in Wishology.
- Timmy also wishes for this in It's a Wishful Life (which was fortunately a Secret Test of Character)
- Heroic Wannabe: Catman
- Hey, You: Both Timmy's parents lack actual names. His dad even introduces himself in one episode with My name is Timmy's father.
- Whenever their actual names are about to be mentioned, normally something to drown it out such as a truck going by appears. Otherwise they are just referred to as Timmy's dad/mom, Mr./ Mrs. Turner, or, even in their childhood, "Mom" or "Dad".
- Hidden Depths: Mr. Crocker's past was explored in depth in the special episode The Secret Origin of Denzel Crocker, which revealed most importantly that Mr. Crocker not only had fairies himself in his childhood, but he had Cosmo and Wanda, and was quite sane and similar to Timmy at age 10. Most later episodes support this fact, but exactly which fairies Crocker had are contradicted.
- High Dive Hijinks: "Emotion Commotion"
- Hilariously Abusive Childhood: Timmy Turner's childhood IS THIS.
- Historical In-Joke: One of Cosmo and Wanda's previous godchildren used their magic to kill Archduke Ferdinand.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Evil Jorgen in the spy episode, in which he's absorbed so much magic that he's swollen with HUGE muscles...and is promptly attacked by his cat, and he can't reach up to get it off, because his muscles are too huge, allowing Timmy to gain the upper hand.
- A brilliant one is seen in 'School's Out: The Musical'. The pixies had a 36 year plan involving Flappy Bob to become a laywer and signing a contract to make the world as fun as he was as a boring adult lawyer overly concerned with education and safety. Unfortunately, this is backfired on them because Flappy Bob—having the skills of a brilliant lawyer—found a loophole in the contract to make the world defined 'as defined by him'. Now tell me, who raised Flappy Bob to become a lawyer?
- Hold Up Your Score
- Hollywood Voodoo: Timmy wishes for voodoo dolls in You Doo, and Tootie gets a hold of one of them.
- Homemade Inventions: Mr. Turner's pastime
- Housewife: Mrs. Turner, although in the earlier seasons she was portrayed as real estate agent.
- Human Shield: In Transparents
Chester: (holding AJ who's covered in milk) You said 'take cover'. |
- Idea Bulb: Literal for magic beings.
- Identical Grandson: Several
- Identical Stranger: The Turnbahms
- Idiot Hero: Timmy
- I Drank What: One episode revolved around Cosmo, Wanda, and Timmy attending a ceremony and Timmy having a Potty Emergency, trying to find somewhere to pee. The episode ends with Cosmo and Wanda drinking a yellow liquid from a pitcher, and Timmy saying "Speaking of relief, don't drink the punch!" Ewwwwwwwww...
- If I Can't Have You: Trixie and Super Bike, both to Timmy.
- I Lied: A lot of the villains.
- Imaginary Friend: Gary
- Immortal Procreation Clause: Sort of. Fairies apparently have lifespans of thousands of years to forever. Poof and Cosmo are the youngest fairies, with Cosmo being (at least) centuries old.
- Actually it's mentioned that this is in place specifically because of Cosmo.
- Impossible Thief: Dr. Bender in Shiny Teeth. Guess what he steals.
- Impossibly Cool Clothes: The Crimson Chin
- Improbably Predictable: This takes place when Timmy wishes his parents had superpowers, then when he finds they are too busy with fighting evil that they can't take care of him, and wishes that they weren't superheroes, but Cosmo's and Wanda's wands don't work:
Timmy: Let me guess, |
- Incredible Shrinking Man: Tiny Timmy and the episode "Boy Toy" where Timmy shrinks down to the size of an action figure. Much of the plot is reminscient of Honey, I Shrunk the Kids.
- Mandie also uses a shrink ray to shrink the fairies so they can't help Timmy when she marries Mark.
- Indy Ploy
- Inept Talent Show Contestant: Timmy's homemade, crappy film is recognized as a great comedy (though it wasn't intended as such).
- Inescapable Net: Fairies lose their powers if caught in a butterfly net.
- Informed Flaw: Tootie is said to stalk Timmy, but this angle has never been elaborated beyond minor gags nor caused Timmy any major plot problems.
- In one episode Timmy is shown to have a restraining order against her, but as he notes it 'has expired' so it's not in use anymore.
- Ink Suit Actor: Chip Skylark, Catman, Norm, Dr. Rip Studwell, HP
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons: Knighty Knight
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Mecha: The Switch Glitch
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja: Action Packed
- Instant Sedation
- Interspecies Romance: Several times Cosmo has shown attraction to humans.
- Involuntary Shapeshifting: In The Gland Plan
- Ironic Echo Cut: Used frequently
- It's a Wonderful Plot: Cruelly subverted in "It's A Wishful Life" as a test given by Von Strangle.
- It's Quiet... Too Quiet: "Action Packed"
- Jackass Genie: Norm.
- The Jeeves: Seen in Vicky Gets Fired
- Jerkass: Timmy, Cosmo, Jorgen
- Jerkass Facade: Trixie, depending on the writer.
- Jerk Jock: Francis
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Timmy, Jorgen
- Joker Jury: Especially in Escape from Unwish Island, but other episodes have their own fair share.
- Just Eat Gilligan: Timmy never wishing that his godparents would never be seen, so he could keep them forever.
- If that ever happened it'd naturally be twisted in some way. Timmy not being able to see them either, Timmy being the only person who can't see them, and so on.
- Kafka Komedy: Timmy's life is so horrible that he must have fairy godparents to compensate for it. Even then, a poorly thought-out wish can make his problems worse.
- And sometimes, even a well thought out wish can backfire, as shown in the episode Just The Two of Us, showing that Timmy is indeed a Cosmic Plaything and Butt Monkey.
- Kangaroo Court: See Joker Jury above.
- Keet: Cosmo and arguably Timmy.
- Karma Meter: In "Power Mad," where Timmy wishes up a challenging virtual reality game in which you can die if you lose your three lives and Chester and A.J. get stuck in it, Timmy sacrifices his own last life to save theirs. The game rewards him for his Heroic Sacrifice with enough points for a 1Up.
- The Kid with the Remote Control: Timmy
- And in Channel Chasers he gets a literal remote control that makes him go into any TV show he wants!
- Kids Are Cruel
- Kid Hero: Timmy Turner. While he usually fits the trope Designated Hero, there have been situations where events have been beyond his control. When this happens, he WILL step up to the plate and become a genuine hero. Wishology is the best known example of this.
- Kissing Under the Influence: Trixie and Timmy on separate occasions, Cupid in Apartnership
- Anyone hit by Cupid's arrows.
- Lampshade Hanging: The show enjoys doing this
- Land of Faerie: Fairy World
- Lantern Jaw of Justice: Pretty much the entire point of The Crimson Chin. Crash Nebula has it too.
- Latin Lover: Inverted with Juandissimo, as he wants Wanda, but she won't have him.
- Played with, as Wanda enjoys his affections at the Fairy Spa, and she is known to have romantic chocolate-related dreams about him.
- Large Ham: Mark, the Crimson Chin, Dr. Rip Studwell
- FAIRY! GOD! PARENTS!!! * Contorts and spasms uncontrollably*
- Foop, the Anti-Fairy baby, has a penchant for grand, evil speeches full of dramatic weight.
- Legion of Doom: The Body of Evil
- Leitmotif: Bunches that show up in the Title Card, most frequently.
- Norm the Genie gets the "Arabian Nights" sounding tune.
- Chip Skylark gets twangy electric guitar.
- Mark Chang gets retro 50s sci-fi music complete with theremin.
- The Crimson Chin, being a superhero, has his Theme Tune for his Leitmotif, but also has a secondary tune that plays during his episodes.
- Catman has The Jimmy Hart Version of the 1960s Batman Theme Tune.
- Leprechaun: In The Big Bash
- Limited Animation: Due to having thick lines, this is to be expected.
- Lip Lock: Parodied in Formula For Disaster
- Literal Genie: Norm uses this to get his way
- This also becomes his undoing when he was in Timmy's possession. Timmy wished for a lawyer and that's what he got.
- Locked in a Freezer: Timmy and Vicky in Snow Bound
- Lonely Rich Kid: Remy Buxaplenty
- Long Runner: show started in 2001, after its appearance by a series of shorts from Oh Yeah Cartoons
- Loophole Abuse: While Timmy must keep the secrets of his fairies that, there are quite a few loopholes.
- In “Chin Up”, because many people are already in costume at a comic convention, fairies don’t have to worry about getting caught since they get mistaken for people in costume.
- The same rule seem to imply during Halloween where wearing a costume is common.
- If another child has fairies, they can share the secret of having them. This was the reason why Timmy was able to explain his fairies to Remy because the latter has one too.
- “School's Out: The Musical”: Timmy and his fairies tries to talk some sense into Flappy Bob, who was born into a clown family but raise by the pixies. Despite a contact, Flappy Bob used his training in law to find a loophole of his own Earth will be safe and fun as defined by Flappy himself.
- Lotus Eater Machine: the beginning of part 3 of Wishology
- Love Dodecahedron: Timmy and about six girls, (seven if you count Cindy of Jimmy Neutron), combined with Puppy Love
- Love Hungry: The focus of one of Timmy's wishes to make Trixie love him.
- Love Letter Lunacy: In Information Stuperhighway
- Love Makes You Crazy: Trixie in Just The Two Of Us!
- Love Potion: Cupid's love arrows
- Lower Deck Episode: "The Big Scoop"
- Low Speed Chase: Timmy is trying to outrun his mind-controlled friends, who are trying to capture and brainwash him. However, their scooters are set to a mere 2 mph—any faster would mean they would spill their milk (the source of the mind control).
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Parodied
- Magically-Binding Contract: In the episode "Temporary Fairy". The contract also look remarkably like Ursula's.
- Magic Versus Science: In the Jimmy Neutron crossovers.
- Make a Wish: The series premise.
- Making a Splash: Crimson Chin villain H2Olga
- Mama Bear: Wanda and sometimes Mrs. Turner.
- Marshmallow Dream: Chester wakes up eating his pillow, says "You're not the giant marshmallow. Oh well!" and continues eating.
- Masquerade: Timmy is required to keep his fairy godparents a secret, or he will lose them
- May Contain Evil: The evil Gigglepies pretend to be prizes in cereal boxes
- May the Farce Be with You
- McNinja: Poof in Wishology.
- Meaningful Name: Princess Mandie
- Timmy Turner
- Meganekko: Tootie
- And the trope is removed for the Live Action Movie Grow Up, Timmy Turner!, in which She's All Grown Up and was Beautiful All Along.
- The Men in Black: The MERF agents, Chester and AJ in Hail to the Chief
- Me's a Crowd: The focus of an Oh Yeah Cartoons short, due to all the demands of a bedridden Vicky
- Mid-Battle Tea Break: "Abra-Catastrophe" was the Trope Namer and provided the image.
- Mickey Mousing: Used with good effect in the No Dialogue Episode (the aptly titled "Pipe down!"), counting as a Crowning Moment of Awesome for Butch Hartman himself.
- Midlife Crisis Car: Timmy's dad's cars
- Mike Nelson, Destroyer of Worlds: While being put through Fairy Academy, Cosmo ended up destroying Pompei, turned Xanadu into Pittsburg, and sank Atlantis... NINE TIMES.
- All on the same day.
- In another episode, the evil bug that crawled up Vicky's butt inhabited the President of the country and made him bring out a button that could destroy the planet. At the end of the episode, Cosmo pushes it and destroys Pluto.
"He said THE planet. He didn't say which one." |
- Actually, the President just happened to have the button with himself. The bug never made it, the President's butt.
- In one episode early on in the series, Cosmo was required to do one sufficiently evil act within a 24 hour period or his fairy license would be revoked and he'd be sent back to training. After consulting Vicky for advice, she suggests he blow up the Earth, and he would have done it, if not for the fact that he reverted back to his normal self at 12:00:00 Midnight, and the Earth would have otherwise blown up at 12:00:01 AM.
- In the same episode, Wanda says that for her evil act she wiped out the dinosaurs.
- Blowing up planets seems to be a standard affair for the Yugopotamians.
"We wouldn't have to blow up all these planets if you just stopped and asked for directions!" |
- Not to mention the G in FLARG.
- Mirror-Cracking Ugly: Mr. Crocker
- Missed the Call: Turbo Thunder
- Missing Episode: Hail to the Chief and Twistory for being offensive
- To elaborate this a bit, it portrays the Founding Fathers as kinda wacky characters, especially George Washington, who's an Ax Crazy Badass with An Axe to Grind (basically a borderline textbook example of a Memetic Badass).
- The episode is still shown in other countries, as I see it on occasion on dutch television.
- It is also available over Netflix in America as a part of Season 1.
- It's been moved to the Season 2 list.
- It's also on the season 2 Vanilla Edition DVD of the Fairly Oddparents
- To elaborate this a bit, it portrays the Founding Fathers as kinda wacky characters, especially George Washington, who's an Ax Crazy Badass with An Axe to Grind (basically a borderline textbook example of a Memetic Badass).
- Missing Mom: For the following: Wanda, Chester, Trixie, Wendell
- Mistaken for Murderer: Big Daddy's group in Big Wanda
- Mister Seahorse: Cosmo in Fairly OddBaby. Then again, this is apparently how fairy pregnancy works (presumably because Butch Hartman wants to dissuade you from thinking too deeply into fairy pregnancy).
- Moment Killer: Mark, Mr. Turner, and Jorgen in Wishology
- Momma's Boy: Cosmo
- Mooks: The Eliminators
- Mordor: Dimmsdale under Crocker's rule
- The Movie: Holds the record at Nick for the most made-for-TV movies with a total of 9 films so far. (11 if you count the Wishology movies as separate films)
- Wishology is especially notable given Nick's standards of what a "movie" is. Atlantis Squarepantis was called a movie. It was 30 minutes long. Wishology is two hours twenty four minutes, and is the only episode of FOP (besides the live-action movie) broadcast in widescreen high definition.
- Live Action Adaptation: A Fairly Odd Movie: Grow Up, Timmy Turner!
- Mr. Fanservice: Juandissimo, parodied because he thinks of himself as sexy. Played straight, however, in Fairy Idol.
- Multiple Choice Past: how Mr. and Mrs. Turner met
- Mundane Wish: Crocker teams up with Norm the genie but instead of simply wishing Timmy to Mars (as Norm suggests) or simply wishing to have a fairy in his possession he wastes his wishes on parts for ridiculous traps that backfire on him. Norm allows Crocker to wish for more wishes—which he does by wishing for them three at a time—and continues to waste them.
- While many of Timmy's wishes seem wasteful, they don't qualify because he has unlimited wishes. In fact, it's actually bad for the fairies if he doesn't constantly wish for things
- Musical Episode: School's Out: The Musical
- My Beloved Smother: Mama Cosma
- My Friends and Zoidberg: In One Man Banned, when Mr. Turner saves Timmy after he played the triangle badly, he does this to Mr. Dinkleberg.
- My Master, Right or Wrong: Juandissimo towards Remy Buxaplenty
- My Name Is Not Durwood: A lot of characters get
Empty Bus Seat'sTommy'sTimmy's name wrong.
- Naked People Are Funny: Timmy in the episodes Crime Wave and Emotion Commotion
- Timmy's was lampshaded when comic book people believed he was the infamous super hero 'Naked Lad'. (Bonus points for the comic book cover; it's Timmy's head with a musclar body!)
- And Francis, in "Evil University"
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Jorgen Von Strangle.
- Truant Officer Shallowgrave
- Princess Mandie (pronounced "Man-Die")
- National Stereotypes
- Negative Continuity: Especially in light of the Wishology special. This special had featured a considerable amount of Character Development for many of the minor characters. In particular, the main character, Timmy, finally was Genre Savvy. Subsequent seasons show NONE of these developments.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Timmy frequently, especially when it came to Crocker's fairy obsession (actually that was Cosmo's fault.)
- Niche Network: "Teeth TV" and "The Clown Channel."
- Nigh Invulnerable: The Crimson Chin
- No Arc in Archery: For Cupid, and Timmy in Abra-Catastrophe
- No Celebrities Were Harmed
- No Dialogue Episode: "Pipe Down"
- No Fourth Wall
- No Guy Wants to Be Chased: Timmy, definitely.
- Juandissimo in "Stupid Cupid".
- No Indoor Voice: Mr. Turnbaum has a bad habit of ANNOUNCING THAT EVERYTHING THAT HE AND HIS WIFE ARE COMMITTING IS BY THEM, THE REAL TURNBAUMS! Mrs. Turnbaum doesn't like it when he does that.
- As well as Mr. Crocker whenever FAIRY GODPARENTS come up. Also when he is working out a secret plan... even when Timmy or someone else is right there.
Timmy: Hello, I'm right here. I heard everything you just said. |
- No Name Given: Timmy's parents
- No Sympathy: In the recent episode Bad Heir Day, Timmy, who has risked his life trying to find his godbrother, Poof, is given no sympathy by Wanda despite it being clear he's a Badly-Battered Babysitter.
- Noir Episode: Where's Wanda
- Non-Human Sidekick: Plenty
- Non-Singing Voice: The pixies, Cosmo in Fairy Idol
- Noodle Incident: Super Toilet: "So...much...clogging..."
- And there's this one from "Vicky Loses Her Icky":
Timmy: (holds up a net) Mom, don't ask why, but I have to stick this in Dad's pants. |
- We never do find out exactly why Mr. Crocker was banned from entering Cincinatti, although one can safely assume it probably had to do with proving the existence of FAIRY GODPARENTS!!!
- Not Now, Kiddo: Mark in Super Poof
- Not So Different
- Now or Never Kiss: Timmy and Trixie in Wishology Part II
- Obstructive Bureaucrat: The pixies
- Off the Table
- Old Superhero: Catman
- Played by 'TV'S Adam West' no less!
- Omnicidal Maniac: The Darkness
- One-Winged Angel: The Lead Eliminator into The Destructinator
- Only Child Syndrome: It's easier to list the aversions: Tootie and Vicky, Cosmo and Schnozmo, and Wanda and Blonda. Almost every character in the series lacks siblings.
- Only One Name: Several characters
- Only Sane Woman: Wanda
- Opening Shout-Out: In Abra-Catastrophe
- Or So I Heard: Big Wanda When Wanda takes over her father's business, she put a ficus in the meeting room. One of the men comments on a gardening tip for it, then quickly invokes this trope when the others stare at him surprised.
"A ficus? That's gonna need more light... not that, I would know." |
- The Other Darrin: Robert Cait replacing Norm MacDonald as the voice of Norm the Genie, Butch Hartman replacing Gilbert Gottfried as Dr. Bender, and Jason Marsden replacing Frankie Muniz as Chester, to name a few.
- The Other Marty: Tara Strong redubbed the Oh Yeah Cartoons shorts after she took the role of Timmy. Timmy was originally voiced by Mary Kay Bergman, but was replaced following Bergman's suicide.
- Our Fairies Are Different
- Our Founder: Dale Dimm, founder of Dimmsdale.
- Out of Focus: Crash Nebula was almost never seen at all after his Origin Story episode
- Overnight Age-Up: in The Big Problem!
- Overprotective Dad: Big Daddy
- Painted Tunnel, Real Train: "Back to the Norm"
- Papa Wolf: Often averted for both Cosmo and Timmy's Dad. Whenever their respective sons are threatened they try to be heroic... with mixed results.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Several
- Parental Substitute: Cosmo and Wanda
- Pardon My Klingon: "Aw, smoof."
- Parental Neglect: Timmy's parents are quite neglectful and extremely selfish. They do love him though; they're more like adult children than truly evil abusers. Still, there are times when they put Timmy's happiness after their own, and in the "Wishology" trilogy they fail to notice he's been in Fairy World for an extended period of time, and don't notice they forgot to take him on two family vacations. It speaks volumes when, in part one, Timmy shrugs off the fact that they don't remember they have a son. The mother has even openly spent Timmy's college fund on stuff for herself when viewing the home shopping channel
- Played for Laughs when his parents are busy watching tv about a show called the Bad Parent Hunter. So that Timmy won't disturb them, they hand him a bottle of acid and tells him to go play in the street - which he does
- Parody Sue: Tommy in Oh, Brother!
- Parrot Expowhat:
Gigglepies: Yugo-po-what-i-whats? |
- Pass the Popcorn: The Pixies in School's Out: The Musical about their evil plan and Timmy's misery.
- Paused Interrupt: Despite not being a video game, this is a recurring problem with the voice acting. Any time a character is going to be interrupted, they stop short as if they can see it coming.
- Permanent Elected Official: The "Mayor For Life" of Dimmsdale
- Perpetual Poverty: Chester
- Persona Non Grata: Crocker can never return to Cincinatti and we never find out why.
- Person of Mass Destruction: Cosmo, Poof
- Perspective Flip: "The Big Scoop", a retelling of the episode "A Wish Too Far" from Chester's and AJ's point of view.
- Pet the Dog: A few for Crocker
- Picked Last: Timmy Turner was picked last for everything in Dimmsdale to the point where he got Cosmo and Wanda to make him the most wanted kid in the world. (And by wanted....let's just say that both FBI and CIA wanted him).
- Plot Induced Stupidity: occurs in almost every episode.
- Plot Hole: A few. See the character sheet.
- Pluto Is Expendable: They blew it up in Vicky loses her Icky (the bomb was supposed to blow up a planet; it never said which one)
- Pokémon-Speak: Poof, but he can say other things, including Timmy's name.
- The Pollyanna: Binky
- Poorly-Disguised Pilot: "Crash Nebula"
- Popular Is Dumb: Veronica
- Portal Books: "Shelf Life"
- Positive Discrimination
- POV Sequel: The Big Scoop shows A Wish Too Far from Chester and AJ's perspective.
- Power of Rock: Wishology Part I, with an awesome guest appearance of KISS!
- Power Perversion Potential: Oh yeah...
- Da Rules probably averts this, (we haven't even seen the whole book) but what about the Magic Muffin? Note that you can take bites out of it and as long as you don't eat the whole thing you can still nibble it for more wishes!
- Precocious Crush: The episode where Timmy wishes up the 18-year old Tommy Turner, whom the 10-year old Tootie falls in love with. And the fact that Tootie is genuinely in love with him is a major plot point of the episode.
- Prematurely Bald: AJ
- Pro Wrestling Episode: A partial example in "Odd Jobs" where Timmy's dad faces of against Crusher McPersoncrusher.
- Properly Paranoid: Subverted in "Operation Dinkelberg". Knowing that Timmy's Dad thinks he's an evil villain who's responsible for all of his problems, Dinkleberg pretends to be just such a villain - For no other reason than to give Dad the pleasure of thinking he was right.
- Prophetic Name: Mr. and Mrs. Turner were nicknamed Mom and Dad as children
- Protagonist-Centered Morality: Seen with Mark.
- Psychic Powers: Timmy in Mind Over Magic, AJ in The Big Superhero Wish
- Psycho for Hire: Crocker and Vicky
- Punishment Box: The "Fun Box," which is coincidentally closed with "fun locks."
- Punny Name
- Quintessential British Gentleman: Anti-Cosmo
- Rapid-Fire Comedy
- Rapunzel Hair: Trixie and Mandie
- Reality Warper: In "Mr Right!", Timmy gains the ability to make things be true just by saying they are true.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Timmy is just the start. See 'What Could Have Been' for the details.
- This is lampshaded in an episode. When Timmy goes back to the past, he sees his parents moving into what would be his house. In the moving trunk are pink things because his parents thought they were having a girl. What's sitting on top is his infamous pink hat.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Principal Waxaplax
- Refugee From TV Land: The Crimson Chin taken out of his comic. This results in him discovering he is imaginary he grows giving him depression resulting in his series almost getting canceled.
- Refuge in Audacity
- Reindeer Aren't Real: A giant squid is treated as a mythical creature... until one actually shows up.
- Reset Button: Wishing things back to normal, along with once having a literal reset button in the form of a watch.
- Retcon: A comic story revealed this in regards to the Crimson Chin's origin
- Retconjuration: Some of Timmy's wishes have permanently altered the world he lives in. For example, the mountainous snow-capped central American country of Tibecuidor has always existed.
- This came to a head when Timmy wished he was always right; instead of being magically prevented from saying something wrong, reality itself would be bent and altered to satisfy whatever Timmy said. Some of the changes took place immediately after Timmy mentioned them and were noticed by others (AJ wanted to study Timmy after he said there were only 49 states and the Dakotas merged into one state immediately thereafter), but some ("No I don't! I don't have fairy godparents...!") seemed to silently rewrite others' perceptions (Mr. Crocker suddenly becoming placid and saying "oh, okay then" after Timmy makes the previously-quoted claim).
- Retraux: The Good Old Days, which is a full fledged throwback to the classic black and white cartoons of Walt Disney, Ub Iwerks and Max and Dave Fleischer.
- Reverse Psychology: In Wishy Washy
- Rich Bitch: Trixie
- Rich Idiot With No Day Job: Adam West
- Right Hand Dog: Doidle
- Rock-Paper-Scissors: The Old West episode
- Rogues Gallery: Mr. Crocker, Vicky, Doctor Bender, Francis, the Nega Chin, Imaginary Gary, Norm the Genie, the Pixies, Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda, Cosmo's mother, etc.
- Rule of Funny
- Rule of Three: At least one joke is repeated thrice over the course of each and every episode
- Lampshaded at one point when one character remarks that they can only use a gag three times. Makes you wonder if the writers are keeping an eye on this page.
- Runaway Groom: Mark Chang
- Running Gag: Someone asks Timmy where he got something the fairies made for him. His response; "Internet."
- Chester's braces.
- The show also seems to have a new running gag EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. After that episode, the gag is forgetten and never mentioned again.
- Except...
"Super Toilet." |
- Rushmore Refacement
- Sadist Teacher
- Satiating Sandwich
- Saving Christmas: Of course, Timmy's wish for Christmas Every Day is what caused the problem in the first place.
- Timmy's wish was so bad, they had to make a new rule. The rule was that no child could never ever wish for Christmas every day.
- Saying Sound Effects Out Loud: Timmy as a mouse, saying "squeak"
- The Scottish Trope: Saying "Vicky" as a good thing
- Screams Like a Little Girl: Mr. Turner
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money: Remy, Tad, and Chad
- Sdrawkcab Name: Foop
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Norm the Genie
- Second-Person Attack: Used several times: at least two in Abracatastrophe; one in the beginning of Channel Chasers; in the episodes "Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad", "Scary Godparents", "Kung Timmy" (and several others), and occasionally in the Crimson Chin bridging sequences in the Season 0 episodes.
- Secret Identity: Charles Hampton Indigo for the Crimson Chin; Timmy himself for Cleft the Boy Chin Wonder
- Serious Business: Baseball in Foul Balled, the weather in Mother Nature
- To the point where the citizens run the weatherman out of town with torches and pitchforks if he's wrong.
- Shaggy Dog Story: "Odd, Odd West"
- Shapeshifter Baggage: All the fairies, Anti-Cosmo, Mark and Grippulon
- She's All Grown Up: In the live action TV movie, older Tootie is played by Daniella Monet.
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: Timmy to Tootie. And Vicky in Totally Spaced Out
- Shipper on Deck: Cosmo and Wanda apparently like it when Tootie kisses Timmy, even though they are obligated to use their magic to help Timmy avoid her.
- Short Run in Peru: Started with the two episodes Timmy the Barbarian and No Substitute for Crazy, two episodes of the fifth season, being shown in the UK first. However, Nickelodeon now seems to show several first run episodes of FOP first in the UK and Latin America, and then weeks, sometimes months afterwards in the United States. A prime example of American audiences being Screwed by the Network.
- This also happened to Butch Hartman's other show Danny Phantom during DP's final season. Apparently Nick likes to screw with Hartman's American fans.
- Shotgun Wedding: Mark and Mandie
- Shout-Out: Several: To both DC Comics and Marvel Comics, Star Wars, Tom and Jerry, etc.
- There's also one to SpongeBob SquarePants in the episode where they visit Atlantis that borders on Take That. "Our diet consists mainly of crabs, starfish, and the occasional underwater squirrel."
- The most obscure example would be Bubsy, whose catch phrase was "What could possibly go wrong?!"...which became Timmy's catchphrase. Also considered a Take That since this line is delivered in the most wooden, cliche way possible.
- Another in which Timmy creates a male version of Vicky for her to fall in love with, at the end of the episode Ricky goes off with Crocker's mom (after a dating site mishap) and Vicky exclaims "Ricky, don't lose my number! You don't have to call nobody else!" a line from "Rikki Don't Lose That Number" by Steely Dan.
- Dr. Mindbender was an orthodontist before joining COBRA, and his real name was "Dr. Bender".
- Which in itself is yet another shoutout.
- Channel Chasers is this trope incarnate.
- In one of the episodes where Timmy goes to Fairy World, there is a street sign with streets, one called Penn and one called Teller.
- In "Playdate of Doom", Foop's evil plan is to send Poof into a pocket dimension shaped like a flat square.
- "The Good Ol' Days" is a love letter to the various cartoons from the 1920s/1930s: Steamboat Willie and various Classic Disney Shorts are referenced... and even the apparently made-up theme song for the episode is actually a shout-out: namely, it's The Jimmy Hart Version of the main theme heard at the beginning of Lady, Play Your Mandolin, possibly as an instance of Self-Deprecation given all the Writing Around Trademarks and the various lawyer-friendly cameos involved.
- The title of School's Out! may be a refrence to another popular cartoon with a movie with a similar name, but released theatricaly
- In one episode where Timmy goes to tour his dad's workplace (with an obligatory Chocolate Factory spoof to boot), Mr. Turner gushes about how he's his boss's favorite employee to Timmy. His boss responds to this with a scream of "HOMER!" "--Uh, it's Turner, sir."
- To ACDC in "Light's Out," at the end, when Timmy denies that he was scared of Cosmo as Wanda in their 'Scardey Fairies' form, Wanda poofs it back to complete darkness with the poof saying 'Back in Black' and then back to light with the poof saying "Let There Be Light."
- How can we forget the Giant Fairy Storage in "Escape from Unwish Island?" Just to name a few, some of the people who have lockers are Walt Disney, P. Diddy, Duran Duran, Carrot Top, Milli and Vanilli, not to mention some people working on the show itself just to name a few. It's like a goldmine of Shout Outs.
- A really old one in the second Fairy Odd Parents Episode "Power Mad". When Cosmo and Wanda are using their magic to act as multiple tv stations as she switches through them, one them goes to "Cosmo!" with a surprisingly similar jingle. "It's a show about nothing! ... How do we know when its over?"
- "I Was a Teenage Blowfly" (from "Fly Boy") stars Dash from Danny Phantom.
- Show Within a Show: The Crimson Chin and Crash Nebula
- Channel Chasers was full of these, mainly as shout-outs or outright parodies of real shows and cartoons.
- Shrunken Organ: In one episode Timmy swaps brains with an ordinary dog. His brain is noticably the smaller of the two.
- Sibling Rivalry: Wanda and Blonda
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Vicky and Tootie
- Sign of the Apocalypse: Timmy gets an A.
- Single-Minded Twins: Tad and Chad
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: Mr. Turner's one sided rivalry with Dinkleberg.
- Small Annoying Creature: Poof for some fans.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Tad & Chad, Juandissimo, Crocker on occasion
- Speaking of which, a certain other Baxter is the poor teenager that gets his head turned into a fly's in "Fly Boy"
- Small Town Rivalry: Dimmsdale and Brightburg hate each other.
- Social Services Does Not Exist: The reason why fairies do—to take care of neglected children
- Somebody Else's Problem: The response to fairy magic, except when the plot says otherwise.
- Sound Effects Bleep - The one time anyone actually says the names of Timmy's parents, the words are drowned out.
Young Timmy's Dad: "My real name is * loud truck goes by* but everyone calls me Dad." |
- Spell My Name with an "S": There's confusion over wether it's Juandissimo or Wandissimo. Production art spells is as the former.
- Spinning Paper: Lampshaded when Wanda complains it makes her dizzy.
- Spit Take: Cosmo does these often, even intentionally.
- Played straight and then parodied several times by other characters in the episode "Pipe Down."
- Spoiled Brat: The Popular Kids
- Squashed Flat: The show sometimes employs this trope. One prime example is when Timmy's parents charge him with guarding his parents case of glass figurines. The Greek Gods of Mt. Olympus show up. One of them is about to strike the glass case, Timmy steps in front to prevent it's falling and it falls on him. When the case is removed there is a very, very flat Timmy on the floor.
- Stalker Shrine: Tootie's entire room is one of these with shrines, pictures, dolls of Timmy. Veronica has something similar...with Trixie. Timmy sometimes has one of these in his bedroom for Trixie Tang as well.
- Stalker with a Crush: Timmy has three: Tootie, Veronica, and The Darkness. And Juandissimo to Wanda.
- Stand-In Parents: Timmy Turner used a wish to try out his friends' dads because his own dad was so lame.
- He also had Cosmo and Wanda stand in as his parents, and hilarity ensued.
- Start of Darkness: The Secret Origin of Denzel Crocker
- The Stars Are Going Out: Wishology Part I
- The Starscream: The Lead Eliminator
- Status Quo Is God: Why all of Timmy's wishes eventually fail
- Stepford Smiler: Peppy Happy Gary and Betty
- Stepford Suburbia: Dimmadome Acres
- Steven Ulysses Perhero: Charles Hampton Indigo
- Stock Superhero Day Jobs: Reporter for the Crimson Chin
- The Stoic: Timmy in "Emotion Commotion!" after wishing away his emotions.
- Strange Minds Think Alike: In That Ol' Black Magic, the Anti-Wanda is so stupid, she eats with her feet; later in that episode, Cosmo is seen eating a sandwich with his feet.
- Strange Syntax Speaker: The Gigglepies
- Student Council President: Tad and Chad
- Stuff Blowing Up: Action Packed
- Stupid Sexy Flanders: Done occasionally with Crocker
- Subverted Rhyme Every Occasion: In Merry Wishmas
- Sugar Apocalypse: The Giggle Pies
- Super Fun Happy Thing of Doom: The Gigglepies in So Totally Spaced Out
- Super-Hero Origin: The Crimson Chin was bitten on the chin by a handsome radioactive actor.
- Super-Hero School: In The Big Superhero Wish and Crash Nebula
- Super Human Trafficking: Fairies are often hunted, almost always it is Mr. Crocker going after Timmy's fairies. in The Movie, Abracatastrophe he succeeds
- Super Strength: The Crimson Chin, Francis and Trixie in The Big Superhero Wish
- Sure, Let's Go with That: A running gag
- Surfer Dude: Mark Chang
- Surrounded by Idiots: The Lead Eliminator
- Suspiciously Specific Denial
- Swiss Army Tears: Double subverted in Fairy Idol.
- Take Over the World: Every human and villain but Norm the Genie wants to do it.
- Heck, even a monkey wanted to do it in Abra-Catastophe, if Cosmo's monkey language abilities are to be trusted.
- Well, not so much take over the world as have apes take over the world, and have him take Timmy's place. Or a banana.
- Heck, even a monkey wanted to do it in Abra-Catastophe, if Cosmo's monkey language abilities are to be trusted.
- Take That: In When Losers Attack, Crocker, Foop and Dark Laser end up getting sucked into a black hole and fall into a random cityscape.
Crocker: Hmm, I wonder where you end up after going through a black hole. *town sign reads "Welcome to Bakersfield"* Einstein was right! |
- "Timmy's 2-D House Of Horrors" takes unyielding and relentless bashings towards the 3-D movie phenomenon.
- School's Out: The Musical revealed Flappy Bob's parents checked every clown-congregation spot in the county. And then Flappy's dad adds: "we even checked the U.S. Congress! It was full of clowns...but none of them were fun!"
- Chindred Spirits in an interesting example. On the surface, it looks like a Take That at comic book Fan Dumb who are overdosed on action and dont' care about characterization, except the Chin's comic is being totally boring due to his want of romance/dating Golden Locks (oddly making Timmy in the right, even though it acts like he's not). So it's really a Take That at overly Wangst- or fluff-laden romance-arcs in comics.
- Take That Me: "Everyone knows that comedy is the lowest form of entertainment! Except animation."
- Talking to Himself: A lot
- Taught by Television: A literal example is Poof in Wishology, but TV is treated as the solution on multiple occasions.
- Teens Are Monsters: Vicky. There's even a club for evil teen babysitters!
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Always used on females.
- Theme Tune Cameo
- Theme Twin Naming: Wanda and Blonda, Tad & Chad
- There Was a Door: "Timmy, I'm respecting your privacy by knocking, but asserting my authority as your father by coming in anyway!" *breaks down door with battering ram*
- They Called Me Mad
- Thick Line Animation
- Thirteen Is Unlucky: Friday the 13th is when the anti-magic pixies can escape
- This Loser Is You: Timmy
- This Page Will Self-Destruct: Timmy's dad to Timmy via tape recorder: "Pass the butter. This message will self destruct"
- Those Two Guys: Chester and AJ
- Those Two Bad Guys: Tad & Chad
- Three Shorts: Or more more accurately two shorts format.
- Three Wishes: The number Norm the Genie can grant. Subverted because it is possible to wish for three more wishes; genies just don't like to tell that to their masters.
- Tin Tyrant: Crocker in Abra-Catastrophe
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Vicky and Tootie. This is shown in contrast especially in the episode Timmy's 2-D House of Horror where the two sisters took over Timmy's bedroom; turning one half into a pink and girly room with unicorns, and the other half into a medieval dungeon.
- Seen with Trixie and Veronica. Trixie is secretly a comic fangirl while Veronica is a cheerleader Valley Girl stereotype.
- Tomboyish Ponytail: Trixie Tang
- Tonight Someone Kisses: The promos for Wishology and The Fairly Odd Movie
- Torches and Pitchforks: Mother Nature and The Secret Origin of Denzel Crocker, where the torches and pitchfork crowd is still chasing him decades afterwards.
- Token Girl: Wanda
- Too Dumb to Live: Cosmo
- Took a Level in Badass
- Touch of Death: Mom: *bawling* "EVERYTHING I TOUCH DIEEEEESSSS!"
- Tranquillizer Dart: An episode in which a Drill Sergeant Nasty, Jorgen von Strangle, is quickly rendered insensate using two darts (humorously marked "K" & "O") during a fit of animalistic rage.
- Trapped in TV Land: "Channel Chasers"
- Trash of the Titans: When Timmy accidentally wrecks Mount Olympus for partying with the gods too hard, they decide to all party as his house until such a time that Wanda has Olympus rebuilt. He does everything in his power to prevent them from destroying everything.
- Troperiffic: It had to be said.
- Tuckerization: Elmer, Bob the boil.
- Tsundere: Wanda. Vicky might also be this; while usually violent, cruel, cold-hearted and sadistic, she seems to melt like butter for the guys she falls in love with. And for some fans, hinted in Trixie Tang.
- TV Telephone Etiquette: Timmy talks in a three-way split screen with his friends Chester and AJ. After the conversation, Timmy and Chester hang up without saying "Goodbye" Poor A.J. was left on the line.
- Twitchy Eye: Trixie when she goes insane in Just the Two of Us
- And Timmy when his mom shows him that her old swimsuit still fits.
- Two-Part Trilogy: Wishology
- Unfazed Everyman: Sprig Speevack in Crash Nebula
- Unholy Matrimony: Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda are married.
- The Unintelligible: Sylvester Calzone in Momnipresent
- Unknown Rival: The Dinklebergs to the Turners. Subverted in Operation: Dinkleburg. Dinkleburg has known of Mr. Turner's one sided rivalry for years and truly holds no ill will in turn. He plays the villain when Mr. Turner accuses Dinkleburg of being evil just to give him the satisfaction of believing he was right.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Mrs. Turner, to Dinkleberg
- Unnamed Parent: Mr. and Mrs. Turner
- The Un-Reveal: The aforementioned names of Timmy's parents
- Unspoken Plan Guarantee: Used in Fairly OddBaby. And Double-subverted.
- Unsound Effect: used all the time when magic occurs, though usually accompanied by sound.
- Parodied to the point where, since the fairies use poof, the anti-fairies use foop
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Crocker
- Useless Spleen: In an attempt to beat Timmy up while Timmy blocks his attempts with his newly-gotten attendance award, Francis can be heard shouting "Ow, my hand! Ow, my other hand! Ow, my head! Ow, my spleen!" as he continues to take swings.
- Useless Superpowers: Whenever a wish would break a rule/Whatever the plot needs.
- Valley Girl
- Vanilla Edition: All the season DVD sets
- Victoria's Secret Compartment: In one episode, Mandie keeps an apple in there. Due to Timmy's wish, it inadvertently turns into a bomb.
- Villains Out Shopping: Norm the Genie when free in Fairy Idol
- Visions of Another Self: "Odd, Odd West"
- Villain Episode: Back to the Norm, the comic story The Babysitter Sings
- Villainous Crossdresser: Timmy managed to humiliate Crocker on a global scale and get him arrested for developing a supposed computer virus by uploading a video file of himself modeling one of his mother's dresses.
"Oh well, I suppose it does make me look pretty." |
- Villain Song: "Pixie Rap", "Gimmie the Wand", Vicky gets a few in the comic story The Babysitter Sings
- "The Villain Sucks" Song: Two versions of "Icky Vicky" and "Vicky Free Summer"
- Villain World: When Crocker takes over. We sort of see Vicky's version in Channel Chasers.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Jorgen to Cosmo, Wanda, and Binky
- Vocal Evolution: Cosmo sounded more like a game show host in the Oh Yeah! Cartoons pilots.
- Voices Are Mental: Blondas Have More Fun and Presto-Change-O
- Voluntary Shapeshifter: All fairies and anti-fairies, Mark and Grippulon, the Eliminators
- The Von Trope Family: Jorgen Von Strangle
- Watch It Stoned: The show, according to some people.
- Waxing Lyrical: Vicky's response to her boyfriend Ricky leaving her in The Odd Couple.
Vicky: Ricky! Don't lose my number! You don't have to call nobody else. SEND IT OFF IN A LETTER TO YOURSELF! |
- Weaksauce Weakness: Fairies are powerless when under a butterfly net.
- We Can Rule Together: Dark Laser and Anti Cosmo to Timmy
- Wedding Day: Jorgen and the Tooth Fairy
- Weekend Inventor: Mr. Turner
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Remy
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Twistory. Aside from the episode itself (alongside Hail To The Chief, tied to it) being a glorified educational episode, it doesn't just involve Timmy doing his essay by directly asking the Founding Fathers themselves, but for doing so, Timmy hosts a self-titled talk-show, the "Timmy Turner Show". Filmed in Timmy's treehouse. Timmy himself just seems to be screaming to the audience, like, "hey look, it's educational yet entertaining". However, when his wish (as usual) backfires, since the Founding Fathers' absence from their age turns the States back to the British colony they once were, well... I think you know what happens.
- What Could Have Been: Originally Timmy was going to be a redhead because Butch Hartman hates brown hair, but forced to change his mind because he didn't want Timmy and Vicky to have matching hair color. Also Timmy was almost named Matt after Butch's other brother, but an argument with his brothers changed that. Timmy's shirt and hat were meant to be blue, but Hartman ran out of blue marker and grabbed the next nearest color—which just so happened to be pink. It stuck.
- Butch also thought of giving Timmy black hair, but decided it looked too heavy on him. So, why not just make him blonde?
- What Did I Do Last Night?
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: The Bouncing Boil and Hawk Gal in The Big Superhero Wish
- What the Hell, Hero?: Timmy in Wishology to Jorgen and Turbo Thunder
- When I Was Your Age: Timmy's paternal grandfather is quite fond of the trope. His first non-flashback line was a rant about how he doesn't like things as how they're today when compared to what they used to be.
- When You Coming Home, Dad?: Timmy's parents, at first.
- Where the Hell Is Springfield?: The show takes place in fictional Dimmsdale. It turns out there IS a place called Dimsdale. It's in northern Canada. The series later revealed the town is in California, but only on the map, and not by name.
- Whip It Good: Wanda in Timmy the Barbarian
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Chester in Just the Two of Us
- And Trixie in "The Boy Who Would Be Queen." Timmy had no clue it was Trixie until her hat came off.
- Why Did It Have To Be Clowns: In A Bad Case of Dairy-Uh only for Timmy.
- Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?: In Back to the Norm
- The Wiki Rule: here. Used to be a mess, but it really got straightened out these last few months.
- Wild Card Excuse: Whatever it is, Timmy got it on the internet. Yes, that includes heat vision
- In one early episode he lied that he inherited the Internet.
- Specifically:
- In one early episode he lied that he inherited the Internet.
Timmy: Inheritance? |
- William Telling: "Emotion Commotion"
- Wishplosion
- With This Herring: Timmy in Wishology
- World-Healing Wave: Used a few times in place of the simple Reset Button. Noteably in Fairly Odd Baby when Poof "breaks wind", which unleashes one to reverse the Pixies' and Anti-Fairies' World-Wrecking Wave.
- World of Badass: Action Packed
- World-Wrecking Wave: Mr. Crocker causes one in the first movie to create a Villain World after stealing Wanda. The Pixies and Anti-Fairies let one loose in Fairly Odd Baby using Poof's magic. They destroy Fairy World and start The End of the World as We Know It on Earth.
- Wrongful Accusation Insurance: in Inspection Detection
- Wrong Genre Savvy: Timmy's wish in "It's A Wishful Life" was, admittedly, a desperate attempt to salvage his bruised ego (having obviously seen the Trope Namer movie).
- Xanatos Roulette: Played with in "Remy Rides Again".
Timmy: So Jorgon plotted to have Wandissimo plot to have Remy plot to have me lose my godparents. |
- Yandere: Mandie
- And Veronica, though she's not as dangerous.
- Yank the Dog's Chain: Several
- You Can't Go Home Again: Mark Chang
- You Can't Fight Fate: Crocker's origins in "The Secret Origin of Denzel Crocker"
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Most fairies
- Your Mind Makes It Real: "Power Mad"
- Your Size May Vary: Timmy is shown to change in size from scene to scene. In the early seasons before Mom and Dad were given faces, Timmy was small enough to sit completely in Dad's hand.
- Fridge Brilliance: Timmy would reasonably have grown and his perception of his parents as giants vanished. Also his size in later episodes (at least those without shrinking) is more-consistent.
- Zeerust: For the episode Future Lost. Timmy finds an old comic book that decribes the "far off" future of the year 2000. He notes that the real twenty first century is nothing at all like what's in the comic book.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Mandie