Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: Crystal

Revision as of 02:38, 25 July 2014 by Looney Toons (talk | contribs) (added trope)

If you are looking for the original 1992 anime or the manga that inspired it, see Sailor Moon. If you want the Live Action Adaptation, see Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon.

Is it just me or is Makoto shorter than Usagi?

Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Crystal in Japanese. This is the 2014 Re Boot of the Sailor Moon anime, featuring an art style reminiscent of the original Sailor Moon manga, and what appears to be a significantly telescoped plotline compared to the original.

Can be viewed for free (and without subscribing) on Hulu.

Tropes used in Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: Crystal include:

Many of the tropes of the original apply here; below are listed tropes that are specific to this incarnation or which are implemented differently.

  • Adaptation Distillation: Completely abandons entire arcs of Filler so beloved by the original anime and gets right to business.
  • Action Girl: Right from the first few words of the theme song, it's very clear that this reboot not only embraces the original "girl power" themes underlying the original Sailor Moon, but extends and expands them.
  • Animal Motifs: Rabbit-head imagery appears on just about everything Usagi owns, starting with the umbrella she carries in the opening credits, and even extending to the brand logo on her laptop computer.
  • Anime Theme Song: Following in the footsteps of the Live Action Adaptation, Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: Crystal uses a new theme written for it instead of the venerable "Midnight Densetsu".
  • Art Shift: Compared to the original anime. In addition to a crisper, sharper look (no doubt thanks to modern digital animation) with a hint of pastels in the coloring, the overall art style harkens directly back to the original manga.
  • Big Fancy House: The Tsukino home -- well, by comparison to some of the nearby homes, at least. It seems somewhat larger and actually has a tiny yard on all sides, surrounded by a wall; it even has a garage, suggesting ownership of an auto in a city where such is uncommon.
  • Brainwashing: Unlike the original, where Ami's cram school was a youma front to gather life energy, here it's a setup to brainwash its students into locating the Ginzuishou for the Dark Kingdom. Using Ami's intelligence to take over Tokyo ... somehow ... is just a bonus.
  • Extraverted Nerd: Umino.
  • Finish Her!: What Tuxedo Kamen says to Sailor Moon during the confrontation with the youma in episode 2.
  • Flashback Cut: When Usagi and Ami's hands touch for the first time, Ami gets a momentary flashback to the Silver Millennium.
  • Forgotten Phlebotinum: Played with -- Sailor Moon's "sonic attack", which in the original anime was used once in her first appearance and never used again, here shows up at least twice -- but the second youma is unaffected by it.
  • Free Prize At the Bottom: How Ami gets her henshin wand and Usagi gets her disguise pen -- they're both dispensed from the Sailor V video game when Ami beats the high score.
  • Golem: Instead of being a race of demonic creatures as they were in the original anime, the youma of the Dark Kingdom are some variety of golem formed from clay or perhaps stone as needed, and immediately crumble when killed. They seem to be animated or inhabited by some variety of spirit, though, capable of sophisticated thought and cunning.
  • Gratuitous French: "A suivre" ("to be continued") on a Title Card at the end of each episode.
  • Limited Wardrobe: Mamoru appears to have nothing to wear but a single Dracula-esque tuxedo.
  • Love You and Everybody: Usagi.
  • Magical Girl: The original Magic Warriors series, back again for another go-round with 21st-Century sensibilities.
  • Meganekko: Ami, right from the start.
  • Mind Control Eyes: Ami gets them once she starts using the "Crystal Disk" at the Crystal Seminar.
  • Motionless Chin: Possibly in deliberate imitation of the original; certainly with digital animation there's no budgetary or other requirement for this shortcut.
  • Mythology Gag: The Senshi's transformation tokens have frequently been called "henshin pens" by the fandom over the past twenty-some years because of their resemblance to pens with fancy caps. Here they actually are pens, and it's the pen's cap which is the magic item.
  • Off-Model: Again, only by comparison to the original anime. Characters are thinner and have exaggerated legs (as they did in the manga) and more adult-looking faces with larger eyes; their heads appear slightly too large for their bodies in some shots. Individual characters also have changes specific to them -- for instance, Ami's pageboy-like haircut is now a shaggy gamine closer to Rei Ayanami's style.
  • Opaque Nerd Glasses: Umino -- and they're huge to the point of comedy.
  • Paper Master: The youma behind the Crystal Seminar.
  • Stealth Hi Bye: Umino is capable of this, often suddenly appearing amongst Usagi and her friends in early episodes.
  • Video Game Tropes: We see enough the Sailor V video game that we can start sussing out its tropes -- it's a multi-level side-scrolling shooter to start with.
  • Windows Match the Drapes: Ami. Kuri, one of Usagi's pre-Senshi friends, has matching dark amethyst hair and eyes.