
Ryoma Hamazaki


The main male protagonist of Ring X Mama.

Sanae "Justice Asuka" Takamori


The main female protagonist of Ring X Mama.

Rio "Tiger Cat" Katsura


Linda Halloween


Mako Kirino


Saeko "Violence Rose" Shimazu


Yuri Kabayama


Tomoe Sumeragi



Akaya Izunokami


Aoi "Darkness Aoi" Miki

  • Badass: Regarded as one of the best female wrestlers in Japan.
  • Bi The Way:
  • Broken Bird: See the below trope as to why.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: She was forced to have sex with the former sponsors of Jipang during the past when the economy tanked, and basically being able to use her a sex toy was part of the price of them keeping Jipang financed. Even though the former chairwoman of Jipang was guilt ridden over letting it happen, Aoi sacrificed herself willingly to keep the company going. Eventually, things got better and Aoi no longer had to put herself through that, but it broke her pretty badly inside, making her bitter, cynical, and made her obsessed with being the dominant party in relationships.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: She eventually gets over her dark and troubled past and winds up with Sanae's former husband.
  • Freudian Excuse: Being more or less raped by men treating you as expendable if you don't put out made Aoi extremely broken inside to the point she always wants to be the one in control.
  • Heel: The role of her wrestling persona.
  • Hot Amazon: Ryoma definitely thinks so.
  • Kuudere: Once you get past the icy exterior, there is a surprisingly warm hearted person inside, she's just reluctant to show it thanks to her horrible past.
  • Manipulative Bitch: She has her reasons, see Dark and Troubled Past for the details.
  • Tall Dark and Bishoujo: Both her wrestling persona and the way she comes off to people.