/wiki/Saeko Shimazucreator

Describe Saeko Shimazu here! Right now! Ohohohohoho!

Mrs. Saeko Shimazu 島津 冴子 is a prolific seiyū from Isehara. As many others, she first had Naive Everygirl roles, then started branching into more varied archetypes. Her breaching, however, took her to frequently switch to the Yandere or Dark Action Girl types. Also, she's credited to have voice roles in almost all the Rumiko Takahashi works - just look below.

Since she didn't have many major roles in the 90's and later, Mrs. Shimazu was believed to be retired by many people. That prompted the people in charge of the Zeta Gundam movies to replace her with Yukana, which brought the latter lots of insults coming from the Fan Dumb. Huh.

Saeko Shimazu has performed in the following roles: