Visual Novel/Anime

  • "Anata no banana pyun pyun da ne!" Your banana is so soft and squishy, but yours truly Mayushii!
  • In English, Daru gets Mayuri to repeat something sexual sounding with one word replaced. Made funnier by just how enthusiastically she says it!

Daru: Mayushii? Could you repeat that whole schpiel for me, only this time instead of "gross", say "wet?"
Mayuri: Alright! The gel-nanas are all wet and floppy!
Okabe: Stop it! Stop It!! STOP IT!!!

  • Suzuha introduces herself (to us) in the most over the top way possible: by referencing The Goonies of all things!
  • Anytime Daru points out a Double Entendre made by any of the girls, and he asks them to repeat it in a specific manner.
    • Bonus points if it comes from Kurisu.
    • It's hard not to laugh any time Daru appears on screen with a bleeding nose.
  • Basically, every time Okabe goes off in weird tangents of thought, leaving everyone bewildered.
  • Ruka's introduction definitely counts in Episode 2, partially because of how poetic is sounds, and of course the smash cuts of a panic-stricken Ruka also help:

Urushibara Ruka... Delicate as an orchard, fair as cherry blossom, the personification of feminine grace...and a dude.
Tall as a willow, slender as a reed... a dude.
Radiant in Shrine vestments... dude.
The sun dips into the rosy sky. Cicadas buzz. Ruka... is a dude.

—Okabe's summary of Ruka
  • When Okabe first meets Moeka, she inputs his contact info into her phone, using the name "Hououin Kyouma", but comes out as "Hoboing Coma" instead. In the game, it reads "Ho Owing Yo Ma".
  • What was Okabe's strategy to get information from Faris regarding the IBN 5100? Challenge her to a game of RaiNet, and forfeit immediately. Also:
    • Mayushii: "Well that was a lot of build-up for a whole lot of nothing..."
  • Although inducting Kurisu as a new lab member isn't that remarkable, the Japanese dub has Okabe draw out "Christina" so long that he almost sounds like he's breaking out into opera!
  • Episode 5, while serving a microwaved banana; "Enjoy, I demand it!".
  • Kurisu goes out of her way troll Okabe in Episode 9 by hanging up on him repeatedly when he tries to call her about Faris' D-Mail, until he starts being more polite in his request.
  • Kurisu has a habit of dropping internet slang and memes into her dialogue from time to time, and it never fails to embarrass her every time the other characters point it out.
  • Episode 11: Suzuha's idea of "seduction" being simply whipping her sweater off and tossing it over Mr. Braun's head is laughable at the most basic level.
  • When Mayuri tries to argue that she is grown up, Okabe fires back that the only about her that has grown is her eating habits...
    • ...and her breast-size.
  • Kurisu's tsundere moments. For example, this little gem in episode 12.

Kurisu: I-I'm not... I'm not grateful to you. I'm just being polite...
Okabe: What kind of tsundere is that?
Kurisu: I'm not a tsundere! *shove*

  • Episode 14:
    • "Right now, what you want most is your own personal fork."...look at Kurisu's reaction.

Kurisu: "Screw you future me!"

  • The Gratuitous English makes it even funnier. "My fork" and "my spoon" indeed...
    • Apparently "my fork" and "my spoon" was at some point 2chan slang for "lover" and "friend", respectively. No wonder Kurisu was so pissed with herself.
  • Episode 15:
    • Okabe's reveal of his @channel handle, "Hououin Kyouma", which everybody already knew.
    • Even before the big reveal of the episode, Daru's perverted nature knows no limits when he suggests that Suzuha lends a hand, even suggesting they can both strip down to their unmentionables to combat the heat.
    • Okabe's attempt to communicate with a foreign looking person. Meanwhile, Suzuha is stood behind him bemused, as if she doesn't know what to think.
  • Episode 18: Kurisu recognizing that Okabe is a virgin... only to then expose that she is one herself.
  • Then there's also Okabe's awkward date with Ruka, with Kurisu and Daru watching on.
  • Episode 23: Okabe describing his future self as "an otaku who read too many bad light novels"
    • In the game's true ending, he even describes "Steins;Gate" as the chuuni name he pulled out of his ass.
  • Episode 25: The return of Gratuitous English Okabe, only this time he tries on American airport security. It goes slightly less well.

Security Guard (In English): What's your purpose here?
Okabe (in Japanese): I guess I have no choice... (switches to English) I am mad scientist! United States! Chaooooossss! And invade! *begins to laugh maniacally*
Cut to Okabe being handcuffed

  • "Moeka, would you like us to bring anything back for you?" Her response? "Macadamia Nuts (repeatedly).... anything but that".
  • When Okabe questions Kurisu's driving, she speeds off leaving him at the airport. Cut to Okabe trudging along seemingly exhausted, except:

Kurisu: I just saw you get out of the stupid cab, you big faker!

  • As Okabe and Faris engage in their usual chuunibyou antics, the rest of the gang just disappear off-screen only for the camera to pull back to reveal a cop car parked nearby. The result is that the police overhear Okabe ranting and raving, and they arrest him!
  • IT'S A MOTEL!!!/Are you TRYING to get us KILLED, woman?!?!?!
  • Tsundere Kurisu returns in full force in the Sekimen Hissi no Gossip drama CD, which has her, Faris, and Moeka interrogating Daru about his new girlfriend (which we learned about at the beginning of the feature film), only for the others to take interest in her own feelings towards Okabe, which she is of course in denial about. By the end, Kurisu is so embarrassed by her feelings being exposed, that she almost sounds like she's about to cry from the ordeal.
    • Throughout the whole thing, Faris is just being her usual cutesy self, keeping up her own chuunibyou act for about three quarters of the drama CD.
    • The fan-subbed version of the drama CD has had screenshots from the anime spliced in to match the dialogue can be funny thanks to the selection of stills used.
  • During the movie, Kurisu remembers a cryptic clue about Okabe's disappearance and hurries off to the lab... only to return to her hotel room immediately having realised that she forgot to get dressed!
  • Then there's the genius girl herself picking up what she thinks is a lab coat... only to realise she's holding Daru's underpants!
  • Okarin and Daru are terrified of the prospect of Mayuri and Kurisu cooking for them. So naturally, the first Soumei Eichi no Cognitive Computing short has the girls cooking for them with help from a robotic Upa. They end making chocolate burritos of all things, but when it came to tasting the finished product, Okabe learns that they actually tasted great!
  • In the 3rd Soumei Eichi no Cognitive Computing short, the robotic Upa showcases some potential outfits for Daru and Okabe. When it shows off Okabe's potential outfits, Kurisu becomes so awe-stricken that she's gasping for breath afterwards.
  • In the final short, the robotic Upa finds the perfect accommodations for the lab mems, pleasing Okabe so much that he makes the Upa his companion, going full chuunibyou in the process. The funniest part though is as Okabe lets out his maniacal laughter, the Upa laughs along with him in a similarly maniacal fashion!

My Darling's Embrace

  • Right off the bat, the opening movie just screams "Yeah, this story is cheesy, but it's all good fun; don't take it seriously!"
  • Daru continues his streak of perversion by frequently asking Mayuri to repeat certain things and she complies; Kurisu's responses are the cherry on top.
    • There is one point in the beginning where this routine plays out, with Faris interjecting and Suzuha asking Moeka what they're talking about.
  • At one point, a video plays on the lab's computer depicting Kurisu, Faris, and Mayuri, all in cat maid costumes, fawning over Daru. What makes it funnier is seeing Kurisu's reaction to it.
  • Okabe's dramatic attempt to emotionally break Faris by "pretending" to care about her goes swimmingly, complete with "Assailant" playing in the background...
    • ...only for Faris to be all sweet and innocent and remains completely unfazed by Okabe's ramblings.
    • What sells this scene though is the comedic timing of everything; the dramatic build-up, the music cutting out abruptly, Faris' cutesy mannerisms, and Okabe's humiliation all culminate in our hero making an ass of himself at the hands of Faris Nyannyan.
  • Okabe and Kurisu's non-stop bickering throughout the latter's route, culminating in a massive Big No moment right before the credits.
  • Even with "Darling, You Idiot!" removed, Okabe and Kurisu continue to argue with each other, so what does Mayuri do to make them stop? Slips the gadget back on their wrists and reactivates it!
  • World Line 3.600104 has the Lab Mems form a band for a contest to raise funds for the lab, but for some reason, Moeka is on lead vocals (aka, the one member who barely speaks!). Aside from the first performance being literal ear rape, Moeka didn't even sing a note, texting Okabe the lyrics instead!
  • In Moeka's route, Okabe is taken aback by the state of her apartment. However, even just getting her to clean the place is a sight to behold according to Okabe, thanks in part to her short attention span!
    • When Okabe is forced to in Moeka's closet when another guest arrives (who turns out to be Mr. Tennouji), he starts wiping his face with several handkerchiefs.... only to realise they are actually Moeka's unmentionables! The effort it takes to keep himself from screaming is astounding!
  • After his date with Moeka, she asks him to stop calling her "Shining Finger" because it's uncute. The look she gives him (and by extension, the player) when he asks what to call her instead is pretty amusing.
  • The return of Kurisu wearing the Cat Maid Costume, complete with a pair of ears.
  • Kurisu wound up having too much fun playing the "Hell Maid" at MayQueen during Faris' route; she discovers her colleagues have seen the PV, and have asked her to perform at college functions, cat maid costume and all. This leads to the funniest Cry Cute in the series.
  • Earlier in that route, the Lab Mems gather at Faris' penthouse to discuss ideas to restore MayQueen's clientele. Daru's idea is immediately shot down before he even says a word.
    • Daru hurls a Stealth Insult at Kurisu by telling her that the Hell Maid persona suit her personality quite well. She does not take kindly to it.
  • Daru's script for MayQueen's PV was as narmy as it gets, so much so that everyone complains about the casting before they even read it. The we are treating to some amazing Bad Bad Acting from everyone involved.
    • While everyone's dialogue consists of random things that make no sense with no context, Mayuri's part is accompanied by an extremely crude doodle of a dog wearing a frilled summer hat (i.e., the one she wears normally).
    • Daru's script is so bad in fact that even Mayuri criticises it.
    • Daru even wonders if Suzuha and Mayuri turned "ora ora" in response to their complaints about the script. The girls just start laughing afterwards.
  • During Ruka's route, Moeka will text you about a survey she's conducting. The subject: Top 3 Favorite Coloured Panties!
  • Every time Faris flirts with Okabe, especially if she wears a cheeky cat smile on her face while she does so, making her look incredibly mischievous.
  • Faris asking Okabe to rub her head (accompanied by some adorable whimpering) after he hurts her by pulling on her trademark cat ears, and his reaction to such a request.
  • Upon learning that Okabe is ticklish, Faris and Mayuri gleefully take advantage of this by rubbing medicine all over him.
  • Okabe and Kurisu decide to square off against each other in a shooting gallery to win a Golden Upa for Mayuri. The results were disastrous.
    • The fact that the stall operator happened to be Suzuha - again - she even puts on a funny accent when Okabe and Kurisu begin their challenge.
  • In her route, Suzuha desperately tries to keep Daru from falling in love with her by slinging a barrage of insults in his direction. This backfires though as Daru just goes even more gaga over her!
  • The CG's of Faris and Suzuha kissing Okabe at the end of their routes are funny simply because Okabe looks like he doesn't know how to respond. They overlap as Heartwarming, too.
  • Suzuha and Moeka are set up to play the role of Clumsy Sister/Responsible Sister in Faris' route. Once again though, Moeka's ADD is full display as she tries and fails to tidy the café up for relaunch! By the end, Okabe describes this dynamic as a comedy act.
  • Just the mere fact that Suzuha's route is essentially the plot of the film Back to the Future, which Okabe himself lampshades at least once.
  • The crude drawing of Okabe telling everyone to get ready for the upcoming festival at Yanabyashi Shrine, courtesy of Mayuri.
  • Mayuri cracking up during a photoshoot, thanks to Okabe being awkward.
  • Even Moeka is having fun at Okabe's expense, dragging him back to the site when he tries to flee, to sending a funny picture of him to the others. The subtle smirk on her face adds to the humour.
    • Before that, Moeka envisions Okabe dressed in a reindeer costume, with Daru playing Santa Claus. Unfortunately, we don't get to see it, but just picture what that scene would like!
  • Okabe's dream, which involves Mayuri coming out of the shower wearing her bikini and trying to seduce him. Made funnier by the fact that this is Mayuri we're talking about, aka: the one character you'd least expect to act like this!
  • The scene in which Okabe and Mayuri share their first kiss is no doubt one of the sweetest moments in the game.... followed by severe Mood Whiplash when Mayuri starts to panic over kissing before the third date.
  • Daru making Mayuri repeat something dirty is nothing new, but the cherry on top at the start of Faris' route has both Okabe and Kurisu smack the shit out of him for his troubles!
  • Poor Ruka just seems to find himself in the crosshairs of whatever scheme the Lab Mems cook up, particularly when they suggest he dresses up as a maid.
    • Daru offers to dress as a maid and offers to go by "Darcy Nyannyan", stunning Okabe and Kurisu silent in disgust. That idea gets shot down almost immediately.
    • To get Ruka on board with the guy maid angle, Okabe suggests that Kurisu dresses up as a maid with him, justifying it by saying he would look better than her by comparison. Kurisu's furious reaction afterwards completes it.

Linear Bounded Phenogram

  • Okabe masquerading as "Alpaca Man" in the beginning.
  • Tennouji's story begins with him winning 300 million yen from the lottery. As he stares at the ticket in shock, Nae is trying to peek over his shoulder to get a look at it in one of the franchise's few animated CG's!
  • Faris notices how tight her Chat Noir costume is around a certain area, leading Mayuri to jokingly question if her boobs had gotten bigger overnight. Cue the camera zooming in on Faris' chest!
    • The suggestion gets Daru so excited that one has to wonder how he hadn't passed out with a bloody nose.
    • Then there's Faris acting like a spoilt child when she overheats from wearing her costume, causing her to glomp a guy in an Upa costume forcing Suzuha to drag her away. It's as funny as it is cute.
  • The Lizardmen urban legend turned to be fabricated, but the lizard duo turns out to be Okabe and Kurisu, fully garbed in trench coats, fedora hats, and some impressive lizard makeup. The fact that they both have their own sprites while in Lizardmen costumes makes it even funnier.
  • The robotic replacement for Nae's mother, and the accompanying CG. From Nae's point of view, it's terrifying. From our perspective, hilarious.
    • Tennouji's attempt to find surrogate mother for Nae had spectacular results:
      • Mayuri: more of a big sister.
      • Kurisu: trying too hard.
      • Faris: too strange.
      • Moeka: incompetent.
  • One of the text messages Tennouji can receive is from Moeka begging for his help opening a can! His reply is a stern "Do It Yourself!"
  • As Nae and Daru try to sneak into the lab, Daru unfortunately manages to get his fat ass stuck halfway through the bathroom window, forcing Nae to give him a shove! Happens to him again later, but he'd apparently been stuck for about 8 hours.
  • In "Eternal Polaris", Mayuri decides to flip the script and take Okabe hostage for a day. The look on Okabe's face is priceless. Unfortunately for Mayuri, she's not very good at playing the captor, (bless her for trying though) and her attempt at an evil laugh is more adorable than menacing!
  • There is a CG of Okabe trying to intimidate the Black Hoods by doing karate poses, but he looks more like he's imitating a praying mantis, and it looks hilarious.