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Super Robot Wars W/Trivia

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • The game's primary theme is that of the Big Crunch: after a time, the universe contracts on itself, then is reborn in another Big Bang. Various cultures sent parts of their civilization, such as Galeon and GoLion (as well as the Valstork, Valhawk and the Database) forward in time from previous generations.
  • The Evoluders are a direct offshoot of the Radam: while rescuing his son, D-Boy's father was also able to steal a Tekkaplant and send it to the Cygnus before it fell into a black hole. The crew of the Cygnus used the system to survive the harsh conditions of space and eventually became Evoluders. D-Boy's father's consciousness ends up linked to Jupiter by THE POWER.
  • The GoLion team went to the same training academy as Gai Shishioh and Mikoto.
  • Similarly, the Golion was created by the Trinary Culture (the creators of Galeon), who sent a defender for the Leo Union.
  • Since Earth is not destroyed in World War III, the Golion team heads back to Earth after getting Golion to gain assistance in fighting the Galra. Meanwhile, Honerva and Saki decide to join forces with Dr. Hell in order to destroy them.
  • Mike Sounders the 13th appears earlier in GaoGaiGar's storyline, running off on his own and meeting Mamoru (as well as Kaname Chidori and the Ardygun family) at the Marine World Amusement Park.
  • Instead of hiding out in an alternate dimension, the 11 Masters of Sol place Pisa Sol near Venus, hiding it in front of the Earth's Sun.
  • Seina survives the battle in Tokyo, and eventually joins up with Cagalli Yula Atha's resistance force, along with Quatre Raberba Winner. She finally falls in the defense of ORB.
  • The Radam (and presumably the Evoluders) are proven to be immune to the Zonderization process. The Machine Kings attempt to kidnap Tekkaman Rapier during her escape to find a way around this.
  • This game takes great pleasure in not killing Gai Daigoji: his in-series death doesn't happen at all, due to the episode where he gets Killed Off for Real killed and the following one where Ryoko's squad is introduced being merged into the same mission. He seems to die helping the crew escape to Mars, but comes back during the climatic battle over the ruins to save Akito Tenkawa from Hokushin, along with Tsukumo, who missed his own death due to the fact that, with the changes to the story, Genichiro shot Gai instead (which Gai also managed to survive). Finally, Gai collapses at the end of that mission, apparently not being fully recovered from his wounds, but he recovers from that, too.
  • Fllay Alster survives due to the fact the entire mission objective dealing with Rau Le Crusset transferring her and the N-Jammer Canceller plans to Azrael Murata is to prevent it from happening at all. Thus, she is safely far away from the Battle of Jakin Due when it happens.
    • Also, without the Cancellers, the Earth Alliance instead develops Anti-Matter missiles to use on the PLANTs, instead of nukes. Nice job breaking it, Warter.
  • In order to keep all its members close by, Warter has Kouji Kabuto and the Getter Robo team transfer to Kaname's school. And she thought Sosuke Sagara alone was bad...
    • It gets worse when Bionet uses the "Poniman" incident as a cover to try and kidnap Kaname. Depending on the playthrough, this can be kicked off with a Daimajin getting its butt kicked by Bonta-Kun.
    • Also, Akito decides to spend his downtime running a ramen shop near the school.
    • Kazuma Ardygun doesn't have to go to school, and instead gets Training from Hell from Melissa Mao and Lucrenzia Noin.
  • In this universe, the Shin Getter Robo is built primarily as a check against the Mazinkaiser, just in case it goes berserk when activated.
  • The Jovians are given the Gekiganger 3 discs by George Glenn, mostly as a joke to help keep their morale up.


  • Name's the Same: Meet Gai (Daigoji), Gai (Shishioh), and Gai (Murakumo). Their names are rendered differently from each other.
  • No Export for You: As is rather typical for this franchise. It's a little more surprising here in that every series in the game was licensed for distribution at the time of release, and a couple series (Golion, Orgun and possibly Tekkaman Blade) seem included more to appeal to Americans than any fan demand in Japan (which is particularly non-existent for Golion); idle speculation fomented the idea that this was done to increase overseas appeal, but the game still never crossed the ocean officially.
    • Ironically, it probably had to do with GoLion/Voltron, since there are discussions about the ownership of the series for the American market.
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