The Chronicles of Albion
The Chronicles of Albion is an ongoing Machinomic illustrated with The Sims 2. The series began in October 2009, when the author was trying to read another story on Wordpress and Wordpress refused to let her view the page without a Wordpress account. Since said author already had a Royal Kingdom Challenge going, she decided to open an account and create a blog. Its genre is perhaps best described as Medieval European Fantasy.
The story opens approximately fifteen years after the founding of the kingdom, and the reader is quickly introduced to a cast of characters from all walks of life. Multiple storylines are ongoing at all times, allowing for Rotating Protagonists. However, major storylines often revolve around the nobility and royal family.
This series is ongoing and has no planned ending.
- Aerith and Bob - All over the place. For instance, one family has Lancelot, Guinevere, Galahad, Leona ... and William. It doesn't help that the Arthurian legend, which this story parodies, has a bit of an Aerith-and-Bob-y quality itself.
- Arranged Marriage - Quite a few.
- Mordred and Dindrane (née Gwynedd) Orkney.
- Frederick Ferreira and Clarice de Ganis are currently in the betrothal phase of one of these.
- Bors and Claire de Ganis.
- Morgause and Lot Orkney.
- Big Screwed-Up Family - The Orkneys.
- Calling the Old Man Out - Berach gets a chance to do this to his father; Tommy also does it to Sir Bors.
- Cool Old Lady - Maude Parkinson! Kata Thatcher too, as well as a few others.
- Crystal Dragon Jesus - The Wrightian faith of the characters.
- Death by Childbirth - Isabel Wesleyan. There will probably be more characters as the story continues.
- Double In-Law Marriage - Mordred Orkney is married to Dindrane Gwynedd. Mordred's sister Garnet is betrothed to Dindrane's brother Lamorak.
- Evil Uncle - Inverted, resulting in Morgause as the Evil Aunt to Tommy, Jessie, Kay, and Ravenna.
- Fantastic Racism - In the immortal words of Terry Pratchett, "Black and white lived in perfect harmony and ganged up on green." Skintone isn't an issue in Albion, but woe betide you if you are a Plantsim, Zombie or witch (in countries other than Albion).
- Heir Club for Men - Used throughout Albionese society, where the eldest male son traditionally inherits. However, it is seen most strongly with Sir Bors (his first four children are very close in age, because the first three were daughters). He also forced his wife into a late-in-life pregnancy so that he could have a spare. This results in Unto Us a Son and Daughter Are Born.
- Hooker with a Heart of Gold - Wei-Li, Marigold, Erin, and Tambu all fit this trope to varying extents.
- I Want Grandkids - Cerise Chevaux. She hectors one son into marrying, and the other into patching up his marriage so that she can get more grandkids.
- King Arthur - Much of the story and many of the characters parody the Arthurian legend in some way.
- Limited Wardrobe - Despite the good efforts of the many artists at Plumb Bob Keep and other medieval Sims 2 sites, many of the characters still suffer from this.
- Love Potion - Morgause uses one to seduce Lamorak.
- Multigenerational Household - Common, as it is typical in Albion for the eldest son to remain in his parents' house even after he gets married and has children.
- Our Zombies Are Different - Accolon le Fay arguably falls into this trope. He doesn't eat brains, is rather intelligent, and mostly seems to use his decaying body as a source of jokes rather than any existential angst.
- Prince Charmless - Although he isn't actually a prince, Mordred to Dindrane.
- Really Gets Around - Helena Wesleyan. Even referred to, albeit crossed out, as Town Bicycle under occupation.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians - Dindrane and Margery, however briefly.
- Sibling Triangle - Inverted in the sense that Garnet is in love with Lamorak... who is also being pursued and was once seduced by Garnet's mother.
- Sinister Minister - Brother Tuck seems to be well on his way to becoming this.
- The Mistress - Rosette, for Mordred.
- Tsundere - Clarice to Freddy initially. Luckily, she's pretty much out of her shell by now.
- Vain Sorceress - Morgause Orkney.
- Victorious Childhood Friend - Implied in Will and Jessie's backstory.
- Wizarding School - George Ferreira and Ravenna le Fay attend one of these.
- Would Hurt a Child - Morgause.