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A 1994 martial arts action film starring Cynthia Rothrock, John Miller, and Don Niam. The movie was filmed in the United States, but was a Hong Kong production directed by Godfrey Ho. This film, like many a low budget production, would have faded into obscurity if not for the modern miracle of YouTube. The film's climatic final battle was uploaded onto YouTube, gaining the Undefeatable a reputation as a cult classic.

For the those that are wondering what the movie is about and what leads to the final fight, Kristy Jones (Cynthia Rothrock) is a young street tough looking to make some easy money for her sister's college tuition by participating in underground matches. Kristy's fights catch the attention of police detective Nick DiMarco (John Miller), who decides to cut her a break and help her out in his own way. Meanwhile, a deranged underground fighter known by the nickname Stingray (Don Niam) has pushed his wife, Anna, too far causing her to separate from him. Stingray does not take it well and sets out to find her, kidnapping, raping, and eventually killing any woman who resembles his wife. Nick is on the case, but without any leads. Unfortunately, things take a nasty turn when Kristy's sister also becomes one Stingray's victims. Now Kristy and Nick must team up and find Stingray before it's too late.

Tropes associated with Undefeatable:

  • Action Girl: Kristy. Jennifer and possibly Karen have some action girl in them.
  • Big No: Stingray lets out a narmy one when he finds out Anna has left him.
  • Black Dude Dies First: The first onscreen death is an unnamed black fighter, killed by Stingray. Said victim serves no important role other than to showcase how brutal Stingray is.
  • Blood From the Mouth: How Stingray kills a couple of male opponents.
  • Cowboy Cop: Nick is a mild version of the trope.
  • Cool Big Sis: Kristy to Karen.
  • Clothing Damage: Both Nick and Stingray damage eachother's sleeves. Then they decide to rip off the rest of their own tops and continue the fight.
  • Cute Bruiser: Kristy
  • Dead Little Sister: Kristy's sister Karen.
  • Dead Partner: Nick's partner Mike gets shot in the throat by Stingray.
  • Defeating the Undefeatable: Part of the premise of the film; Stingray proclaims himself to be undefeatable.
  • Dual-Wielding: Kristy is seen practicing with a pair of hook swords.
  • Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting: Just about anyone Nick, Kristy, and/or Stingray encounter knows some form of martial art.
    • Karen also shows some moves, but this could be justifed as she may learned from Kristy.
  • Eye Scream: Stingray's killing method and how Stingray dies.
  • Good Cop Bad Cop: Nick tries this on Kristy after he firsts arrests her.
  • Freud Was Right: A villain with mother issues, whose wife even states "I'm not your mother" in her leaving letter, tears out the eyeballs from women and is ultimately defeated a psychiatrist poses as his wife and then said mother to distract him.
  • Final Battle: The source of the viral internet video.
  • Heroes Want Redheads: Played straight with Nick, but reversed with Stingray since redheads are his target.
  • Hurricane of Puns: After they defeat Stingray by gouging out one of his eyes, and impaling his other one on a warehouse crane hook.

 Kristy: Keep an eye out for ya, Stingray!

Nick: Yeah...! ...SEE ya!

  • Jerk Jock: Bear, a sports-themed fighter who spouts a few sport puns.
  • Karmic Death: How Stingray is defeated.
  • Knife Nut: Stingray pulls one out in the final fight against Nick, complete with Licking the Blade.
    • A robber early in the film bradishes a machete at Nick.

 Robber: [pulls out machete] SUCK MY DICK!!

  • Marital Rape License: This was the final straw for Anna, which caused her to leave Stingray.
  • Only Known By Their Nickname: Subversion; Stingray's real name is Paul Taylor, but is rarely referred to by this name in the film or by the viewers.
  • Overcrank: This camera technique is applied during the close-ups of Nick and Stingray punching eachother in the face.
  • Parental Abandonment: A probable source of Stingray's psychological problems.
  • Precision F-Strike

  Stingray: Anna, if you're hiding, I'll break your fucking neck!!