W.I.T.C.H. (TV series)/WMG

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About the Heart of Kandrakar

  • The Heart of Kandrakar is not a completely positive force. Overuse can lead to madness, and it did for Nerissa.
  • The Heart of Kandrakar is the prison of an Eldritch Abomination. The guardians exist not only to ensure a balance, but also to use the Heart and drain the abomination of energy regularly.
  • The Heart of Kandrakar is The Dark Tower. It's the reservoir of mystical energy for the world at the centre of Infinity.
  • The Heart of Kandrakar is a deposit of Zfylud Crystals. See below.
  • The Heart is a fragment of a supercomputer Lost Logia that was used to create Kandrakar by its founders.
  • The Heart of Kandrakar is a corrupted copy of the Ginzuishou.
  • Candracar exists in a pocket dimension within the Heart itself! Every time the girls go to the fortress they're Folding into the Heart while still carrying the Heart... it's a Mind Screw, granted, but one of the comic specials showed the girls traveling in the Heart itself as test while still believing they were in Candracar.
  • The Heart of Kandrakar was created by Urza or a similarly powerful planeswalker as another (successful) attempt to create a device that allows non-planeswalkers to travel between planes.

The show is somehow connected to Transformers Generation 1.

First of all, the TF:G1 episode "Microbots" features an artifact called the Heart of Cybertron, which grants Megatron enormous power. Secondly, the episode "Call of the Primitives" involves all the Transformers with animal modes going to a mysterious planet at the centre of the universe, which is a source of great power and the birthplace of Unicron. This world may be Kandrakar's surface.

Lillian is an alternate version of Haruhi Suzumiya

The episode "U is for Undivided" shows that Lillian has the same reality-warping powers as Haruhi. They manifest when Matt and Cornelia tell her a story, which is reminiscent of Haruhi.

  • Which then makes Matt an alternate Itsuki, who is driven to keep her from changing reality on a regular basis. By relation => ES Per boys = Regents.

Kandrakar is Balmar

Both have elderly men who are immortal and omnipotent: the Oracle and Keisar Ephes.

  • Like Ephes, the members of Kandrakar's council are essentially immortal, which means they are cut off from the Ide.
  • Both possess crystals of allegedly unlimited power, the Heart and the Zfylud. Worship of the Zfylud requires several priestesses - one senior one (Keeper of the Heart), and lower-ranking ones who are regularly killed. It is possible that Cassidy's death was planned for as one of these "sacrifices" at the hands of Nerissa.
  • Both conscript prepubescent girls into service of doing battle, with the Guardians and Levi Tolar/Mai Kobayashi. In both cases, the girls are artificially aged.
  • Both support an antiquated, arguably feudal system of ruling.

The animated series was made after Will (the comics version) wrote a book of their adventures

In the look-in-the-future scene in the comic, we see that Will did write such a book. The series differences to the comic stem from Adaptation Decay and some gaps in Will's memory that she had to fill. (You can forget a lot in 20 years.)

  • She would naturally want to omit the way her first set of friends in her original town turned on her like rabid dogs. Plus, she gets her guy!

W.i.t.c.h. and Captain Planet share the same Universe.

Gaia was one of the wise ones of Kandrakar, and the rings only filtered powers from the aurameres, which is why they could chose male "guardians"

The Astral Drops Destiny.

Remember the Astral Drops and how they were send away by Himerish? He said they would be called again to serve Kandrakar, and that their physical appearances would change, to be unique. In Teach 2b Witch, it is revealed the existence of more magical people, specially on Heatherfield. My theory?The Astral Drops weren't send away to some random place. They were reincarnated as magical children on earth, with their own families and personalities.

Aang is the Oracle/This world is the distant future of the Avatar world.

First of all, that Oracle looks really like an adult Aang. Second, think about it. It's not about four nation, but it still has the four elements as a main theme. Will, or basically every other person who possesses the Heart of Kandrakar is a new, modern incarnation of the avatar. Instead of bending the four elements, though, (which Will seems to be able to do, at least the very basics, like stopping Irma and Cornelia from attacking each other with water and earth respectively early on in the series) these avatars have mastered "soulbending" or developed a new technique based on it. Former incarnations of the avatar end up in Kandrakar. Not to mention that there are many recurring Asian themes (the four dragons, with the nymph who freed their souls -> soulbending.)

  • Alternatively, Basiliade IS the Avatar world and Aang changed his name to Himerish(Or Himerish is his son)
  • Will's power is technically the power over "Pure Energy" (The TV Series names it "Quintessence", which is actually something different, and Will herself calls it "The Power to Unite", which is just Will sort of making it clear that she's the leader. That, an Will probably watched too much Magical Girl Anime as a kid). This explains Energybending.

All the W.i.t.c.h. are related to C.h.y.k.n.

Well, we know Hay Lin is Yan Lin's granddaughter, now, this is exclusive to the comics: Irma's birth mother is said to have dissapeared, and which former guadian we know dissapeared? That's right, Cassidy was Irma's birth mother. (Either if you consider them to dissapear on the literal sense, or having been killed by Nerissa) Taranee Is revealed to have been also adopted, which opens the possibility for her to be related to Kadma either by her mother's side, or his father's. Cornelia looks awfully a lot like a younger version of Halinor, a great aunt, maybe? and finally Will... she might not look anything like Nerissa, but... Susan does... Will's mother looks * awfully* a lot like Nerissa. She's Will's granny. Remember that Kandrakar is outside of time, so it allows the possibility for Cassidy to be the mother of Irma and the others being from an older generation.

Caleb and Cornelia's dreams.

The reason behind their shared dreams is Cornelia's powers. Cornelia is the Earth Guardian, Caleb is essentially a flower: they were connected trought the Earth Element.

    • Which would explain why they broke up permanently in the comics: the relationship was largely subconscious mind control on Cornelia's part. The visions the Oracle showed them in the Caleb/Cornelia special were to help them work through their issues without revealing too much of their false affection. Still... ouch.

The Season 2 is a dream

The Guardians never woke up in 'E is for Enemy'. Being a Dream Weaver, instead of nightmares Nerissa could give the girls a dream about how they defeated her in their shared dream and then 'woke up' and later defeated her in 'reality'. So, everything we see after this episode is a dream.

Kandor is a Time Lord.

He is a telepath, centuries old and drives a van that is bigger on the inside. Yan Lin died before taking residence in Kandracar, who says that Kandor is not a Time Lord that died, maybe during the Time War, and was ofered a position in Kandracar?

Kandor is the Doctor.

Following the the theory above, Kandor is the Doctor. In fact, he's the Doctor in his last incarnation. Yes, people, he finally is ginger.

Alchemy knew all along about W.i.t.c.h., Elyon, Kandrakar, and etc.

Well, why do you think she has minor appearances?

  • Alternately, Alchemy was a potential Guardian candidate, maybe the Earth Guardian instead of Corny. It's suggested in Season 2 by Luba that Cornelia has her position largely due to her status as the sister of the Heart of Earth and this may have knocked Alchemy out of the running.

W.I.T.C.H takes place in Ireland.

It's an English-speaking country, that uses euros (comics) and that faces sea. They live in Ireland or in another English-speaking country that is part of the Eurozone.

  • Wait, when did the Euro thing happen? Ireland is one of the few possible locations (the other being England, United Kingdom), true. But Euro would seal the deal.
    • Forget it, everyone is driving on the wrong side of the road... Next country!
    • UK is part of the European Union, not of the Eurozone.

Atlantis exists in this universe

No one knows where Heatherfield is, sometimes they use euros and in the next issue they're using dollars, they live next to the sea... Heatherfield is in Atlantis! Why? Rule of Cool.

Instead of being in the Strait of Gibraltar, Atlantis is in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean in this universe and they have decided to use both euros and dollars because of trade-related reasons. Same goes for the language.

Killing someone with Quintessence leaves their spirit in limbo.

Using life force to murder is just so wrong it breaks the metaphysical laws and that's why Cassidy was able to be summoned by Nerissa and be permanently resurrected by the end of Season Two.

The Guardians are immortal.

Because of Xin Jing's gift, Guardians are immortal (Type II or III). The current ones gave up their gift to Maqi, so he could live, but it's possible that they have it once more: using their powers without the gift used to tired them, but now they have the Aurameres inside their bodies without any negative effects...

Matt and Will would have been broken up if the show had continued.

It's hinted in the Fiftieth issue of the comics that the two will one day break up (in a possible future where the girls stop being Guardians, granted). In S is for Self the talent agent was rocking out to Wreck 55 while seemingly unimpressed with the other acts so it's a given that in-universe Matt's band has great potential. Also in the comics Matt's music career has strained their relationship at times and a possible outcome of Season 3 would have had their growing responsibilities cause a mutual (if temporary) break. For the drama, of course.

    • They temporarily broke up twice in the comics, both times due Guardianship-related issues (and the second time it was about to become permanent due Will and Matt issues at saying 'I love you' first), it could happen.

Heatherfield is in the State of Clerville.

When Elyon disappeared for no apparent reason, they called the Interpol. Why taking the case away from the police? Well, when something strange happens in Clerville they always think it's Diabolik preparing a new theft, and they called Interpol because when they called Ginko he deduced it wasn't him (he never harms children). Also, Clerville used to have an unspecified currency later replaced by Euro, and people in Heatherfield acts almost like Italians, exactly as people in Clerville.

The W.I.T.C.H. series takes place in the same universe as Yu-Gi-Oh!.

More specifically, the W.I.T.C.H. series is set in the future (possibly extreme far future?) of the YGO universe. The recent villain Nihila is an Egyptian sorceress whose name was erased from history after her first defeat caused her to become Sealed Evil in A Can. Although the motive wasn't exactly the same, YGO set a precedent for this with what happened to the identity of a certain Nameless Pharaoh. There are also hints that the magic in both series may be the same magic.[1]

Around the time of the New Powers arc when the girls get their upgraded transformations, Will's element/power begins to be referred to as the "power to unite." In the YGO manga, Shadi's first appearance leads to him challenging the Pharaoh to a shadow game to test the unknown power of the Millennium Puzzle. At the end of the 3rd round, the pharaoh boldly declares that the puzzle's power is the "power of unity.[2]" This means that Will's magic is the same power as the Millennium Items. Or at least the same as the puzzle.

The girls' powers are tied to their friendship. When they are united they are strong, and when they are divided their powers weaken. They even manifested the incarnation of their "victory" to defeat Dark Mother. The 4Kids dub makes it impossible to forget that the YGO series relies heavily on The Power of Friendship, and this theme is in the manga too (though thankfully not as blatantly obvious or annoying).

For a place that's supposed to be located in the middle of infinity, Kandrakar is a rather easy place to get to if one has the means. In the YGO universe, anyone with the necessary magic could get into the Shadow Realm from any location. In the W.I.T.C.H. comics, anyone with the proper magic or access to a portal can get to Kandrakar from any location. Kandrakar is the Shadow Realm in A Form You Are Comfortable With. The founders of Kandrakar decided to exploit the accessibility of the Shadow Realm so they could keep watch over all worlds. While they were at it, they changed the Shadow Realm from a dark place that used to be a Fate Worse Than Death[3] into the cloud-filled sanctuary of peace and order that the W.I.T.C.H. girls know it as. This would mean that Kandrakar was founded sometime after the events of YGO, since Yugi and co. had to deal with the full blown horrors that lurked in the Shadow Realm.

Atem might even have direct connections to Kandrakar. The way Kandrakar records its history with pictures on its walls (it's not clear if these images are painted or carvings) is kind of reminiscent of the scenes that ancient Egyptians would portray inside temples and tombs. If Atem helped in founding Kandracar or was even its first Oracle, his Egyptian heritage could have left its influence on the way certain things are done in Kandrakar. Kandrakar is also an afterlife of sorts, since Yan Lin ended up there after she passed on. The other founders could have used magic to specifically bring Atem's spirit to them since he had experience with the Shadow Realm. It could also explain how Will's power to unite is so similar to the power of the Millennium Puzzle, since that was the Millennium Item that Atem was the most familiar with.

  • Jossed by Core of Kandrakar. Kandrakar was created by the Five Nymphs and N'ghala, the Nymph of the Stars, was the first Oracle. However, we don't know how long ago Kandrakar was created from Earth's point of view (time is not the same in all dimensions) and it's possible that Atem was brought to Kandrakar after his death at some point, so he might have been part of the first group of "wise beings" to arrive at Kandrakar.

When Nerissa led her march into Kandrakar, she pointed out the tower to Shagon and stated that despite the name, the place was actually the prison of Kandrakar. Later in the arc where Phobos had swapped bodies with Endarno, it was revealed that the prison cells inside the Tower of Mists change themselves to suit a particular person, much like a penalty game can be different for each person it's inflicted on. The Tower of Mists is filled with the remains of the Shadow Realm's dark power, and each prisoner gets his or her own penalty game inside their cell. There also could be other signs of Kandrakar's once dark nature that haven't been shown yet, as Nerissa also stated there were many more secrets hidden within Kandrakar.

Kandrakar is Kingdom Hearts.

W.I.T.C.H is Disney, and Kandrakar happens to be the center to all worlds. The Runici are against Kandrakar because the Oracle didn't intervene when their worlds were destroyed; the Oracle can see the future, so he/she knew that everything would get fixed without the Guardians.

  • The Hearts of worlds mentioned in the W.I.T.C.H. show are the same kind that are in Kingdom Hearts, only they're avatars of the world's power instead of being sealed behind a door. The back stories for The Verse are even similar in that all the dimensions were one world until Darkness destroyed it, which then became many worlds. The Guardians were formed after the Keyblade Wars with the reasoning that one small group of protectors was better than a larger organization of conflicting individuals with too much power.
  • About the powers of the Oracle: he can communicate telepathically, feel people's emotions and feelings, erase memories and see what is happening in that very moment if he pays attention to it (the more attention he pays to something, the more detailed he can see it, but if he doesn't pay any attention to something then he'll miss it) and possible futures, with no guarantee those futures will come to happen (he stated it himself such after temporary Oracle Phobos Mind Raped Will with visions of a bad future). What the Oracle can see is actually a plot point in many occasions, as many enemies advanced their plots thanks to the Oracle not paying sufficient attention to their hiding places until it was too late, Luba (one of the most important members of the Congregation) thought she could hide her actions from the Oracle only to have a memorable Oh Crap moment when he told her to stop lying, and the new Oracle Yan Lin stated she had no way to see what the Runics were doing as long as they remained in their hideout (but once they left it she found out their plans instantly) and no knowledge or way to look at the Fast World.

Each Guardian takes turns being the Keeper.

Going with the above WMG about the Heart being addictive to the Keeper, it would make sense that no one Guardian would hold it for very long. When the Heart was taken away from Nerissa it wasn't a punishment but a procedure; the Oracle noticed Nerissa was quickly succumbing to the Heart's effects and took action, but Nerissa was too far gone. He acquisition of Hearts isn't just regular megalomania, she's feeding her addiction. This explains why she was only imprisoned twice for murdering Cassidy, the Oracle and her teammates realize she's not entirely in control of her actions but also know she's too dangerous to be free. Trapping her in the dream world was the best they could come up with in the end.

  • According to the comics, imprisonment seems to be the usual punishment. Cedrid and Phobos (between others) were trapped, without magic, in the Tower of Mist.

WITCH's mothers will get magic powers.

That's what the title "Magical Moms" would mean.

  • Jossed. They don't have powers and it's just a sitcom like issue.

Cassidy's element was Fire.

The original comic never mentions neither Halinor's nor Cassidy's elements. However, we figure out that Cassidy became a star which is obviously a fire entity. So Fire as her element seems to fit better than Water.

  • A big hubbub was made about Cassidy's love for water, though. I thought that was a rather clear implication.

WITCH will become jerks as the animated series progresses.

Isn't it obvious that they never got punished of their misdeeds such as covering up Elyon's disappearance and sabotaging Will's mother's document of going back to Fadden Hills?

Alchemy is working for Interpol!

It would seem that Elyon's disappearance attracted the attention of Interpol. They needed someone who can easily be persuaded into keeping tabs on her close friends for information; that's when they got to Alchemy. When Will is sent to the principal's office, Alchemy has planted a wire on her to slip up of why didn't she and the others reported of Elyon's disappearance. Because of the wire, Alchemy and the Interpol found out about their powers and Elyon's identity as the Queen of Meridian. Additional, when Miranda tries to get the police to suspect WITCH, Interpol made Alchemy sell them out by letting the police and Mirinda attack them as part of the gambit to get Elyon back. The plan is successful and Alchemy has successfully managed to get them in one go. It is assumed they when they got inside the school, WITCH and Elyon are taken by Interpol for their actions.

WITCH is in the same universe of Empowered

Thus explaining why two Interpol officers were so confident at facing Vathek: they face monsters and other creatures on a daily basis, even if in Heatherfield's area they're rare enough that Vathek would be an unusual sight or the girls are skeptic about magic in the beginning. It would also explains Cornelia's wish to pass her powers to the next generation of Guardians: she knows what kind of jerkasses are the local superheroes, and doesn't want to become one herself or get involved with them.

Matt is the reincarnation of an ancient hero sent by the Oracle on Earth as a sleeper agent

The New Power saga revealed that Matt actually is a captain among the White Heralds of Kandrakar, yet Orube (another Kandrakar resident) failed to recognize him (and he failed to recognize her, or even to guess she was an alien), he was ignorant of Kandrakar until Will told him about it and we have seen his mother and grandfather many times. The only explanation I can find is that Matt's past life was an hero elevated as one of Kandrakar's White Heralds upon death that the Oracle reincarnated on Earth just to be safe, suppressing his memories until needed.

  1. Wall of Text alert!
  2. In the Viz English translations of the manga at least. Online scans translate the puzzle's power as the "power of trust between friends."
  3. Sure 4Kids originally came up with the Shadow Realm as an alternative to death but it's implied to be a place of torment from which there is no escape unless someone from the outside can release you.