Clerks (animation)/YMMV
These things about Clerks (animation) are subjective - not everyone will agree with all of them.
- Cargo Ship: Jay reports that Caitlin Bree "started making out with the Ferris wheel" in episode six.
- Ear Worm: "My love for you is like a truck, Berserker!"
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Jay and Silent Bob.
- And to a lesser extent, the little girl who buys the cigarettes.
- The Firefly Effect
- Hilarious in Hindsight / Funny Aneurysm Moment: One episode ends with Jay as an old man writing his memoirs and narrating the end of the episode as well as a Where Are They Now? Epilogue - a reference to Stand by Me.
- The epilogue revealed that:
- Dante was married and had moved away
- Randal owned the video store
- Skeeter died in the Vietnam War
- Silent Bob went on to become Senator Robert Blutarsky
- And that Jay had grandchildren
- This was funny because it seemed so unlikely since none of these characters had any drive to do anything beyond their current status, and Jay was an immature stoner who objectified women and seemed unlikely to settle down and have a family.
- Come Clerks II, the only inaccurate part of his monologue is Skeeter's Vietnam death and Silent Bob's senatorship. Dante didn't move away though he's certainly moved out of his mom's house. And with Jay remaining loyal to Justice and converting to Christianity, him being a family man isn't inconceivable anymore. As for Skeeter and Bob, well...
- The Take That against Seth MacFarlane[1] became a lot funnier five years later, when Family Guy had the episode "The Perfect Castaway"...where Peter and his friends get stranded on a desert island and have a gay orgy out of boredom.
- Remember that conversation between Dante and Randal about the Death Star possibly requiring additional independent contractors? Well, it turns out that those additional independent contractors just happen to be Geonosians as pointed out by Word of God in the commentary on Attack of the Clones.
- Fellatio doesn't count as sex, eh?
- The epilogue revealed that:
- Ho Yay: Randal towards Dante.
Randal: Oh, hey Caitlin? Break his heart again this time, and I'll kill you... Nothing personal. |
- Memetic Mutation:
- "Who is driving? Oh my God, Bear is driving! How can that be?!"
- "Nothing can kill the Grimace."
- "You're a cigarette!"
- "It looks like a big bong!"
- "That looks like a big bong!"
- "Now that's the ugliest damn bong I've ever seen!"
- "That looks like a big bong!"
- "... Why are we walking like this?"
- Nightmare Fuel: Before the film proper even starts.
- Retroactive Recognition: Bryan Cranston did additional voices for a couple episodes. According to the commentaries, while recording his parts, he was excitedly talking about this upcoming show he was going to do. (Said show actually premiered half a year before this one, but Cranston recorded his parts before it was a given success.)
- Seinfeld Is Unfunny
- They Just Didn't Care: The people doing the photo shoot for the poster didn't include Jay and rushed the shoot without thinking twice about whether or not he should be there.
- Also every single poster for the film seems to imply that all five characters featured on the posters are "clerks", when only two actually are.
- Too Good to Last: [adult swim] occasionally playing all the episodes just digs the What Could Have Been knife that much deeper.
- Wangst: Lampshaded. Dante does this all the time, to the point where Caitlin comes to visit him specifically because she knows he's probably spent the whole day agonizing over the wedding announcement.
- Back to Clerks (animation)
- ↑ Namely, the contents of his "How to Write Cartoons" book being "Put them on Gilligan's Island and make gay jokes"