Cross Heart is a series of Web Original Yuri Genre Manga by Hikari "AnaKris" Inukai, originally published in Spanish (and partially, English) on Deviant ART. The series follows the story of Haru, a cheerful schoolgirl who finds herself falling in love with her aloof but beautiful schoolmate Kotomi. Simultaneously, Kotomi is losing an uphill battle against some very serious childhood traumas underneath a Stepford Smiler facade. The story is divided into three (or five, depending on how you count) chapters:

  • Cross Heart (2008, 31 pages): Haru and Kotomi, both 15 years old, become friends.
  • Someday (2009, 26 pages): Haru and Kotomi are 17 and heading for a Relationship Upgrade.
  • Breakdown (2010-11, 108 pages): Set about half a year after Someday, this chapter consists of three parts:
    • Part A -- Unheard Feelings: Kotomi struggles with telling Haru that she has to move away.
    • Part B -- The Distance That Keeps Us Apart: Haru tries to deal with the pain in all the wrong fashion.
    • Extra 1 -- Rumors
    • Part C -- The Time That Has Passed: Haru, now 20, is still waiting but starts losing faith in her own feelings.
    • Extra 2 -- Happily Ever After

To call this manga, particularly the last chapter, "Emotional Torque" would be an understatement--there wasn't a single dry eye among the readers back when the final pages were published. The author's current plans for the series reportedly include remaking and translating the two first original chapters in English and publishing the entire series on paper, shipped worldwide.

Tropes found in this manga: