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Discworld II

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

The second Discworld Adventure Game and a loose sequel to the first, with a plot that could vaguely be described as an extremely loose mashup of Reaper Man and Moving Pictures. The game opens as a drunken Rincewind and the Librarian are heading home and passing by the Fools' Guild, where they discover an Assassin has set up some kind of alchemical bomb and try to mess with it. Of course, they fail... if anything, they make things worse as they cause the bomb to detonate in such a way that Death, who was coming to gather up the souls of all the dead Fools, is blown up as well. A day or so later, the Wizards notice that Death has been taken out of commission when one of their comrades, Windle Poons, dies but fails to truly die, instead wandering off as a magic-wielding zombie with a really ticked off attitude.

Rincewind, on grounds of being unimportant, is sent all around Ankh-Morpork to gather up the materials needed for the Rite of AshkEnte. When he succeeds though, they discover Death landed in XXXX and has decided to go on vacation, refusing to get back to the task of reaping souls. So, Rincewind is forced to figure out a solution, which ends up involving him as the temporary replacement for Death and getting Death a role as a "clicky" star because he's sick of people not appreciating him.

Tropes used in Discworld II include:
  • Art Shift: This game was done in traditional hand-drawn animation, while the first game was done entirely different compared to this.
  • Big Eater: Although they are NPC's, some of the wizards (not including Rincewind) follow this. It's even shown that there is food in the beginning part of the game.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Rincewind is, instead of a coward, quite bluntly sarcastic about the whole mess he's involved in.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: The beard will probably be enough of a clue for most players, but many characters assume Rincewind is female on account of his dress.
  • Fetch Quest: Frequently used straight, as is standard for the genre, but defied at one point. Rincewind goes into a lengthy tirade about how he'll be expected to go on such a quest, and eventually demands that the character just hands him over the key. After the character obliges, we discover that the Locked Door was on a false wall and that he could simply have walked around it.
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: It sometimes heads to this direction for its humor.
  • Moon Logic Puzzle: Some of the puzzles have very obscure solutions, although the game gives a lot more help than the original. Perhaps the most triumphant example is getting the bottle from Mrs. Cake so you can finally trap Foul Old Ron's Vile Smell as one of the ingredients for the Rite. You need to listen to how she talks and recognise that she has her precognition switched on, then use a specific order of speech options to always give the right questions to her answers.
  • My Future Self and Me: An easter egg shows Rincewind talking with himself from the first game. And he even lampshades that he's from the sequel.
  • Mythology Gag: Quite a few, even if the character adaptation can be rather... loose. For example, when trying to become the new Death, Rincewind meets a young Susan, currently playing on a certain distinctive swing...
  • No Fourth Wall: Rincewind is fully aware that he is in a video game, and frequently talks directly to the player. Other characters have this too, but to a lesser extent.
  • Out of Character: Ponder Stibbons as a ranting Mad Scientist? Granny Weatherwax getting outsmarted by Rincewind?
  • Running Gag: The characters often say Rincewind's name the wrong way.
  • Shout-Out: Many. For example, the Rite of AshkEnte is portrayed as using the Day-Oh song, and the ending is a parody/reversal of King Kong.
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