Fairly English Story/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Angst? What Angst?]] - While Minato may pull the [[Deus Angst Machina]] card every now and again, he's actually very well off considering.
** {{spoiler|[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6294680/1/Stay_Awake_With_Me Turns out he's lying.] }}
* [[Alas, Poor Villain]] - {{spoiler|Hermit}}
* [[Badass]] - Many, Many times.
** [[Back -to -Back Badasses]] - {{spoiler|Minato and Shinji against the Lover's army of zombie Shadows. It also happens whenever Minato and Naoki team up.}}
*** As of the sequel, {{spoiler|Naoki and Yukiko, [[One -Scene Wonder|Funky Student]] and Kanji, and Kenji with Jun, although they were completely outclassed by [[Code Geass|Rio]] }}
** [[Badass Boast]]
** [[Badass Abnormal]] - Everyone once they learn new tricks to their Personae.
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** [[Badass Bookworm]] - Minato, but the Reaper seems quite eloquent too. [[Real Men Wear Pink|Jun definitely qualifies.]]
** [[Badass Cape]]
** [[Badass Creed]] - [[Doctor Who (TV)|No Second Chances.]] {{spoiler|[[He Who Fights Monsters|That's the kind of monster I am.]] }}
** [[Cultured Badass]] - The Reaper.
** [[Took a Level Inin Badass]] - Junpei, Shinji, Ken, {{color|white| Kenji}}
*** Strega are much more effective in this story too.
** [[Dare to Be Badass]] - Minato often calls people onto this. Got it himself a couple of times.
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** [[Diagnosis From Dr. Badass]] - Minato's pretty decent at diagnosing his own injury's, then shouting at Yukari to hurry up and heal him.
** [[Underestimating Badassery]] - Everyone who fights Minato for the first time underestimates him. ''Everyone''. Even if they know he's a Badass.
* [[Crazy Awesome]] - The fic starts off pretty standard, but then it gets pretty obvious what [[Warhammer 4000040,000|the]] [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|author's]] [[Shinji and Warhammer 40 K (Fanfic)Warhammer40K|been]] [[Fullmetal Alchemist|studying.]]
** Minato's pretty insane himself, but full of awesome.
* [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]
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* [[Nightmare Fuel]] - {{spoiler|How the author goes into ''GREAT'' detail about how Nyarlathlotep destroys most of Minato's Personae falls greatly into this trope.}}
** When Minato gets scared, you'll know it, because the Narrator keeps narrating through the fear. It get's really bad when he's scooping his lungs up off the floor and running for his life while under Panic.
*** Minato got charmed at one point. [[Super -Powered Evil Side|Now]] [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown|that]] [[Not Brainwashed|was]] [[Break the Badass|bad.]]
* [[Rated "M" for Manly]] - Played straight and inverted. It's a very intellectual story, but the guns are huge and destructive, every other character is badass to some degree, and lots of things go boom.
* [[Replacement Scrappy]] - Averted HARD. {{spoiler|Shinji's development after Akihiko's death is flawless.}}
* [[Shocking Swerve]] - [[Averted Trope|Gloriously Averted.]] One of the best and most unexpected [[Mind Screw|Mind Screws]] in all of fanfiction that ''wasn't'' a complete [[Ass Pull]]. The [[Fridge Logic]] behind it only leaves you even more speechless.
* [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys]] - Mitsuru. [[Defrosting Ice Queen|She gets better though.]]
** Kenjamin too.
* [[Tragic Monster]] {{spoiler|- Hermit}}
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[[Category:Fairly English Story]]

Latest revision as of 17:39, 11 April 2017